I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 884 You didn’t fly here by yourself, did you?

Qin Shu immediately took out the jade slip and found her senior brother Wen Chi.

[Is Senior Brother here? 】

Wen Chi: [Say. 】

Qin Shu didn't care how brief his reply was at this time, because what she was going to say next would, after all, trigger his crazy output.

Qin Shu: [Senior brother, I am in Nanzhou, from the Elf tribe. 】

Wen Chi: [? Why did you get there? 】

Qin Shu: [The Chaolu Tribe opened a Nichang Pavilion to sell elixirs. The business is booming. Send a few people over to take care of the business. 】

Wen Chi paused for a moment, and then messages were sent one after another.

[Do you still want others to take care of your business? Senior brother, a business wizard like me will be here soon! 】

[It’s definitely not enough for the two of us to make elixirs, so I’ll just bring the inventory from our Nichang Pavilion! 】

[How many tribes are there? How many manpower do we need to open one for each tribe? 】

Qin Shu looked at her jade slip for a long time, and the smile on her lips became more and more obvious.

It wasn't until her message slip cooled down that Qin Shu patiently replied one by one: "You don't need to bring too many people. The elves are not very friendly to us humans. If you bring so many people, don't let people think you are here to attack them." ...]

[There are three hundred and sixty-five tribes in total. There are big and small tribes. You don’t need to bring so many people. Just bring a couple of powerful ones to manage them. 】

[If you can bring two more alchemists, they will definitely like this place. The wood spirit energy here is very strong. 】

[I plan to wait for a breakthrough before finding a way to go back. 】

Wen Chi looked at the message from Qin Shu and arranged everything in his mind instantly.

Do you want to break through there? It does seem like something his junior sister can do.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shu sent the last message, [Then the question is, senior brother, how do you plan to get here? 】

Wen Chi: [How do you go there, I can go there the same way? 】

Qin Shu: [……]

[I must have accidentally stepped on a space node. 】

Wen Chi was silent, and at the same time he understood.

No wonder this girl tricked her into going there, but it turns out she can't come back.

He chuckled, could this be difficult for him?

【Just wait for me. 】

Qin Shu didn't know how Wen Chi was going to get here. In her opinion, the fact that there were monks coming from the dwarf side at least meant that the teleportation array on the dwarf side was open.

If that doesn't work, her senior brother can go to the dwarves first and then come over from the dwarves. Although it will be a little more troublesome, at least it can be reached.

Qin Shu didn't expect this, she waited for a whole month and a half.

During this period, she not only sent Qingyin back to the Qingcheng tribe, but also dug two more dangerous spiritual plants according to the instructions on the map.

Unfortunately, these two dangerous spiritual plants only gave her two fragments the size of fingernails, which made her a little dissatisfied.

But after these three confirmations, she was almost certain that there were indeed traces of black fragments among these dangerous spiritual plants.

She raised her head and glanced at the starry sky. She could imagine that maybe under this vast starry sky, someone or an immortal smashed the immortal lantern with a blow, and the fragments of the lantern were scattered everywhere.

Directly below the main battlefield, more fragments fell.

Only in this way can we explain why there are so many lantern fragments on the Nanzhou continent.

At the same time, Qin Shu fell into a new round of confusion.

Why...it's obviously an immortal's lantern, but there's such a strong aura of hostility on it?

When the spiritual plant is absorbed, it mutates into a dangerous spiritual plant, and even her attempt to borrow its power was almost affected.

Since the last time she borrowed the power of the fragments to cut off the dangerous spiritual plant near the Chaolu tribe, Qin Shu has never used these fragments again.

Until she figured out why there was so much hostility in it, nothing she could say would help.

Although her newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, she will not go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain.

Just when Qin Shu was lying on a tree branch, holding a grass root in her mouth, thinking about which dangerous spiritual plant to favor tomorrow, the jade slip suddenly lit up.

She picked up the jade slip, moved her fingers casually, injected spiritual energy into it, and the voice of her senior brother Wen Chi came from it.

"Xiao Shu'er, where are you?"

Qin Shu was stunned, "Nanzhou!"

"I asked you where you are in Nanzhou..." Wen Chi's tone was a little helpless.

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and said with a smile: "Senior brother, are you here?! I'm in the jungle and it's not easy to describe it in words. I'll send you a map with markings on it."

Qin Shu originally thought that it would take a while for her senior brother to come from the dwarves, so she was not in a hurry.

However, before dawn, there was a wave of spiritual energy above her head.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and looked into the sky, and saw a magnificent flying boat slowly passing over her head.

At the same time, her messenger slip lit up again.

Senior Brother Wen Chi's voice came out again, "Xiao Shu'er, where are you? The jungle here is so big. Looking for you is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Qin Shu stood up from the tree branch, held the jade slip and said, "Stop, stop flying, I saw you."

After saying that, he put away the jade slips, jumped directly, and floated towards the flying boat above his head on the vast fairy trail.

Don't talk about how she can be sure that this flying boat must belong to her senior brother, because... except for her senior brother, there shouldn't be so many people who would spend a lot of spiritual stones on the appearance.

As soon as she approached the flying boat, she saw Wen Chi standing on the deck.

Qin Shu laughed, "Senior brother! Long time no see!"

Just as Wen Chi nodded, he heard Qin Shu say again: "I thought you should have come last month, but I didn't expect you to be so slow."

Not active in making money...

Of course, she didn't say the last sentence.

The second senior brother is still very active in making money. If she doesn't come, it means that something more profitable is stopping him. Everything has a priority.

Who would have thought that Wen Chi simply shook his head and said, "The day I received your message, I set out."

Qin Shu was stunned, "Then you are still like this..."

As soon as the words came out, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened in disbelief, she stared at Wen Chi again and again, then moved her eyes to the flying boat behind him, and asked: "No... Could you be me?" Flying here?"

The jade bone fan in Wen Chi's hand opened with a swipe and shook slightly, "Why not?"

Qin Shu: "..."

It shouldn't be surprising if her senior brother does anything.

But she still didn't understand, and asked again: "You didn't find the teleportation array?"

Wen Chi shook his head, "I found it, but the teleportation array is in the Endless Sea, controlled by other forces. I thought it would be more troublesome to come here, so it's better than me... After seeing the scenery along the way, I just thought I was in retreat. Yue… comfortable!”

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