I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 899 Nothing is impossible as long as you can afford the price

Qin Shu asked hurriedly: "What level of missions are there? Are those in the Spiritualization Stage and the Fusion Stage okay?"

Xiang Ying's eyes widened immediately, "Spiritualization Stage? Fusion Stage? What are you going to do?"

Qin Shu sighed, "I've seen a few high-level spiritual plants, but I can't pick them back..."

Xiang Ying's expression eased a little, "As long as you can afford the price, the elders will also take action, but... you probably have to wait a while."

Qin Shu relaxed in her heart. The price was not a problem. As long as she could get the fragments of the three dangerous plants and pay some of her possessions, she was still willing.

Feng Qing was also worried, "Xiaoying, what should we do? If Uncle Feng Lie still doesn't allow us to go out, are we going to stay in the clan with all our cultivation and tend to the spiritual plants?"

Xiang Ying's smile faded, and her fists clenched tightly, "Tending to the spiritual plants? He's dreaming! Let's sneak away!"

After saying this, she seemed to have just remembered that Qin Shu was standing next to her, and hurriedly asked, "Master Qin, you won't leak the secret, right?"

Qin Shu looked at her in surprise and asked back, "Did I hear anything?"

Feng Qing and Xiang Ying were stunned at the same time and laughed, "Nothing, Master Qin, see you next time!"

Qin Shu watched the two of them fly away, then shook her head with a mature look, turned around and walked back into the Nishang Pavilion.

Today, she suddenly had another thought. The immortal lantern had been broken for who knows how many years, and the fragments were scattered everywhere.

How could she be sure that the fragments were still there waiting for her to collect them after so many years? What if... someone else got these fragments?

Qin Shu touched her chin and thought to herself, it seems... I have to find another way to find the other fragments scattered everywhere.

As for how to find them, the first thing she thought of was the Art of Finding Things.

The Wen family didn't teach her much, but each one was more practical than the other.

Whether it was the Art of Delivering Evil or the Art of Finding Things, she couldn't miss any of them in the more than ten years of her practice.

She first returned to the Nishang Pavilion and re-explained what she had agreed with the Feng Lie clan leader.

Qin Shu took out the ninth-level array plate from the storage bracelets left by her senior brother. She held the array plate in one hand and the storage bracelet in the other hand and was speechless.

He just casually left the good things worth a spiritual vein in the storage bracelet, which was messy.

She took a quick look and found that there were still many in the ninth-level array plate, and there were also many other eighth-level pills, and the magic tools and talismans were piled up like a mountain.

Qin Shu was silent for a long time before she calmed down.

That's right. Without some good stuff, how can we open the Nishang Pavilion all over Nanzhou?

She selected a formation plate suitable for the Chaolu tribe. Next, she had to wait for Chief Fenglie to expand the Chaolu tribe.

Qin Shu also knew during this period that their tribes would not attack each other easily. The elves were a very peace-loving tribe.

But they would compete with each other for resources, high-level spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, as well as spiritual springs and spiritual veins.

They built formations more to defend some spiritual plants and some high-level monsters.

There are fewer monsters and insects in the jungle, but they are not completely absent. Every monster that can survive in the jungle has its own advantages.

Then the defense formation they need most should be fire-oriented, because both spiritual plants and monsters are afraid of fire.

After preparing the formation plate, they need to confirm it with Chief Fenglie again, but these are all to be discussed later.

Then An Jing reported the messages from the owners of the Nishang Pavilions of several other tribes. Qin Shu was shocked to find that in just three months, her senior brother had already opened 147 tribes, some of which she had never even heard of.

However, there were a total of 365 tribes in the entire elf tribe, and her senior brother's wish to open Nishang Pavilions all over Nanzhou was not fulfilled.

Not to mention the entire Nanzhou, even the elves were not completely covered.

However, Qin Shu could understand that although her senior brother brought a lot of elixirs, it was not enough to supply 365 tribes. With the three of them refining elixirs for three days and two days... it was impossible to balance supply and demand.

If you want to open Nishang Pavilions in all tribes, you must have a stable source of goods.

Therefore, Qin Shu decided to go to the dwarf tribe in person in a few days.

Just when Qin Shu was methodically dealing with the problems from various stores during her free time in cultivation, Feng Lie's invitation also came.

A small golden flower slowly bloomed the moment she opened the door, and a line of words appeared in front of her:

Master Qin, tonight is the Spiritual Prayer Festival of my elves. If you are free, please come to the market and sit down.

Spiritual Prayer Festival?

Qin Shu opened the communication jade slip and looked around the square and understood.

This Spiritual Prayer Festival is similar to the Spring Festival of the human race, but they worship the natural gods. It is said that many years ago, the natural gods appeared on this day to save their elves. From that day on, they set this day as the Spiritual Prayer Festival.

At this moment, Qin Shu suddenly thought of when she went to Zhongzhou many years ago, most of the cultivators in Zhongzhou believed in the Supreme God.

Their good friend Qian Ning is even more a loyal believer of the Supreme God.

I don’t know what Zhongzhou is like now? Is there really a Supreme God who protects them in Zhongzhou when the evil spirit comes?

Zhongzhou has the Supreme God, Nanzhou has the Natural God, and they are in Dongzhou?

Qin Shu thought for a moment and then completely put all this behind her. That's all. This level of problem is not something a young person like her should consider.

It was the way that Chief Feng Lie sent a message that made her think of her own Master Ling Xu. It was indeed a communication method that middle-aged and elderly monks liked to use.

She took out the sound transmission note from the storage ring, and imitated her own Master Ling Xu to fold it into a thousand paper cranes and sent it out. Then she took out a new set of clothes from the storage ring and put them on.

The colorful skirts that the big snake gave her back then, now that she is older, can no longer be worn.

Only a black dress with dark gold patterns that the big snake gave her later can be worn, so she changed into it directly.

When she opened the door and walked out, she found that the entire Nishang Pavilion was decorated beautifully with flowers by the elves.

Qin Shu walked down the stairs. With every step she took, the flowers on the handrails would bloom. It really felt like being in a fairy tale world.

Just halfway down the stairs, An Tu, wearing new clothes, flew in from outside holding a basket.

He happened to meet Qin Shu, so he greeted her enthusiastically, "Master Qin!"

Qin Shu took a look at the heavy basket in his arms, which was so heavy that he could hardly fly, and asked, "Why did you bring back so many fruits?"

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