I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 865 Digging a Separation Zone (1/2)

Chapter 865 Digging an isolation zone

Qin Shu frowned and thought for a moment, then raised her fists towards Elder Qingyu and said, "Elder, we are just wasting our time by guessing. If you have anything to discuss with me, you might as well tell me directly. ?”

Elder Qingyu stared at Qin Shu's face for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Since my little friend said so, I will speak frankly. When you met Xiao Cheng, she was affected by the mist of Tianxiang. You must be aware of the poison, right?"

Qin Shu liked this kind of undisguised communication. After hearing the words, she nodded slightly and said: "I noticed that there was some kind of toxin in her body, but I first came to Nanzhou and I didn't know what the spirit of this place was." Plant attribute..."

Elder Qingyu nodded slightly and continued: "Since my little friend has such ability, why not also show it for me?"

Qin Shu responded and raised her hand to place on Elder Qingyu's wrist.

At this glance, Qin Shu discovered it.

Elder Qingyu actually had the same poison as Qingcheng. She frowned and said, "Are you also poisoned by Tianxiang Mist?"

Elder Qingyu nodded slightly, "It's not just me, almost everyone in our Qingcheng tribe has been poisoned. The difference is just the degree of poisoning."

"Every year Tianxiang Mist is open, it has a five-year dormancy period, but in the year it is open, it will attack indiscriminately and release a toxin all the time."

Qin Shu was a little puzzled after hearing what he said, and asked him: "Elder Qingyu, with all due respect, since the fragrance and mist in the sky are poisonous, why don't you just move to another place?"

Elder Qingyu smiled bitterly, with a bit of helplessness on his face. He explained: "This place seems to be vast but it is dangerous everywhere. There are either more powerful plants in other places or they have been occupied by other tribes. Relatively speaking, There is only one Tianxiang Mist outside our Qingcheng tribe, and it is still dormant most of the time, which is already very good. "

Qin Shu asked again: "Have you ever thought about completely getting rid of this Tianxiang Mist?"

Qingyu sighed again, "Why don't we want to? But you have also seen that Tianxiang Wuyu's defense is very powerful. We can't break its defense at all, so how can we hurt it?"

Qin Shu thought for a while, she might have a way, but she was not sure if she really did this, whether the Tianxiang Mist would jump over the wall.

Qingyu looked at her hesitant expression and asked directly: "My dear friend, do you have any good ideas? Just tell me."

Qin Shu sighed, "What's a good idea? I just wonder if I can... consider... using fire?"

Qingyu was stunned when he heard this, and Qin Shu shook her head, "But I thought again, the spiritual plants here are next to each other. If a fire attack is used, I'm afraid the entire jungle will be affected, and it may be difficult to end."

Qingyu also shook his head, "My little friend, Xiang Mist has lived for tens of thousands of years that day, and he is not afraid of ordinary fire."

Qin Shu thought of the fire from the center of the earth that she had refined in the past, and felt that she should be able to deal with it.

She looked at Elder Qingyu again and said seriously: "Fire, I can think of ways. But I can't guarantee that after it is ignited by fire, it will not ignite other spiritual plants around it."

The temperature of her inner earth fire is so high that if it really catches fire, the entire South Continent will be turned into scorched earth.

If it really comes to that point, she will become the sinner of the entire South Continent, which is not what she wants to see.

Elder Qingyu did not answer Qin Shu immediately this time. Instead, he thought deeply for a long time before saying, "Little friend, can you really find fire?"

Qin Shu didn't speak, she just snapped her fingers in front of him, and a cluster of white flames ignited on her fingertips.

The scorching temperature spread instantly. Elder Qingyu felt the temperature coming from the tip of his nose, and his whole expression changed.

He immediately made a decision and said: "Our ancestors left behind a formation. If this formation is set up, it may be able to trap it for a while."

Qin Shu did not agree immediately, but confirmed with him again: "Elder Qingyu, you must think clearly, there is no turning back when you shoot a bow."

Qingyu gritted his teeth and finally decided to give it a try.

"Try! Then I will use the clan's magic weapon to suppress it. I think it will last longer."

