I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 883 I am embarrassed to go out when you stink so badly

At this critical moment, a wave of heat suddenly surged from Qin Shu's body, and the hot spiritual energy was like a pot of boiling water, splashing around.

The originally fine hairs were all scalded into curls at this time, and the disgusting fishy smell was scalded by the heat wave, and it was even more like a smell of slop.

Qin Shu raised her hand and fanned the tip of her nose gently, and then covered her nose with a small spiritual energy cover, and the unpleasant smell was isolated outside.

Qin Shu then whispered: "It's really stinky. If I were as stinky as you, I would be embarrassed to go out."

The high temperature did cause some trouble to this spiritual plant, and soon, its breath seemed a little sluggish.

Compared with Tianxiang Wuai, this dangerous spiritual plant is really a world apart.

Is it so vulnerable?

Just when she was about to raise her hand to give this spiritual plant the final blow, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations at the root of the spiritual plant, and Qin Shu could clearly see a clear black shadow at its bottom.

The energy fluctuations spread throughout its body along its branches and leaves, and the branches and leaves that had withered and turned yellow suddenly burst into life at this moment.

And it seemed to be even stronger than before.

Qin Shu's eyes gradually narrowed, and a thoughtful look appeared in her narrow eyes.

This move of its also reminded herself that these immortal artifact fragments did not necessarily have to be collected in full before they could be used, and it should also contain some power.

Maybe... I can use it myself?

Thinking of this, she raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and the next moment several black fragments appeared in her hand.

There were many fragments, and there were two large ones among them, and she almost couldn't hold them in her hand.

Qin Shu raised her eyes and looked at the spiritual plant in front of her that was afraid to attack her again, and laughed, "You are so arrogant with only one fragment, but I have so many..."

At this moment, Qin Shu actually detected a touch of greed in her open consciousness.

This spiritual plant has indeed become intelligent. It also recognized that the fragment in its hand and the thing that made it stronger are of the same origin, and now it wants to snatch it away.

Qin Shu put the small fragments back into the storage ring, holding the largest piece in her hand, which was the piece she got from Tianxiang Wuai.

Her fingertips touched lightly, and there was a faint wave on the cold fragment. Qin Shu tried to provoke this power.

But unexpectedly, it was absorbed quickly. Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that she didn't expect it to be so easy.

But then a negative emotion spread from her mind, and her long-cultivated soul was also used at this time, like a sea-stabilizing magic needle, suppressing the inexplicable tumbling in her heart.

Her face was tense, and she subconsciously wanted to release this power in her heart.

No wonder these spiritual plants are so violent, it is estimated that it is also related to this black fragment.

The sword was slowly raised, one eye opened and one closed, the sword energy around her body swept up, and the hem of her clothes fluttered without wind.

Even the array she set up began to shake, and Qin Shu restrained her momentum and swung the sword in her hand.

This time, the sword energy wrapped the group of evil spirits in it, and with one swing of the sword, the whole spiritual plant was directly split in two from the middle.

At the same time, the sword of life and death also played a role, cutting off its vitality.

The death energy swept the whole body of the spiritual plant almost in an instant, and Qin Shu watched it quickly wither, and the roots exposed outside gradually became shriveled.

She waited for a moment and saw that it was indeed motionless, so she raised her feet and walked towards it.

Among its branches close to the ground, a black fragment was still emitting energy fluctuations.

Qin Shu took out the fragment with her bare hands. The size of this fragment was only about one-fifth of the one obtained from Tianxiang Wuai. No wonder the fighting power was insufficient.

She put the fragment away with her backhand and snapped her fingers, and a spark came out.

She flicked her fingertips and the spark fell on the withered spiritual plant.

After dealing with all the traces of the battle, Qin Shu was about to leave, but there was a wave in the distance.

Qin Shu swept her spiritual sense and quickly put away her array plate, and then moved away from the original place.

As soon as she left, a group of people came out of the jungle and came to this open space.

There are very few such large open spaces in the jungle. If they are empty for less than two days, they will be occupied by other spiritual plants that are ready to move.

The leading elf was Zechuan from the Chaolu tribe, who had met Qin Shu once. He looked at the soil turned up on the ground, frowned and looked around.

Another elf beside him came over and said to him: "Commander, there seems to be a fluctuation of fire spirit."

Zechuan naturally felt it too, he nodded slightly and responded.

It seems that someone used fire spirit to kill this dangerous spirit plant, so there are only two possibilities.

One is that someone used a fire-related magic weapon, and the other is that it can only be the human race.

According to the current situation, he speculated that the second guess is more likely.

It is currently known that a human alchemist appeared in their Chaolu tribe. Since he is an alchemist, he must have fire spirit roots.

I heard people say that the fighting power of alchemists is not strong. This person dared to attack this dangerous spirit plant, which also shows that his cultivation is very high...

But why did this human come to kill this spirit plant? What was he doing?

Zechuan was puzzled and finally led everyone back.

No matter from which angle you think about it, the other party's destruction of this spiritual plant is a hundred benefits and no harm to their Chaolu tribe.

And the alchemist chose their Chaolu tribe from many tribes to open an elixir shop, which shows that their Chaolu tribe is also somewhat special to him.

Let's wait until we go back to report this to the tribe leader!

And Qin Shu had arrived at the Chaolu tribe long before them, and she gave An Jing and his son a lot of elixirs.

Just when Qin Shu was about to leave, she was stopped by An Tu.

"Master Qin."

Qin Shu turned around and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

An Tu seemed to have hurried back, and there were two drops of sweat on his forehead.

He raised his sleeves and wiped it, and said to Qin Shu: "Master Qin, have you asked about the teleportation array before?"

Qin Shu nodded. Her first reaction when she first came here was to go back, but now she is not so anxious to go back. She must look for the map one by one.

An Tu said again: "I just came back from outside, and I heard someone at the market say that it seems that two humans came from the dwarf tribe."

Qin Shu: "?"

She suddenly felt that she was obsessed! It was indeed not easy to go back, but it was obviously easier to come to Nanzhou from Dongzhou!

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