I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 898 Prepare for a rainy day

Qin Shu suddenly realized that it was normal for Feng Lie to have such thoughts.

Although I don’t know what kind of feud the humans and elves had in the past, but looking at the two sides looking like they have never been in contact with each other, I know that it is not the kind of thing that can be easily overcome.

She sighed, looked at Feng Lie and asked, "I would like to ask, did the human race do anything bad to the elves back then?"

Feng Lie nodded, "My ancestor was tricked by you back then. After he came back, he sealed the teleportation formation and said that he would never have contact with the human race again in this life. As for... what happened in the beginning, he didn't go into details, but it was recorded in his handwriting. , the code is kept in the forbidden area of ​​​​elves, and non-elves are not allowed to enter if they encounter life and death problems. "

Qin Shu: "..."

This is difficult to deal with, and there is not even any direction to remedy it.

And, she really can't guarantee that all races are good people.

The only thing she can guarantee is herself and Nichang Pavilion.

But once the teleportation array is activated, others in Dongzhou will not be able to stop it.

Qin Shu thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter. If you can't convince the elves to open the teleportation array, I can borrow the dwarves' teleportation array."

Feng Lie smiled apologetically, and Qin Shu raised her head again, and continued: "By the way, there is one more thing, I wonder if senior brother has told you. There is a demon invasion in Dongzhou, and the demonic energy has swept half of the east. Continent. As for Zhongzhou...it seems that the demonic energy invaded earlier than Dongzhou."

Feng Lie's expression became serious when he heard her talking about the demonic energy.

"I heard, is the demonic energy really that powerful?" Feng Lie asked.

Qin Shu nodded, "Well, there are high-level demons in the demonic energy. I once met a tenth-level demon king, which is comparable to the human race's cultivation in the god-transformation stage. It is said that there are twelfth-level and thirteenth-level demon kings above it." ...The most important thing is that once the spiritual energy is contaminated by demonic energy, everyone including us will gradually become demonic."

Qin Shu thought of what she saw when she was teleported to Nanzhou.

The scarlet eyes hidden in the black and gray demonic energy...

After hearing Qin Shu's words, Feng Lie's expression gradually became serious.

If it was really as Master Qin said, then they should have made preparations early.

Qin Shu thought for a while and then said: "Clan Chief Feng Lie, our Xuantianmen elders have discovered a spiritual plant called Demon-Conquering Grass. It can absorb the demonic energy in the air. We in Dongzhou have begun to plant it extensively. I wonder if you would like to plant some in advance?”

Today's Nanzhou indeed seems to be a pure land, not polluted by any evil energy.

Moreover, the wood spiritual energy here is quite strong. If the magic-defying grass is planted here, the magic-defying grass will definitely grow much faster than in their Dongzhou.

Feng Lie thought for a while and then agreed.

"Master, I can still do this! Master Qin, if you really have seeds, can I exchange some with you?"

Qin Shu smiled and shook her head, "They are just worthless seeds. There is no need to exchange them. If you come to our sect this time, the sect will give them away at will."

She raised her hand and touched the storage ring, took out a handful of seeds of the magic grass and handed it over.

"These seeds must be roasted with fire before planting."

As Qin Shu spoke, a ball of fire aura emerged out of thin air from the palm of her hand, and a burning smell spread throughout the room in an instant.

Feng Lie looked at the fire spirit in Qin Shu's palm in shock, and then at her face. It took a long time for him to calm down.

Also, the previous Nishang Pavilion was opened by Qin Xianshi. Only she herself was an alchemy master and could support the consumption of so many elixirs.

Qin Shu hit them with a burst of spiritual energy, and she dispersed all the gray patches on the seeds, leaving only the vibrant seeds one by one.

She handed the seed to Feng Lie, "Brother Feng Lie, please accept it."

Feng Lie took it, felt the vitality in the seeds wrapped in wood spirit energy in his palm, and saluted Qin Shu, "Thank you!"

The two discussed it again, and the general idea was to plant the magic-killing grass around their Chaolu tribe first, so that even if the evil aura spreads, they would still have a buffer.

If there are more seeds later, scatter them in the jungle and let them develop freely.

After everything was discussed, Feng Lie personally sent Qin Shu out.

He wanted to send Qin Shu to Nishang Pavilion all the way, but Qin Shu refused.

"Brother Feng Lie, please stop. It's not far back, so there's no need to bother."

Feng Lie then gave up and watched Qin Shu go away before turning around and going back.

Qin Shu went back all the way until she reached the tree house of Nishang Pavilion, when suddenly a golden figure fell from the sky.

Qin Shu was startled and quickly took a step back when she saw a golden thread passing in front of her eyes.

"Master Qin! Are you back?" Xiang Xiangying seemed to be waiting for her here specifically.

Qin Shu nodded, and then heard Xiang Ying ask again: "What do you have to talk about with that old guy, my dad, and we've been talking for so long."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Talked about the defense of the Chaolu Tribe."

Xiang Ying folded her arms and frowned, almost writing her dissatisfaction with her father on her face.

Seeing this, Qin Shu asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Xiang Ying sighed, "Of course I'm here to find you."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's go in and talk."

At this time, Xiang Ying waved to the tree again and shouted: "Feng Qing, come down!"

Immediately afterwards, another silver figure fell in front of Qin Shu, still a familiar face.

Feng Qing smiled and said, "It's you! I didn't believe Xiang Ying when she told me you were still alive!"

Qin Shu pursed her lips, "Lucky, I escaped."

Feng Qing and Xiang Ying followed her into the Nishang Pavilion, and the servants hired by her senior brother quickly brought the nectar.

Qin Shu then asked, "What do you two want to see me for?"

Xiang Ying was originally leaning on the chair, and when he heard her words, he immediately became excited, leaning forward slightly, his eyes shining.

"Master Qin, do you still want to take the mission? If you can take the mission with us, Dad will definitely allow us to go out!"

Qin Shu was silent for a while, it turned out that she was still thinking about this.

After a moment, Qin Shu shook her head, "I'm afraid not. My senior brother is in seclusion. I have to be busy with Nishang Pavilion for the time being."

Xiang Ying and Feng Qing both looked a little disappointed. Seeing this, Qin Shu asked, "Do you have any other way to accept tasks besides in the communication square?"

Xiang Ying's shoulders drooped, obviously not in high spirits, but he still answered Qin Shu's question.

"Our tribe has a mutual aid center for issuing tasks. As long as you can afford the spirit stones, there will usually be someone to accept the tasks."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up. Isn't this similar to the Qisha Pavilion?

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