I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 866: It is not advisable to travel at night (1/2)

Chapter 866 It’s not appropriate to rush at night

"Master Qin."

"Master Qin."

The voices of greetings came one after another. Qin Shu asked them not to be so polite at first, but they insisted on doing so.

It was said that the elders had specifically warned him not to lose his etiquette.

Qin Shu could only let them go, so she just smiled and nodded in response to their greetings.

When Elder Qingyu saw Qin Shu coming, he said to Qingyin who was leading the team: "Qingyin, it's time to go. This is Master Qin's first time going to the Chaolu tribe. Please take care of her more on the way."

Qingyin responded, glanced at Qin Shu again, and asked, "Master Qin, are you ready to go?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, and then Qingyin raised her head and shouted to the entire elf team: "Let's go!"

The elves all have wings and can travel very quickly.

Originally, Qingyin was worried that Qin Shu would not be able to keep up with them, but as they flew hundreds of miles away, Qin Shu still followed them steadily, and she felt relieved.

At the same time, he was even more impressed with Qin Shu.

Qin Shu didn't know what Qingyin was thinking. She happened to see a spiritual plant in the jungle at this time, and it was a very rare seventh-level spiritual plant.

She stepped forward with a jade shovel to dig. As soon as the shovel dug down, she found someone behind her.

Qin Shu looked away and found that the person who came was the Qing Cheng whom she had rescued from the suburbs.

"Green orange? You go first, don't worry about me, I will dig up this spiritual plant and catch up." Qin Shu said.

Qingcheng also squatted down beside her, she seemed a little nervous, and the little wings behind her flapped faster.

"Master Qin, can I... help you dig it?" Qing Cheng asked in a low voice, as if he was afraid of being rejected by her.

Qin Shu only focused on this seventh-level spiritual plant at this time, but she didn't notice her little mood and just rejected her casually.

"No, I'll dig it up soon."

Qin Shu moved very quickly, and it didn't take long to dig out the spiritual plant as she said.

As soon as she stood up and turned around, she saw Qingcheng standing beside her with his head lowered, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Qingcheng, what's wrong with you? But what grievances have you suffered?"

Qingcheng heard her voice, raised her head, met Qin Shu's probing gaze, and said hesitantly: "Master Qin, I...I have thought about it, but I still feel bad..."

Qin Shu looked at her. She didn't dare to look at Qin Shu, and her head hung down.

"That day when I brought you back to our tribe, I had other thoughts...but our tribe is deeply troubled by the poison of Tianxiang Mist. After so many years, this is the first time I have seen someone who can cure this poison. So..." The more Qingcheng spoke, the lower his mind became.

Qin Shu glanced at her and smiled, "Don't blame yourself, I already knew it."

Qingcheng's little head raised up instantly, "Huh? Do you know?"

Qin Shu nodded, "You can guess with just a casual guess. When I first came to your tribe, I had a very tough attitude. Later, I entered your tribe with you so easily... Later, Elder Qingyu came to find you. I talk..."

Qingcheng is now more than 130 years old. Even if he lives in the jungle, it is impossible for him not to pay attention to this after a hundred years have passed.

From the moment Qin Shu entered the tribe with her, she was waiting for them to come and talk to her.

The two were talking when suddenly a voice from afar came over, "Don't fall behind, the jungle is very dangerous, and lone people may become nourishment for these plants at any time."

Qin Shu responded, quickly put away the jade box and jade shovel, raised her feet and chased after him.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to say hello to Qing Cheng, "Let's go quickly. Don't worry about these things."

When Qing Cheng came back to her senses, she saw that the distance between Qin Shu and her had widened a long way. She was stunned and quickly chased after him.

I'm still thinking in my mind, this speed... is too fast.

Qingyin waited for the two of them to catch up before leading them to catch up with the large army.

The group of people kept walking until dark, and then Qingyin gave the order to come down and let everyone camp where they were.

Qin Shu was very confused when she saw this, "Don't you walk at night?"

Qingyin glanced at her and said, "The jungle at night is very dangerous. Many plants will be more active at night, and our eyesight is limited at night. If we force the way, we will be more passive."