Qin Shu agreed this time and gave them a constructive suggestion, "Maybe... you can dig an isolation zone."

"Isolation zone? What is that?" Elder Qingyu said.

Qin Shu told him carefully what the isolation zone was and how to dig it.

Elder Qingyu understood what he was saying, and the look on his face was extremely satisfied, "Yes, this method is very good! I will arrange for someone to dig it tomorrow!"

After saying this, he suddenly thought of something else, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and said to Qin Shu: "Little friend, there is one more thing."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Qin Shu had already guessed most of it.

As expected, I heard Elder Qingyu continue to say: "I wonder if you can trouble me to detoxify the children of my clan? Our clan will definitely not let you suffer in vain. Every time a child is cured, I will give you a pot of pure jade brew. What do you think?"

Pure jade wine? Qin Shu was really impressed by this thing.

I also saw it in the original "Kyushu Yinzhi". Qingchun Jade Brewing is a good product brewed by the elves. Every sip has the effect of purifying the mind. It is very popular in the entire world of immortal cultivation, but... it is extremely rare.

The elves treasure their wine very much, and they keep it for themselves and rarely sell it to others.

Qin Shu agreed immediately. It had nothing to do with the pure wine. Even if the Qingcheng tribe didn't give her anything, she would still help them detoxify.

As for how to detoxify, there are many ways, and she doesn't have to do it herself!

Doing it herself is very inefficient. It will take a long time to cure all the elves in the Qingcheng tribe.

As for other methods... As an alchemist, she naturally has to make pills.

The detoxification pills in the world of immortal cultivation are very effective. She will improve it a little bit. When refining it, she will inject some of her own wood spirit into it. The effect will definitely be better.

After sending Elder Qingyu away, Qin Shu took out the lantern fruit with her backhand.

Her fingertips gradually lingered with a faint purple spirit. As her fingertips moved slightly upward, a black object was pulled out of it.

Her movements were very slow. As the black object was pulled out bit by bit, Qin Shu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Until the black fragment fell into her palm, Qin Shu finally couldn't help laughing out loud.


Who would have thought? Everything is so simple?

Originally, the head master probably didn't think of it when he gave her the so-called immortal weapon? She actually found so many fragments so quickly?

Originally, when she heard the snake say one thousandth, she was so desperate, and now she is so happy.

She put away the black fragment with her backhand, and moved her body to return the lantern fruit.

If she didn't return it, when the child woke up tomorrow and found that the lantern fruit was gone, wouldn't he cry? Then he would be guilty.

After returning the lantern fruit, Qin Shu sat cross-legged, took out the alchemy furnace and started to make pills.

If the alchemy furnace was not limited, she would have no problem refining more than ten or twenty furnaces of the grade of detoxification pills in one go.

But even so, the three alchemy furnaces in her hand were enough.

Her action of refining the pills was very fast. When it was bright, Qin Shu had already refined nine furnaces of pills.

She stretched, packed all the pills, opened the door and walked out.

When she found Elder Qingyu and handed him three porcelain bottles, Elder Qingyu was also confused, "What is this?"

Qin Shu replied, "Detoxification pills."

Elder Qingyu was even more shocked, "This is... the legendary pill?!"

Qin Shu: "?"

She asked back in a voice even more surprised than Elder Qingyu, "Don't you have any here?"

Elder Qingyu shook his head, "Yes, but they are all treasures in the bottom of each tribe. In our entire Nanzhou, whether it is the elves or the dwarves, no one can make pills, and the pills can only be bought from the outside world."

Qin Shu felt more and more that it would be okay for her to stay here for a while...

There are things she wants here, and she can also make pills to exchange with the elves and dwarves.

The dwarves are good at refining, and the elves are best at identification.

If I exchange the magic weapon and let the elves identify it... go back and sell it in Nishang Pavilion...

I guess the second owner can directly take the position and replace Senior Brother Wen Chi.

Qin Shu handed over the pill bottle in her hand and said, "Elder, there are a total of ninety pills in these pills. You can give some to the children of the tribe to see the effect first. If the effect is not good, I can still improve it."

Her words surprised Qingyu even more.

It was already more surprising that she took out ninety pills casually, and she could still improve it? !

