I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 895 Do you know something?

Qin Shu couldn't hold back her laughter after hearing this.

"Master, he is indeed a wise man."

This is not a compliment, it is Qin Shu's sincere emotion.

Even the Human Emperor can be accepted as a disciple, his master is still very powerful.

"Senior brother, do you know how long the third senior brother will be in seclusion?"

Qin Shu was a little curious. There was a big difference between three years of seclusion and thirty years.

If she had been in seclusion for decades, she might not be so envious.

Wen Chi shook his head, "How can I say this accurately? I haven't seen him since he came back."

Qin Shu thought about it, and her eyes finally fell on Wen Chi, "Senior brother, you can't be lazy anymore. The young senior sister estimates that after completely refining the remains of the ancestors left in their clan, they will be able to break through to the point of leaving the body." It’s due.”

Her senior sister Akabane has outstanding talent, and her cultivation diligence is not much worse than her own, so her cultivation speed is never very slow.

After hearing this, Wen Chi turned to Qin Shu with a speechless expression, and said, "If you really thought so, you wouldn't have left the Nichang Pavilion for three months and left me alone."

Qin Shu: "..."

In this way, it is really my fault.

I felt a little guilty, but not much.

"Next, I'll take care of you while you go practice." Qin Shu agreed immediately.

Wen Chi: "..."

He just said it casually, why did she take it seriously?

Qin Shu's expression was extremely serious, "The concentration of spiritual energy here is extremely high, much higher than that in our Dongzhou. If you practice well here, you will get twice the result with half the effort. I will leave the Nishang Pavilion to me now. You No need to worry..."

After Qin Shu's instructions, Wen Chi's expression changed when he looked at Qin Shu.

"Are you serious?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu nodded and asked, "Aren't you?"

Wen Chi fell silent, it was often difficult to tell the truth.

When Qin Shu saw this, she knew that most of his previous words were adulterated, so she said seriously: "Brother, maybe the magic weapon you have is enough to make you invincible, but... why has no one in the world of immortality been able to ascend in the past ten thousand years? , Aren’t you curious?”

Wen Chi looked away, his eyes seeming to dodge.

Qin Shu saw it, but didn't think much about it.

"Not curious." Wen Chi said.

This sentence made Qin Shu glance at him in surprise again, "Aren't you curious about this?"

Wen Chi's tone was a little more serious than before, and he heard him say: "Junior sister, there are so many things in the world that I can't figure out, so there is no need to seek the truth in everything. Over the past ten thousand years, talents have emerged in large numbers in the world of immortality. At that time, we, Xuantian Taoists, had so many amazing talents and beautiful people, but they eventually disappeared in the long river of time."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, "They can't find it, so how do you know that I can't find it? If people always live like this and find all kinds of reasons to convince themselves to give up, then what on earth will they pursue in this life? Woolen cloth?"

Wen Chi pursed his lips and frowned, as if he was deep in thought.

Qin Shu kept looking at the micro-expression on his face and suddenly asked: "Brother, do you know something?"

Wen Chi was startled and quickly shook his head subconsciously, "No...what can I know..."

Qin Shu approached him and met his eyes across a table.

Wen Chi's pupils reflected Qin Shu's shadow, and he heard her say: "Brother, something is wrong with you."

Wen Chi didn't say anything. His junior sister was too smart, so she had better talk less at this time.

The more you say, the more likely you are to be wrong; the less you say, the less likely you are to be wrong.

But if he didn't say anything, it fell into Qin Shu's eyes as acquiescence.

The Wen family was originally a reclusive family. It is said that the Wen family has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is not certain what their ancestors have passed down.

Wen Chi was stared at by her for a long time, and finally turned away, sighed, and said, "Junior sister, if you want to know, you have to go back to Wen's house with me."

Qin Shu was startled, then sat back on the chair again, and said calmly: "In this case... then I don't want to know."

Wen Chi looked at her calmly for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "You would say that, I'm not surprised at all."

Qin Shu added: "Although you don't seem to take cultivation too seriously, you still have to practice when you need to. It's always good to live a few more years."

Wen Chi nodded in agreement this time, "You have to practice. I can't give all my hard-earned family fortune to you before I can enjoy it for a few days."

Qin Shu: "..."

If you had this realization long ago, you wouldn't have stayed in the golden elixir stage for so long.

After the brother and sister had a cordial talk, Wen Chi actually went into seclusion the next day.

Qin Shu looked at the message from him on the jade slip and was silent for a while.

I knew he was going to retreat, but I didn't expect that he would retreat so quickly and leave such a big mess behind.

As soon as she put away the jade slip, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Shu walked over and opened the door, and saw An Tu standing outside, "Master Qin, my boss has gone into seclusion, and he asked you to go to the clan leader for him today."

Qin Shu frowned. She was actually a bit unsociable. More importantly, she didn't know what the second senior brother was doing when he went to Chief Fenglie today... Why did he just go into seclusion without explaining anything?

She raised her head and looked at Antu in front of her, and asked, "Senior brother, before retreating, did you tell me what you were going to talk about today?"

Antu shook his head, "My boss didn't explain anything. He only said that you should act accordingly."

Qin Shu was shocked, random? strain?

Ah this?

What's the difference between this and being caught in the exam room without reviewing?

Qin Shu was silent, and after a long time of ideological work, she waved to An Tu, "Let's go, lead the way!"

I had met Chief Feng Lie yesterday, so it's not too abrupt to visit him today. No matter what he is for, I'll go and see him first.

Their Nishang Pavilion is now located in the center of the entire Chaolu tribe, not far from the chief's residence, and you can walk there directly.

When they arrived at the door, they were stopped by the guards without any questions.

An Tu stepped forward and showed the token of their Nishang Pavilion, and was let in.

Following the elf who led the way, they walked through the cobblestone path and saw a tree house.

Before Qin Shu got close, she saw a blonde elf flying out of the house and landing lightly on the ground, but her face was full of anger.

However, this anger changed completely after seeing Qin Shu!

This face of horror, if you don't know, you might think she saw a ghost.

In fact... it was not much different from seeing a ghost.

Xiang Ying waved his wings, pointed his toes, and rushed in front of Qin Shu in an instant.

"Qin Zheng?! Is it really you?!"

Qin Shu also recognized him at this time. She didn't expect that they would meet in the Chaolu tribe after such a long distance.

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