I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 810: Put it in the next way out

As soon as Qin Shu said this, the faces of the people standing opposite quickly darkened.

Qin Shu has been avoiding direct confrontation in the past few days. Logically speaking, she can run away this time, but it is rare for her to meet a swordsman with sword intention, and she suddenly doesn't want to run away.

The muscles in Qin Shu's arms gradually tightened, and she swung the hammer again.

As the hammer was swung out, her whole body was carried out with the force of the hammer flying out, and she was hit towards the opposite side like a meteor.

At the moment when the strength of the hammer was about to run out, she mobilized her body skills again, and her arms instantly exerted force.

This way the swinging hammer can avoid losing most of its strength in the air. What is swung this time is not a virtual shadow, but a real hammer.

The sword cultivator on the opposite side also resisted immediately. His sword move was smashed again, but his figure floated to one side like a swimming dragon.

He knew that he was no match for the person opposite him. This person was superior to him in terms of cultivation and understanding of swordsmanship.

He glanced around with a dark face, "Why are you still standing there? Are you waiting for me to defeat and be defeated one by one by him?"

As soon as he said this, he seemed to have reminded the other monks, and everyone sacrificed their swords and magic weapons.

The golden spirit root is the most aggressive, and precisely because of this, the metallic territory is also the most bellicose.

The monks who are ambushing here are not easy to mess with when they go out.

Now everyone is taking action together, and there are about ten people involved. Including this sword cultivator, there are two Nascent Soul stages in total, and the other eight people are all Golden Core stage cultivators.

However, Qin Shu seemed not to pay attention to these people. Her eyes did not fall on anyone else, but just stared at the swordsman.

The sword cultivator looked ugly and could only rely on his body skills and sword moves to resist.

Although he seemed to be able to catch it almost every time, he knew that he had tried his best with the next move, but the other party didn't know whether he had tried his best.

He didn't know how long he could hold on, so he just begged this person not to go crazy and just chase him.

Seeing that the moves of other monks were about to fall on Qin Shu one after another, the sword cultivator's eyes just showed a little joy, and he saw that Qin Shu did not make any movement to resist, just like this, he was able to withstand everyone's moves with only the strength of his body. .

At this moment, the entire canyon became quiet.

The moves of the eight Golden Core Stage monks plus the move of this Nascent Soul Stage, this person did not even make a single move, and only relied on his physical body to resist.

Seeing her unharmed appearance, no one dared to take action rashly.

This person is either an individual cultivator, or he has some defensive magic weapon on him.

No matter what the possibility is, if their attacks don't work on others, how can they fight?

When the sword cultivator saw this, he immediately shouted: "Stop hiding your clumsiness! Attack with all your strength! Otherwise, when I am defeated, you will not be able to resist!"

Qin Shu looked at their expressions that seemed to be uglier, and laughed again, "If you rob someone randomly on the road, you have to be prepared to be hacked. How can you get the benefits without taking the risks?"

Her sharp eyes swept over everyone around her, and then she said to them: "Keep your life money, if the price is right, I will let you go."

As soon as she said this, someone was moved.

There is a proud man of that day who broke through the golden elixir stage at a young age. He didn't want to lose something in the secret realm for such a small thing, so he took out what he gained in the secret realm and handed it over.

"Fellow Taoist, I got a piece of innate golden meteorite here. Now I will give it to you. I also ask you to put it in the next way of life."

Qin Shu looked at the golden stone brought to her, took it and weighed it with her hands, raised her eyes and gave a mocking smile, "You want to get rid of me with just one stone? Or do you think your life is so worthless?"

When the other party saw her like this, he was frightened and immediately took out a few more spiritual plants.

"What about these sixth-grade fairy grasses? Senior, there really is nothing good about this junior."

Qin Shu swept around the spiritual plants and collected them. For her, the spiritual plants were still very useful.

What's more, the sixth-grade fairy grass is indeed pretty good.

"You go."

The man was immediately overjoyed and saluted Qin Shu, then slowly stepped back three steps, turned around in an instant and sped away without looking back.

But Qin Shu really did not take action against him as she promised.

Others saw that some external possessions could really buy their lives, so they all took out the treasures and gave them to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu was not a murderous person originally. She just wanted these people to feel the feeling of having their hard-earned good things taken away.

Treat others with their own treatment and see if they dare to rob again next time.

In the end, Qin Shu almost let his dream go.

Only the sword cultivator who was being chased by Qin Shu was left. Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and suddenly said: "I heard that sword cultivators are all strapped for money? You don't have anything good to buy your own life, do you?"

The man felt as if he had been stabbed in a painful spot, and his face suddenly turned red.

Qin Shu looked him over from head to toe, "Is it possible that you have been in the secret realm for so long and still haven't been able to find anything good?"

The man pursed his lips and said nothing. Qin Shu raised her feet and walked towards him.

The sword cultivator subconsciously wanted to retreat, but was trapped in place by Qin Shu's backhand.

The fingertips holding the hilt of his sword turned a little white, and Qin Shu raised her feet and came to his side.

After circling around him, his eyes finally fell on his storage ring.

"If you don't have anything good, I'll give you your sword to buy your life." Qin Shu said.

The man said in a stern voice, "My sword is my life! Don't push me too far! If I fight to the death, you won't feel good."

Qin Shu naturally understood that although this man was not her opponent, he was also in the Nascent Soul stage. If he really wanted to drag her down with him, she wouldn't feel good.

Qin Shu glanced at the sky. The time here was faster than outside, and it was about to get dark.

She had to rush to the water attribute area as soon as possible. Her eyes fell on the man in front of her again, and she said, "Since you don't have anything good to buy your life, I can only leave you here."

She raised her hand and superimposed two more lines of prison on the ground. The three formations were linked together, and one move affected the whole body.

This is what she has just learned in the past two days. Maybe it won't trap him forever, but he won't be able to get anything else in the secret realm this time.

Qin Shu glanced at the horizon, locked onto the direction where Senior Brother Wen Chi left and chased after him.

At this time, Wen Chi suddenly stopped the flying boat.

He raised his hand and put it on the little monkey's shoulder, chuckled, and said, "It seems that our brothers have become someone else's prey now."

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