"Are you an alchemist?" Elder Qingyu asked.

Qin Shu smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Elder Qingyu was more relieved. She was an alchemist, and a relatively powerful one. Their tribe must be saved.

It doesn't matter if they can't solve the Tianxiang mist. As long as they can detoxify, their tribe can fight against the Tianxiang mist.

As for the raw materials for alchemy...it doesn't matter. The most in their Nanzhou is spiritual plants.

Qingyu directly asked Qin Shu to list the spiritual plants needed, and he asked the children of the tribe to find them for her.

Qin Shu didn't be polite to them. Although she prepared a lot of spiritual plants, there will always be a time to use them up.

If they can provide herbal medicine continuously, then she can refine as much as she wants.

Qin Shu's pills were distributed quickly, and Qin Shu also made slight adjustments based on the effects of everyone's use.

The detoxification effect of the pills was more significant, and it was precisely because of this that Qin Shu's status in the entire Qingcheng tribe was significantly improved.

Qin Shu was refining pills that day, and a little elf came to her door.

Qin Shu's "One Mind, Three Uses" had long been refined to perfection. She could talk to the little elf outside the door while refining pills, "Why are you here?"

The little elf looked at her movements curiously outside the door, but was hesitant to come in.

"I'm here to give you something." The little elf whispered.

"Oh?" Qin Shu asked back, "What is it?"

The elf pursed his lips, took out a lantern fruit from his pocket, and finally handed it out, "I heard that you like to play with this? This is for you."

Qin Shu looked at his outstretched hand and laughed, "How can you give it to me if you don't come in?"

The elf shook his head and put the lantern fruit on the inside of the threshold, "I'll just put it here. Elder Qingyu said that we can't go in and disturb you."

Qin Shu glanced at the lantern fruit on the ground and suddenly asked, "Your name is Qingguo, right?"

The elf nodded, "Yes."

Qin Shu said again: "You are not here to make trouble, you are here to help. I have a lot of pills to pack, and I can't handle it alone. You can help me."

Qing Guo's eyes lit up, and his tone was a little excited, "Can I really do it?"

Qin Shu responded, "Of course you can, come and help me, I will talk to Elder Qingyu."

Qing Guo was very happy, and this time he didn't care about Elder Qingyu's instructions, and walked in directly across the threshold.

He also bent down and picked up the lantern fruit he had put on the ground and sent it to Qin Shu. Qin Shu took the lantern fruit and injected a little spiritual energy, and the lantern fruit emitted a faint light.

She looked very happy, and handed a fan to Qing Guo, "Help me fan the fire."

Qing Guo knew the importance of these pills to the entire tribe, and felt that he was entrusted with an important task, and the whole person became excited.


Time flies, and in just half a month, the poison of the entire Qingcheng tribe was almost cured.

At this time, Qin Shu still had a lot of pills left in her hand. She wanted to exchange them for something, so she went to ask Elder Qingyu if there was any reliable way.

Elder Qingyu thought for a while and finally told her, "We will go to the Chaolu tribe next month, and you can go with us then."

At this point, Elder Qingyu hesitated again.

Qin Shu understood what he meant. He was afraid that he would just leave like that. Tianxiang Mist was still a big trouble for them.

Qin Shu spoke directly and gave him a reassurance, "Elder, don't worry. Since I promised to help you, I will not leave until the dust settles."

Elder Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great! My friend, you are really the benefactor of our Qingcheng tribe!"

Qin Shu scratched his head. In fact, he was not a benefactor. It was mainly mutual benefit.

One month is neither long nor short. Qin Shu practiced and refined pills at the same time. It was not that she did not want to concentrate on refining pills, but she was mainly afraid that the Chaolu tribe could not eat so many.

After a month, her storage ring was full of pills.

She not only refined detoxification pills, but also common pills such as Peiyuan Pills and Fengxing Pills.

The more common pills are, the more they are needed by the public.

She sorted out all the pills, closed the door and walked towards the gate of the Qingcheng tribe.

There were many elves from the Qingcheng tribe waiting at the gate of the tribe. When they saw Qin Shu coming, their eyes became much more eager.

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