I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 894 He already has someone in his heart

Seeing An Jing coming to greet her, Qin Shu quickly waved her hand, "You should attend to the guests first and don't worry about me. Where is my second senior brother now?"

An Jing pointed upstairs, "The big boss's family is upstairs, and the clan leader is also there. If you want to go up, I'll ask An Tu to take you up."

Qin Shu nodded, "Then go and inform me."

Why is the patriarch here again? The day before she came, she heard that the second senior brother said that she was going to negotiate with the clan leader. With the second senior brother's ability, there was no reason why they couldn't reach an agreement?

Qin Shu was just curious as she followed An Tu upstairs.

After going upstairs, Antu used the token Wen Chi had given him before, went in and announced before bringing Qin Shu in.

The room where the second senior brother entertains guests is still very similar to his previous style, with low-key luxury everywhere.

At this time, the second senior brother was sitting at the table with the clan leader, drinking and chatting happily.

Seeing Qin Shu coming, the two of them clinked glasses and looked in Qin Shu's direction.

Wen Chi took the lead and stood up with a smile, took two steps in the direction of Qin Shu, and introduced to the clan leader: "Brother Feng Lie, this is my junior sister. She was the one who opened the Chaolu Tribe's Colorful Clothes Pavilion in the first place. She is also a very powerful alchemist. If it hadn’t been for her, I would not have had this fate with Brother Feng Lie.”

Feng Lie also stood up after hearing this, holding up the fine wine and looking over, "It turns out that the first alchemist who came to our Chaolu tribe was a female cultivator! The immortal master is amazing!"

Before Qin Shu understood the situation and did not dare to speak rashly, she turned away and looked at Wen Chi.

Wen Chi roughly told her what had happened recently.

"Our Nishang Pavilion has cooperated with Brother Feng Lie. I thought that when doing business, we can't start with deception, so on the day I went to see Brother Feng Lie, I made my identity clear. Brother Feng Lie is also a straight-tempered person. We hit it off immediately, and after several discussions, Brother Feng Lie planted a tree tower for us in the Nichang Pavilion in the center of the Chaolu tribe. "

Qin Shu: "..."

She underestimated her senior brother's ability to make friends. It wasn't that he didn't know how to make friends, but there were some people he didn't even bother to interact with.

"Junior sister, you've been away for three months. You should stay for a while when you come back, right?" Wen Chi asked.

Before Qin Shu could speak, Chief Feng Lie on the side joined in and said, "I heard that it is not very peaceful outside these days. The area around our Chaolu tribe is relatively safe. Even if the Immortal Master wants to go out, he should not go too far."

Others said this with good intentions, so Qin Shu nodded and agreed.

I looked around again and felt like there was someone missing?

"Senior brother, where is senior brother?" Qin Shu asked.

Wen Chi looked helpless, "On the sixth day after you left, he left too."

Qin Shu: "?"

"Didn't Senior Brother come to make money with you? Why did he leave again?" Qin Shu asked.

Wen Chi was even more helpless, "He refined the elixir for six days, and then received a mission in the communication square. He said that the material prescribed by the other party happened to be useful for his precious sword."

Qin Shu was silent again, but there was a faint feeling in her heart that only this reason was reasonable.

Qin Shu sighed, "If this continues, I don't know when Senior Brother's foreign debt will be paid off..."

Feng Lie on the side immediately said: "I have a daughter who is very beautiful. Why don't we get married? Can I help your senior brother pay off his foreign debt?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Wen Chi: "..."

Even if Feng Lie can afford to repay the foreign debt owed by the senior brother, the senior brother only cares about his precious sword. It would be unfair to him to become a Taoist companion with the daughter of the Feng Lie family.

Wen Chi thought for a long time and felt that he could not deceive other elves, so he shook his head and refused on behalf of his senior brother, "Brother Feng Lie, my senior brother has already been together for a long time, so let's not get married. My brothers are so close, but There’s no need to be constrained by external things.”

Qin Shu also nodded aside, yes, the senior brother has his heart and the sword belongs to him.

While Wen Chi was talking, he gave Feng Lie two Beauty Pills, and the two of them started laughing again.

After sending Feng Lie away, Wen Chi's eyes fell on Qin Shu again.

At this sight, he was startled.

He raised his hand and took out a thin glass-like object from the storage bracelet, placed it in front of his eyes and looked at Qin Shu.

This time, he was not calm.

The piece of glass in his hand almost fell to the ground, "Junior sister! You, you, you... are you in the out-of-body stage now?!"

Qin Shu nodded honestly, her eyes curiously falling on the glass shards in his hand.

"Where did you get so much spiritual energy?" In order to break through the out-of-body period, the senior brother owed a lot of foreign debts. Her junior sister's consumption of spiritual energy should be even worse than the senior brother.

Qin Shu chuckled and said, "The spiritual energy here is very strong, and I have saved a few spiritual veins in advance, so I will use them just in time."

Wen Chi nodded and praised: "You are more reliable than my senior brother at a young age. He is already very old and doesn't know how to save spiritual stones in advance."

In fact, it's not that he doesn't know how to save, it's just that he works so hard that he can't save enough.

Maybe... Senior Brother carrying foreign debt like this is also a way to make a breakthrough?

When he improves his cultivation and gets better treatment, it will be much faster to pay back the spiritual stones he owes to the sect.

Her senior brother is not stupid, maybe this is his decision after careful consideration.

Wen Chi complained a few more words before looking up to the sky and sighing: "Even you have made a breakthrough. From now on, among our senior brothers and sisters, only Akabane and I are the only two who have not reached the out-of-body stage."

Qin Shu was startled, then walked over and asked, "Where is the third senior brother?"

It seems that there has been no news from the third senior brother Si Xuan for a long time. She has not been in the immortal world for a long time, and her relationship with the third senior brother is not as close as that of the other two senior brothers. They usually do not disturb each other.

Wen Chi nodded, "When he came back from the mortal world, he received the luck of the Human Emperor, and he went into seclusion to cultivate until he reached the perfection of the out-of-body stage. He even lost his spiritual energy... I heard from the master that he After receiving the dragon luck in the mortal world, he will transform into a god immediately after he comes out of seclusion."

Qin Shu: "..."

Really outrageous.

"Is it too late for me to go down to earth and become an emperor?" Qin Shu said.

Wen Chi rolled his eyes at her and said, "What are you thinking about? Human emperors are all born by luck. People can only go down to earth to experience this calamity in their lives. You have nothing, so what are you going to do?"

Qin Shu sighed, "Envy has changed me beyond recognition."

Wen Chi rolled his eyes at her again, "You are like this, what should I do? Each of the senior brothers and sisters is more powerful than the other. That girl Akabane is about to break through the Nascent Soul now, and is now in retreat... our master is also I won’t go into seclusion anymore, and I’ll go play chess with the elders in the sect all day long to show off..."

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