It was not like Qin Shu had never seen the jungle late at night, but she was traveling very fast, and with the fire root beside her, she didn't encounter any dangers that were difficult to deal with.

But now is not the time for her to be alone, so she naturally has to listen to the elves.

The elves set up camp quickly. They scattered a handful of seeds and added a burst of spiritual energy. Soon the seeds would take root and sprout, producing large leaves to protect them under the leaves.

As usual, Qin Shu took out her futon and sat down aside. The wood spirit energy here was so rich that she could use it to practice.

Perhaps because she has been here recently, she feels that she is about to break through the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and then she will be only one step away from the out-of-body stage.

Seeing her start practicing with her heart in the sky, the other elves who were resting looked at each other and couldn't sit still.

The cultivation of the elves is not the same as that of humans, but they still have to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Qingyin selected three people to keep watch for everyone. Seeing this, the other elves also calmed down and integrated their minds into the surrounding air. Clear green lines appeared on a pair of small wings.

If you look closely, you can see that the green lines are slowly flowing, just like the dense blood vessels under the skin, which looks really magical.

Qin Shu retracted his consciousness. It was only then that he knew that the elves relied on wings to practice.

No wonder wings are particularly important to the elves. Limbs can be abandoned, but wings are definitely not.

The whole night passed peacefully, but when it was almost dawn, something went wrong.

Qin Shu's Du'e Gongfa started to work first, and then her scattered consciousness faintly detected a fishy wind.

Then, the three elves who kept watch for them suddenly shouted: "Enemy attack!"

Qin Shu opened his eyes with a "swish", and a silver bow appeared in Qingyin's hand.

"Everyone! Be alert!" Qingyin shouted loudly.

The other elves also took out various magical instruments, and Qin Shu also took out her own purple jade sword.

Just as everyone was ready, a vine swung over, with a small flower hanging on its head. As it attacked, the small flower flew towards them.

Qingyin shot the light arrow in her hand straight out, and shouted loudly: "Everyone be careful! Don't be parasitized by it!"

Qin Shu was also shocked when she heard the words. This small flower can actually parasitize? ! You must be careful.

Although they were careful, this spiritual plant seemed to have countless vines, attacking them.

Qin Shu just cut off the vines that swept in front of her with a sword, and the next moment she saw a small yellow flower flying towards Qingcheng.

Qin Shu flicked her fingertips, and a spark shot towards Qingcheng.

Then the spark came later and stopped the small yellow flower, burning it directly into powder.

Qingcheng was so scared that she was dumbfounded. Qingyin yelled angrily, "Why don't you come back to your senses?! Be careful. Others can't save you every time!"

Qingcheng came back to her senses quickly. She was not afraid of death, but she didn't want to be parasitized by this plant and become a ghost.

She waved the staff in her hand quickly, and sent out one spiritual energy after another, trying her best to survive.

Qin Shu saw that the elves seemed to be no match for this spiritual plant. She turned her wrist and was about to use the sword technique of breaking through clouds and rain when she heard Qingyin raise her voice and give an order.

"Set up the formation! Hold it for ten breaths!"


Then they saw a group of people suddenly formed a hexagram shape, and the small wings on their bodies emitted a green light, which seemed to be the power of their blood.

As they continued to input their spiritual energy, the hexagram lit up.

At the same time, the spiritual plant seemed to be restricted. No matter how its vines twisted, they could not break through the range of the hexagram and get out.

Qin Shu took the opportunity to cut off a few more vines to weaken its strength as much as possible.

In the distance, Qing Yin's spiritual energy moved, and a drop of blood was pinched out of her fingertips. Then her upper arm led her lower arm, and the vigorous spiritual energy on it surged.

The bowstring was slowly pulled open, and a lightsaber gradually took shape.

The plant in the distance was frantically attacking the hexagram formation. Just as it was about to break the formation, Qing Yin loosened his hand, and a lightsaber with a tail of spiritual energy shot towards the plant.

The violent spiritual energy on the lightsaber destroyed the spiritual plant almost instantly. The next moment, the whole spiritual plant was seen slowly annihilated and dissipated, and finally turned into countless wood spiritual energy and returned to this silent jungle.

