I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 880 The character setting must be stable

Lin Han was the leader of the caravan. He also saw everyone's doubts about him, but this time he just pretended not to see it.

Some things don't require much explanation. The reality will tell them what strength is in the future.

His eyes passed over the teammates and he said calmly: "Everyone is here, it's time for us to set off."

The other teammates had no objections. They set off early and reached the next destination before dark, so they didn’t have to rush nervously on the way.

Lin Han's expression was a little solemn at this time. He looked at his teammates who were loose. He didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter, so he warned everyone in a deep voice, "We ran into that high-level spiritual plant on the way here. , is highly aggressive, and we should not be able to take that road when we go back. If we have to take a detour, we may not be able to reach the previous foothold before dark, so we should go faster this time..."

When the others listened to his words, there was a trace of sadness on their brows.

Qin Shu also frowned. If she had to take a detour, wouldn't she not be able to see the spiritual plant?

How can you be sure if it really carries black fragments without taking a look?

But everyone would rather take a detour to avoid this spiritual plant, which shows that they are really no match for this spiritual plant.

In this case, she wouldn't put everyone in danger just to take a look at the high-level spiritual plant.

That's all, as long as the approximate location is determined, she can go there by herself.

The process of rushing was boring. At first, everyone was worried that the temporary therapist would not be able to keep up with their team. However, they did not expect that Qin Shu had been hanging at the back of the team from beginning to end, looking very... It was difficult, but she really didn't fall behind.

This time they were walking on a road they had never walked before, and there were a few unknown dangers on the road, so everyone was very alert.

Two small battles broke out midway, but they were able to deal with them.

Qin Shu also roughly knew the strength of this caravan. Lin Han's cultivation level was roughly at the peak of the Golden Core stage, and most of the others were above the foundation level.

She had also stayed in the jungle for a while before, and had a little understanding of the distribution of vegetation in the jungle.

The territorial awareness of high-level plants is no worse than that of monsters and beasts. Almost no eighth-level spiritual plant will have the same eighth-level spiritual plant within a thousand miles. As for other low-level spiritual plants, it seems that because it cannot threaten it, it will let it go. its growth.

Spiritual plants are different from monsters. If they take root in one place, they will not be easily moved unless something unexpected happens.

Therefore, as long as you have a jungle map, you can bypass those high-level spiritual plants and travel between the two tribes smoothly.

The configuration of their team is just right enough to pass through the territory of some fourth-grade and lower spiritual plants. Not to say that they are unscathed, at least they can ensure safety.

But the most frequent changes in the jungle are the Zerg species that are accompanied by certain spiritual plants, and there are also various parasitic spores.

Therefore, even the most experienced caravans never dare to take it lightly when doing business.

After the second small battle, two teammates in the foundation building period were injured.

One of them was scratched on the top of his head by the branches and leaves of Lingzhi, and his scalp was lifted up; the other was hit in the leg by a vine and his calf was fractured.

After the battle, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Shu.

Lin Han became energetic at this time, and it was time for them to see what it means to be a therapist.

He took a step forward and saluted Qin Shu, "Qin Zheng, please help them heal their injuries."

Qin Shu nodded. They were just minor injuries, nothing serious, but there were some things that had to be said first.

"I can help them heal, that is..."

Her turn made everyone's hearts agitate. Wouldn't she have to give spiritual stones to heal her injuries?

Lin Han was already prepared for the worst. Even if she wanted the spirit stone, she would have to give it to her.

Although for the elves, the most important thing is the wings, injuries to the lower legs will still affect the speed of the journey.

"You say."

To everyone's surprise, she turned her head to look at the elf with an injury on his head, and said to him: "I can help him heal, but after the wound heals, his hair won't be able to recover for a while."

As soon as she said this, Lin Han was obviously relieved.

He laughed, "We businessmen are all a bunch of people who keep their heads in our waistbands. As long as we keep our lives, what does our hair mean?"

Qin Shu looked at the injured man and saw him nodding in agreement before raising her hand and applying a healing technique to him.

Just when everyone was staring at his scalp, Qin Shu quietly threw another healing spell on the broken-bone elf.

After doing this, she folded a branch from the side and fixed the elf's calf on it.

"Try not to exert any force on your right leg these days. It can only help you stand. Recuperate well and you will recover faster."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone looked at her again.

It's not like they haven't seen therapists before, but those high-level therapists are not accessible to them at this level.

Everyone watched helplessly as their teammates' scalp regrown and gradually matched the surrounding skin.

It's just that the color is whiter and tenderer, and of course there's no hair on it.

Qin Shu didn't show any timidity when being looked at. She took out a small porcelain bottle with her backhand and said to the injured elf: "This is hair growth cream. It works well. Do you want to try it?"

If she hadn't been afraid of exposing her identity, she actually had a hair growth pill that was more effective. When it came to hair growth, I'm afraid there wouldn't be anyone in the entire world of immortality who was more experienced than her.

It turns out that neither elves nor humans like Mediterranean hairstyles.

The elf nodded without any hesitation and asked, "How many spirit stones?"

Qin Shu smiled and said, "I made them all myself. Just give me the cost price, five yuan of low-grade spiritual stones."

As an elf who goes out to join the merchant team, she shouldn't be too generous, otherwise the establishment of the people will be unstable.

Soon, five low-grade spiritual stones were handed to her.

Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

Lin Han walked over and said with a smile: "I'll help you apply it!"

He held the porcelain bottle with one hand and rubbed the top of his white head with the other, and then said to everyone: "How is it? Have you replied to the letter this time? This is really a very powerful therapist."

Qin Zheng lowered her head humbly, "I don't dare to take it seriously."

The elf with a broken calf suddenly interjected: "My calf seems to be heating up! The pain is gradually dissipating!"

Those who were close to him simply reached over and poked his calf, "It really doesn't hurt anymore?"

The next moment, his hand was knocked off, "It won't hurt if you don't touch it!"

Qin Shu also laughed when she saw this, "The healing technique is only to assist recovery. If you weren't wood elves yourself, I'm afraid the effect wouldn't be so good."

[Note: The words are not enough for me to read, so I made a scarf on a whim: Cong Yueyue. There are only five fans, but it’s not a fake account...]

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