I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 882 God of Nature Bless Me

Qin Shu became interested after hearing what he said, and asked him, "Oh? What's the difference?"

The man winked at her and said, "Follow me."

Qin Shu, an expert in art, was brave and followed directly.

The elf passed through the crowd and finally led her to an uninhabited corner.

Qin Shu then stopped and asked, "Where's your map? Can we talk about it now?"

The elf nodded, "My map is different from those of theirs, because this map was newly drawn by me. The maps sold outside were left over at least a hundred years ago, and these idiots still think that the maps outside are those from the past. The situation...the world outside has changed a long time ago..."

Qin Shu's expression changed and she asked: "Since your map is newly drawn, has it marked any new areas of dangerous spiritual plants?"

A rare hint of pride appeared on this elf's weathered face, "This is nature. You can tell it all by looking at my wings."

Qin Shu was really surprised after hearing this, "Have you personally checked it out?"

The elf nodded, perhaps thinking of his former high-spirited self, and his face became more excited.

"Yes, I collected a lot of information from the jade slips. In order to verify its authenticity, I went to investigate it myself."

Having said this, he glanced at his right wing and sighed, "I never dared to get close, I just explored from a distance, but during one of my explorations, I was injured by the surrounding spiritual plants... Sigh..."

The wings of an elf are very important to them. Injuring half of the wings is equivalent to losing half of his wings for the rest of his life.

It is almost impossible to break through again.

After hearing what he said, Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart. If this elf went to the 21st century, he would probably be a qualified reporter.

Such a serious and realistic attitude is rare.

"How do you sell this map?"

If what he said was true, then this map was really important to her.

She was not trying to avoid these dangerous spiritual plants, but wanted to get up close and take a look.

See if these spiritual plants are really what she guessed. It is true that every dangerous spiritual plant contains the black fragments she wants.

Seeing her talking about the price, the elf's face gradually became serious, "I exchanged my wings for this map. The price will definitely not be low. You..."

Qin Shu had already prepared in her heart. Even if he opened his mouth, as long as the price was reasonable, she would not be unable to accept it.

"Just tell me, I will consider any price."

"Thirty middle-grade spiritual stones."

Qin Shu: "?"

"make a deal."

She directly took out thirty middle-grade spiritual stones and handed them over, and the map in the elf's hand also went into Qin Shu's hands.

Both of them felt that they had taken advantage, and Qin Shu felt that she had taken advantage even more.

She opened the map and found the Tianxiang Mist of the Qingcheng tribe marked on it, as well as the dangerous spiritual plant outside the Chaolu tribe.

It seems that this map is still somewhat reliable, and this spiritual stone is worth spending.

Qin Shu was in a good mood, and she felt much more pleased with the middle-aged elf in front of her.

She raised her hand and directly hit its wings with a healing spell. The middle-aged elf did not expect that she would suddenly attack and had no time to dodge.

He stared at Qin Shu with his eyes widened in disbelief, and was about to ask, when suddenly he faintly noticed something was wrong.

What about his wings...

Before he could feel it carefully, Qin Shu standing in front of him had left quietly.

Today's trip to the market was a good deal. After visiting the spiritual plants near the Chaolu tribe, she would go and check all the dangerous spiritual plants marked on the map one by one.

After Qin Shu left, the middle-aged elf slowly waved its wings, only to find that several meridians on its wings were connected, and the connected meridians were still the main meridians.

In other words, he suddenly changed from a serious injury to a minor injury in an instant?

And he also got thirty middle-grade spiritual stones? !

He has never felt that he was favored by luck, but today! He felt that he had been favored by the God of Nature!

The moment Qin Shu walked out of the market, her face changed. Now she would not be recognized by anyone in the entire Jinri tribe.

This time she went into the jungle alone and went to the area where the dangerous spiritual plant was.

It wasn't until she went to take a look that she discovered...

It turns out that there are levels of dangerous spiritual plants, and those like Tianxiang Mist are already close to the top.

And this one is not really a threat.

Qin Shu raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and a formation plate appeared in her hand.

Immediately afterwards, she found a suitable location and arranged the array.

He was still muttering to himself: "It is mainly for the travel safety of the elves. The human race and the elves are one family, not for some fragments... God of nature, you have to protect me."

Soon the array was set up, and Qin Shu took out a black sword of death and life with her backhand.

This sword was the one she used the most among the ninety-nine and eighty-one swords that Qin Shu obtained in the Sword Tomb. In her opinion, it was just right to use this sword against this spiritual plant at this time.

Cut off the vitality, no matter how strong the spirit plant is, it will die on the spot.

Qin Shu raised her wrist slightly, and her eyes fell on the black spiritual plant in front of her.

There were large pieces of white broken bones scattered around the spiritual plant, and even some broken wings remained.

Presumably, these were the traces left after it absorbed them. Seeing this, Qin Shu's heart was inevitably covered with a layer of haze.

It is true that nature is a natural selection, but people are always more likely to empathize with species that are close to them.

"I'm sorry, I must get this fragment today." Qin Shu's eyes gradually became sharp, and the next moment she raised her foot and stepped into the coverage of the array.

As soon as she stepped in, the dangerous spiritual plant instantly sensed her presence, and the vines that were originally hanging on the ground instantly pulled towards her.

Qin Shu was about to dodge to the side, but she found that this spiritual plant was very smart and actually blocked her way with another vine!

She simply didn't dodge, and directly moved her wrist, and the vast sword technique stabbed out.

The golden sword intent was mixed with the sword energy of the Life and Death Sword, black and gold, and the sword energy just collided with the vine of the spiritual plant, and the vine seemed to be drained of vitality and withered bit by bit.

It quickly pulled back and used its developed root system to attack her from behind.

Qin Shu turned around to fight, but her heart suddenly jumped. Within the range of her spiritual sense, she saw a huge leaf opening behind her.

The fine hairs on it were only a millimeter away from her, and the white sticky substance secreted was emitting a disgusting fishy smell...

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