Qin Shu put away the sword, it seemed that she had no place to use it.

No wonder Elder Qingyu asked Qing Yin to lead the team, she really had some skills.

No wonder it took them a long time to go to the Chaolu tribe, it turned out that there were many dangers on the way there.

As Qingyin retracted her hand, the silver bow in her hand disappeared. She said to everyone with a serious look: "It's almost dawn, everyone take the time to rest and set off immediately when it's dawn."


In the face of absolute strength, the elves of the Qingcheng tribe were also very convinced of her.

Qin Shu glanced at Qingyin and cast a healing spell on Qingyin.

Qingyin looked at her in surprise, and then whispered two words, "Thank you."

Qin Shu nodded slightly at her, and another dead tree revived everyone's state, and then sat back on her cushion.

Soon, the sky was bright.

Qingyin got up first, checked around, and then shouted again: "Let's go!"

Although they encountered a lot of spiritual plants in the next few days, they were much easier to deal with than the first night, and the journey was safe.

Finally, a huge tribe appeared in Qin Shu's spiritual range.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why the Qingcheng tribe had to travel for seven days to trade with the Chaolu tribe.

Because compared with the Chaolu tribe, the Qingcheng tribe was really insignificant, just like the difference between a small village and a city-state.

Only such a large tribe could provide the daily needs of the Qingcheng tribe, and at the same time should be able to afford the price Qin Shu wanted.

The moment she saw the Chaolu tribe, even Qingyin showed a look of relief.

"We're here."

As soon as Qingyin finished speaking, the other elves cheered excitedly.

This time Qingyin did not restrain them, and she also had a faint smile on her lips.

"After entering the Chaolu tribe, you will each complete the tasks assigned by the elders. We will gather outside the Chaolu tribe early tomorrow morning and go back together." Qingyin said.

The elves agreed, handed in the spirit stones for entering the city, and dispersed.

Qingyin bowed to Qin Shu and said, "Master Qin, if you have anything to do, just go and do it. We will meet again tomorrow."

Qin Shu responded and watched her enter the city before following her.

The Chaolu tribe, like the Qingcheng tribe, did not welcome human cultivators, but Qin Shu had a hand order from Elder Qingyu in her hand, proving that she was a human cultivator trusted by the elves of the Qingcheng tribe.

The gatekeeper frowned and took twice as many spirit stones from her before letting her go.

Qin Shu now had dozens of spirit veins in her hands, so she no longer cared about these trifles.

What's more, the wool comes from the sheep.

Now that they have collected her extra tickets, she will naturally have to charge more when she sells pills later.

Qin Shu entered the Chaolu tribe, walked around to get familiar with the local environment, and then walked into the largest shop in the Chaolu tribe.

She chose this shop not because the price was so good, but in Qin Shu's opinion, only this shop could eat the inventory she had accumulated for more than a month.

However, what she didn't expect was that she was stopped by someone as soon as she stepped over the threshold.

"Humans are not allowed in." The gatekeeper was a tall and strong white-haired elf.

Qin Shu frowned slightly and asked, "Your tribe can let me in, why don't you let me in?"

"The rules of the store are that humans are not allowed in."

Since they want to cooperate, both parties must be harmonious. What kind of cooperation can be achieved if they make things difficult right from the start?

Forget it, if they don't welcome her, she can change to another shop.

Qin Shu went to several smaller shops, most of which did not welcome her. Some elves did talk to her, but they all refused when she asked for cooperation.

Qin Shu looked helpless, and she didn't know what the human predecessors had done to make the entire elves so disgusted with them.

But they were not easy to cooperate with, so she couldn't force them to buy or sell.

Finally, in a hidden corner of the tribe, Qin Shu found a small shop.

The shop was so small that two people couldn't turn around at the same time.

Qin Shu stood at the door and poked her head in, "Shopkeeper, I want to do business with you, okay?"

The elf guarding the shop looked young, and the wing pattern on his back was not that complicated.

He looked up at Qin Shu at the door and frowned, "Human?"

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