I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 809: Iron Hammer with Sword Intention

Qin Shu looked along the lines of the golden stones, but before she could figure out what the pattern was, the lines were broken.

Qin Shu thought of Sen Yao Zhenren's identity, and suddenly realized that this might be a formation.

She walked forward with an iron chisel, followed the direction of the lines, and chiseled all the way.

Wen Chi also saw Qin Shu's intention, followed and helped to find the lines of the golden stone.

Although the two were not slow, they did not have gold spiritual roots and could not accurately locate the position of the golden stone.

Just as the two were groping for it, the giant ape suddenly called them.

The two turned their heads and saw the giant ape pointing to a stone on the top of his head and said, "Here."

Wen Chi was closest to it, so he jumped over first, raised his hand to shovel the stone on the top of his head, and indeed found the golden stone.

Wen Chi raised his hand and rubbed the giant ape's head, "Not bad, brother! Can you sense other stones?"

The giant ape did not speak, but pointed to the next one with action.

With the help of the giant ape, they were able to find the pattern much faster.

After half an hour of hard work, the entire pattern above their heads fell into their eyes.

The pattern was very complicated. Looking up, it looked like a pair of eyes wrapped with complicated flower vines, with the pupil half exposed from the center of the pattern. Qin Shu raised her hand and touched the position of the pupil, but did not find any mechanism.

She sighed and suddenly missed Senior Brother Kong Shen.

None of the three of them knew the formation. Her "Compendium of Formations" was almost torn apart. She might not be able to fully understand the pictures and texts on it, but she could still remember what it looked like.

None of them could match this pattern. What kind of pattern was this?

She touched her chin and fell into deep thought. After a moment, she suddenly thought of something.

Yes! Isn't Master Sen Yao in her sea of ​​consciousness? Wouldn't she know if she asked in person?

She ran to the sea of ​​consciousness and looked around, only to find that Master Sen Yao had fallen into a deep sleep.

She frowned and wanted to wake him up, but found that he still had no signs of waking up.

It was not until Qin Shu frowned and left the sea of ​​consciousness that Master Sen Yao, who was in deep sleep, slightly opened one eye and glanced at Qin Shu's back as she left.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and met the two pairs of bright eyes of Wen Chi and the little monkey, and finally sighed helplessly, "I have never seen this formation before, how can I break it!"

As she spoke, she casually stuck the iron chisel in her hand into the ground.

However, the accident came so quickly.

In an instant, the golden stones suddenly lit up, and the pair of golden eyes wrapped by the flower vines seemed to open, and it was facing the position where Qin Shu inserted the shovel.

Qin Shu looked at the light and shadow on the ground, and instantly came back to her senses and picked up the ground.

She pulled up the iron chisel on the ground and started digging in the light and shadow.

After a while, her chisel hit something hard.

She was delighted, and her hands worked harder.

After a while, a golden box appeared in her field of vision.

The corners of Qin Shu's lips slowly rose, and she became happy.

Although she didn't understand the formation very well, it didn't matter, she still had luck.

Wen Chi and the little monkey came over and watched Qin Shu's movements eagerly.

Qin Shu didn't hesitate, squatted down and opened the golden box directly, and saw a small piece of map in the box.

The edge of the map was faintly golden, and Qin Shu was very satisfied.

Not bad, everything was obtained without much effort.

She took out the map and put it together with other maps. The map now was much larger than the one she got at the beginning.

There was only one piece left on the edge of the corner. If the whole map was obtained, it was estimated that the body of Master Sen Yao would appear.

She looked down at the wooden box on the ground again and found it was empty.

Qin Shu frowned even more, "Hide it so deep and only hide a map? It's a waste of all these arrangements."

Wen Chi glanced at her, "You have dug so many red heart demon eyes and you forgot?"

Qin Shu shut up. The red heart demon eyes are also good. This cave has been dug up by them. It is enough for her to go back and exchange for points.

As for the remaining ones, there is no need to dig them anymore.

Their time is much more important than these red heart demon eyes.

"Let's go. There is still a water attribute area to go. We have to hurry up."

The water attribute area is what the water spirit root cultivator entered at the beginning. Maybe the map has already fallen into the hands of others.

There was no mine cart to sit on when going out. Qin Shu carried one in each hand and rushed madly in the mine.

I don't know how long they ran, and a white light appeared in front of them.

"It's the exit!"

However, Qin Shu had just run out, and she didn't expect to be greeted by a huge sword blade.

The golden sword blade actually contained a trace of sword intent.

Sword cultivators who have comprehended sword intent are very rare in the entire cultivation world, but they didn't expect that they would be lucky enough to meet one.

Qin Shu's subconscious action was faster than her brain's reaction. She let go of Wen Chi and the giant ape, pulled out a huge iron hammer, and smashed it back.

At the moment when the iron hammer shadow collided with the golden sword blade, it could be clearly seen that the golden light blade was smashed into pieces by the iron hammer shadow.

At this time, Wen Chi had already grabbed the giant ape's arm, and without seeing clearly how he used his strength, the two of them landed lightly on the flying boat that appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the protective cover on the flying boat opened, and the flying boat instantly accelerated and flew towards the distance.

This was the tacit understanding between their senior brothers and sisters. Wen Chi knew that the man was no match for Qin Shu, so the two of them would help her share part of the tracking manpower if they ran away.

As soon as Qin Shu made this move, the other party made a sound of surprise.

He originally thought that this person was a Dharma cultivator, but he didn't expect that he actually used a hammer as a weapon.

This is normal. There are indeed many weapon refiners here. If the other party is a high-level weapon refiner, it is indeed inappropriate for him to take action rashly.

But what surprised him even more was that the hammer swung by the opponent actually contained a hint of sword intent?

This was the first time he encountered Iron Hammer as a sword wielder. Could it be that the opponent was also a sword cultivator?

His figure floated several feet back. When other monks appeared beside him, he seemed to have regained some confidence.

"Put down what you got in the cave, and we'll let you go."

Qin Shu carried the big hammer and laughed loudly, "Let me go? Hahaha... You are really bragging. Why don't you put down the things you got in the secret realm and I let you go?"

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