I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 881 My map is different

Although Qin Shu said this, whether everyone will believe it or not depends on the benevolent and the wise.

It's not their first day as wood elves, and it's not their first time being treated, so why aren't other people's auxiliary treatments so effective?

This therapist is so powerful and yet so humble. Sure enough, great people are very low-key.

Although everyone said nothing, their attitude towards Qin Shu obviously changed a lot along the way.

The elf whose head was shaved was named Yun Yun. When they were camping at night, they quietly approached Qin Shu and stuffed two spiritual fruits into her arms.

Qin Shu was stunned when she heard his low voice, "Thank you for today."

Qin Shu smiled and shook her head, "You're welcome, we're all on the same team. If you hadn't taken me along, I probably wouldn't have been able to get here."

"Qin Zheng, what level of healer are you? I have met level 3 healers before, but their treatment effects were not as good as yours."

Qin Shu didn't know how the levels of elven healers were assessed, but according to him, the treatment effects of level three were not as good as hers, so it shouldn't be too much for her to say that she was level four, right?

Qin Shu pursed her lips and said implicitly: "We just broke through the fourth level."

Yunxuan became really excited, "You look like you are young, and you are already a fourth-level healer?"

But he soon became confused again, "Shouldn't it be? How can a fourth-level therapist be used to run a business?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I'm not running a business trip, I just asked Lin Han to take me for a ride."

Yunxuan suddenly realized, "Are you from the Chaolu tribe? Can we go to the Chaolu tribe to seek treatment from you next time?"

Qin Shu still shook her head, "In order to seek opportunities for breakthroughs, I often live in no fixed place and travel most of the time."

The regret on Yun Xuan's face was undisguised. It was not easy to meet such a powerful therapist. The fee was not expensive, but he did not have a fixed residence.

Qin Shu knew very well that the deeper the friendship, the easier it would be to reveal one's identity, so she naturally did not want to have more contact with them.

Her original intention was just for that spiritual plant.

At this time, someone happened to come to the door, and Qin Shu quietly asked him: "Is that spiritual plant you met when you came here really that powerful?"

When Yun Xuan heard her mention the spiritual plant, his expression suddenly became much more solemn, "It's very powerful. Not only that spiritual plant, there seems to be abnormalities coming from many places recently. If you... are not good at fighting, you have not been able to do anything recently." It’s very dangerous to go out for a trip.”

Is the spirit plant abnormal? If she said that, she would be in high spirits.

Is it possible that every abnormal spiritual plant is related to black fragments?

From this point of view, it was destined that she would come to Nanzhou.

From the moment she stepped into this world of immortality, the web of fate had already surrounded her.

She practiced hard to try to get rid of her fate, but now she felt that there seemed to be a pair of invisible hands pulling strings for her future.

However, this time, she didn't want to avoid it anymore.

How can we know what the future will be like without taking a look?

"Thanks for the reminder, I wonder what the habits of that spiritual plant are?" Qin Shu asked again.

Her inquisitive look made Yun Xuan curious, "Qin Zheng, you seem to be very interested in that spiritual plant?"

Qin Shu was not shy about his questions. Sometimes it was better to be secretive than to admit openly.

She nodded slightly, "Yes, I will come back from the Jinri tribe in a while, so I can find out its habits in advance, so I can feel more at ease."

Hearing what she said, Yun Xuan was no longer suspicious, and told her in detail the scene of their caravan being attacked that day.

A black spiritual plant with leaves as big as mats and countless vines near the roots.

"If you are hit by a vine and don't escape in time, you will be wrapped in the leaves, and you really can't escape at that time. I personally watched our teammates in the caravan get licked by the leaf, and they were involved in it in an instant. The leaf. There are dense fuzz on the male surface, which will secrete some highly corrosive white liquid. Within a quarter of an hour, those teammates... not even the scum will be left..."

Qin Shu also fell silent, so Ling Zhi's attack power was indeed quite strong.

It's not easy for the elves to live in the jungle, and they have to face these high-level spiritual plants from time to time. Compared to the South Continent, their happiness index is higher in the East Continent.

"It would be great if the Chaolu tribe organized people to destroy this spiritual plant." Qin Shu sighed and said.

If this spiritual plant had grown near their Xuantian Sect, it would probably have been eradicated by the sect before it had grown so big.

Yunxuan nodded when he heard this and said solemnly: "It's probably going to be soon. I saw the Chaolu tribe was recruiting people yesterday. I think that spiritual plant will be completely eliminated in a few days."

When Qin Shu heard what he said, she began to make new plans in her heart.

If that spiritual plant is really as powerful as Yun Xuan said, she might not be the opponent of this spiritual plant alone.

But if the Chaolu tribe recruits people to destroy the spiritual plant, she may be able to "do her part".

It seems that this trip to the Jinri Tribe will go back soon.

With Qin Shu's help in healing the wounds, although their trip took a detour, they still managed to escape the danger and finally arrived at the Jinri tribe at noon on the fifth day.

Lin Han and others invited Qin Shu to their home, but Qin Shu refused because she had important matters.

Although Lin Han and others felt sorry, they still agreed.

"Your business is important. After you are busy, or you are free later, you can come and sit at our house."

Qin Shu agreed one by one, gave Yun Yan another bottle of hair growth cream, and then turned and left.

After parting ways with these elves, Qin Shu first went to the local market. She bought a lot of high-end spiritual plants. She felt that her inventory of spiritual plants had increased, and she was satisfied.

Most of the elves' markets sell spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, but there are also some other weird things.

There are magic weapons and spells.

Qin Shu couldn't learn the elven magic, so she wasn't very interested. Instead, she focused on other little things.

She was wandering around when suddenly someone called her from behind, "Miss, do you want to buy a map?"

Qin Shu didn't respond at first, but the man caught up and asked again. Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you calling me?"

This man was a thin elf who looked to be middle-aged. His right wing was cut off in the middle, and the light on it was much dimmer than the left wing.


Qin Shu stopped, crossed her arms, looked at him and asked, "What map are you selling? I already have the map of the jungle."

The man approached her mysteriously, covered his lips with his hands and said to Qin Shu, "My map is different from the ones you buy outside."

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