I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 885: Half Joy and Half Sadness

Qin Shu looked at him with a complicated expression and hesitated to speak.

Wen Chi caught her look, closed his fan and asked, "What's wrong? Are you so secretive when talking to me, senior brother?"

Qin Shu shook her head gently, "No, is this a problem of trouble or not? The sea area has always been a restricted area, and now it is even more swept by demonic energy. How did you fly over from so many crises?"

Qin Shu said that she really couldn't understand.

Wen Chi laughed and said, "Junior sister, the dangers and sufferings in this world are only for those who are not capable enough."

Qin Shu raised her head to meet his gaze in surprise, and heard Wen Chi continue to say: "If the ability is not enough, at least the spirit stone is enough."

Qin Shu: "..."

Wen Chi patted the palm of his hand twice with his fan, "Of course, I am the latter."

Qin Shu was silent again, and Wen Chi took her by the collar and flew her out of the flying boat.

The two stood in the air. Wen Chi pointed in the direction of the flying boat with a folding fan in his hand, and his wide sleeves floated slightly with his movements.

Then, Wen Chi's voice sounded from her ears again, "Look at the flying boat now."

Qin Shu looked up and suddenly her eyes widened.

For a moment, she suddenly didn't know whether to doubt her eyes, her consciousness, or her memory...

Where is the boat? What about a big boat? !

Not only did she not see it with her eyes, she also didn't notice it with her mind. But they got off the boat just a second ago?

She cast her suspicious eyes on Wen Chi and asked him, "Senior brother, have you put the flying boat away?"

Wen Chi raised his eyebrows, "Would you like to go up there again and feel it?"

Qin Shu glanced at him suspiciously, then walked forward. When she got closer to the flying boat, sure enough... a huge thing appeared in front of her.

Qin Shu blinked. The flying boat in front of her still existed, and it was not an illusion.

At this time, she suddenly understood.

Qin Shu turned around, stared at Wen Chi motionlessly, and uttered two words, "Taoist weapon?!"

Wen Chi raised his lips and smiled, his eyes slightly encouraging and said: "Be bolder."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Artifact or semi-artifact?"

Wen Chi was satisfied this time, "Sacred weapon, this is the best thing that your senior brother and I have at the bottom of the box."

Qin Shu was silent, but she was thinking in her heart, whose hands the artifact fell into was not a good thing at the bottom of the box?

But if this flying boat is really a divine weapon, it would make sense to protect her senior brother from coming to Nanzhou from thousands of miles away.

"You collect the flying boat first..."

Before Qin Shu finished speaking, Wen Chi interrupted her, "Why did you take it away? Are you sleeping in the wilderness like you?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips and fell silent again.

Her senior brother knew how to break people's hearts, so sleeping in the wilderness was nothing... She had been sleeping in the wilderness for more than a month.

At this moment, there was a movement on the flying boat. Wen Chi seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed, "That's right! I almost forgot about him."

Qin Shu was stunned and remembered that she had told her senior brother to bring two helpers with him when he came.

Could it be Cen Han?

Among the managers of Nishang Pavilion, only Cen Han was the most familiar with her, and Cen Han was also very good at business.

It would be easier to communicate if she came along.

Therefore, Qin Shu casually asked, "Who did you bring with you? Do I know him?"

Wen Chi nodded and glanced back at her with a smile in his eyes, "We know each other. Not only do we know each other, we are also very familiar."

The smile on Qin Shu's face also appeared. It seemed that it was probably Cen Han.

However, as soon as this thought came to his mind, he saw a cyan figure coming out of the flying boat.

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, and her expression became even more serious.

He is really a very familiar person.

"Elder brother!" Qin Shu shouted.

Cheng Yan holds a long sword and stands on the flying boat. The wind blowing through the forest ruffled the corners of his clothes, and his long hair was tied up meticulously. His eyes fell on Qin Shu, "Junior sister."

Qin Shu looked at him with no expression from beginning to end, only feeling a little weird.

She quietly sent a message to Senior Brother Wen Chi and asked: "Senior Brother, what's wrong with Senior Brother? Why does he look so weird? Has he changed his path to Wuqing Dao?"

The gloating look on Wen Chi's face said it all, and soon he heard him whisper: "The foreign debt owed by senior brother when he broke through the golden elixir has not been paid off yet. Guess what..."

Qin Shu suddenly understood and followed his words and said, "Elder brother has made another breakthrough?"

Wen Chi pursed his lips, as if suppressing a smile, "This time he broke through the out-of-body stage, he needed more spirit stones, and he broke through in the sect... hahaha..."

In the end, Wen Chi couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud.

Qin Shu glanced at the senior brother on the side and felt helpless in her heart. She didn't know what to say for a while.

If you make a breakthrough in the sect and use the sect's spiritual veins, you have to pay back...

Thinking of the nervous look on the leader's face when he first broke through in the sect, he knew that it was not easy for the senior brother to carry the debt.

Cheng Yan looked at the two of them snickering and knew that they were secretly transmitting messages behind his back.

Cheng Yan finally had a different look on his face, and he coughed helplessly, trying to regain the little remaining conscience of the two little ones.

When Qin Shu heard this, she quickly straightened her expression and signaled the second senior brother to restrain himself.

Wen Chi was not afraid of offending the senior brother, so he said to Qin Shu: "That's why I brought him along."

Anyway, they all have wood spiritual roots. Xiao Shuer said that the wood spiritual energy here is rich, and it would be good for the senior brother to come.

Qin Shu looked up at Cheng Yan and said with a smile: "Senior brother, congratulations on your advancement!"

When she first came to this world, the senior brother was only at the peak of the golden elixir stage. It has only been more than ten years, and he has broken through to the out-of-body stage. His cultivation speed is indeed very fast.

At the time of the sect competition at the Wanfatai of Putuo Temple, he broke through on the spot and completely unsealed his cultivation that had been suppressed for a long time.

At that time, the spiritual energy consumed...I guess it was all given by the sect, right?

Nowadays, the spiritual energy in the world of cultivation is not abundant, and even the most talented cultivators may be troubled by the spiritual energy required for breakthrough.

And the more outstanding the talent, the more spiritual energy is required for breakthrough.

Take me for example, if it weren't for my good luck and accumulating some wealth, how could I support her current incredible cultivation speed?

If the spiritual energy is insufficient during the breakthrough, the breakthrough will fail. At the least, the spiritual energy in the meridians will be disrupted, and at the worst, the realm will fall... The next time you want to break through, it will be more difficult.

Cheng Yan sighed, "It can be said that it is half happy and half sad."

Wen Chi led Qin Shu onto the flying boat, put his hand on Cheng Yan's shoulder, and said to him, "That was in the past. Now you have come to Nanzhou with our brothers and sisters. From now on, you will only be happy."

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