I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 900: Keep the wealth within the family

An Tu chuckled, put the basket in front of the counter with great effort, and then turned around and explained to her: "Today is the Spirit Prayer Festival, and all the major shops in the tribe will give away spiritual fruits. Our Nishang Pavilion is here The center of the tribe. My boss made arrangements early in the morning, saying that this year we will all receive level 4 spirit fruits. For every hundred level 4 spirit fruits, one person will get a level 5 spirit fruit. Just watch. ! There will be a lot of excitement outside our shop tonight!"

His voice reached the ears of several customers in the store, and their already pointed elf ears immediately stood up.

Someone even quietly put the things in their hands back, and slipped out to deliver the message.

Whether it is a fourth-level spiritual fruit or a fifth-level spiritual fruit, it is nothing to high-level elves, but for some low-level elves, it can be exchanged for ten days and a half of their rations.

Qin Shu was not surprised at all when she heard An Tu's words. Her second senior brother had always been a qualified boy who spread wealth.

But what are the fourth and fifth level spiritual fruits? He can throw away the fourth and fifth level talismans in handfuls.

Qin Shu walked over and picked up a fruit and looked at it. Seeing Antu still standing aside, she raised her hand and threw it to him, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? After eating the fruit, go and call your friend to get it!"

An Tu was stunned, "But...but, my boss said it would be sent out at night."

Qin Shu laughed and said, "You silly boy, haven't you ever heard that wealth should not go to outsiders?"

Antu frowned and shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

Fu raised his head and looked at Qin Shu and asked, "What does this mean?"

Qin Shu picked up a spiritual fruit, took a bite, and said with a smile: "That's it... good things should be reserved for your own people first!"

Antu understood this time, and the smile on his face became even brighter. Master Qin and his boss both regarded their family as their own! They are great people! Better than the gods of nature to your own family!

My father went out on a business trip, and my mother prayed to the God of Nature day and night, but the God of Nature did not protect my father's legs.

Master Qin gave his family a guarantee of survival, and his boss gave his father a leg.

If it weren't for Immortal Qin and the Dong family, they don't know if their family would have survived until now.

He knows that the elves don't like the human race, but in his opinion, there are also very good people in the human race!

Qin Shu didn't know what An Tu was thinking. She just looked at the elf's cheeks and thought he was embarrassed, so she took out a few more spiritual fruits from the basket and handed them to him.

"Take it back and give it to your mother to taste first."

Antu's eyes suddenly brightened, he took a deep look at Qin Shu, took the fruit and flew out.

Immortal Master Qin gave him a total of six fruits, five of which were fourth-order spiritual fruits and one was a fifth-order spiritual fruit.

Where is the fifth level spiritual fruit! His mother must have never eaten it!

Seeing Antu fly away in a flash, Qin Shu called several other elves in the store to come over and eat the spiritual fruit.

There are so many left and right, enough to distribute to other elves.

When the sky gradually darkened, the green aura floating in the air suddenly became more obvious.

Qin Shu then raised her feet and walked outside. The entire Chaolu tribe was very lively tonight. Every shop and tree house was decorated with lights, and even various lanterns were floating in the air.

Qin Shu walked out of the door and headed towards the market.

The market is the largest open space in the entire Chaolu tribe. It is usually filled with various stalls, but today a small bonfire was lit.

The flames were not big, but the scene suddenly became more prosperous.

In addition, there are various high-level spiritual plants decorated everywhere, flowers that emit colorful spores, and fluorescent vines...

Qin Shu had just arrived when Xiang Ying and Feng Qing descended from the sky, "Qin Zheng! You're here! It's quite early today!"

Qin Shu nodded, "This is my first time to celebrate the Spiritual Prayer Festival, so I wanted to come over early to join in the fun."

Xiang Ying laughed, "I thought you would have to wait a while! Look at my father, the spiritual fruit hasn't been put out yet!"

Qin Shu glanced at the busy man in the distance and laughed.

Xiang Ying continued: "My father is still busy and I can't entertain you well. How about I take you around?"

Qin Shu agreed, "Okay, I wonder what the rules are for your Spiritual Prayer Festival?"

For example, giving out red envelopes and the like. She is not very old, so it would be reasonable for her to receive a red envelope.

Xiang Ying nodded, "Of course there is, but you don't need to go out of your way to learn it. Later, my father will lead everyone to pray. You can just watch from the side or follow along."

Qin Shu understood. It looked like it was not an activity that wasted money and people.

Feng Qing raised her head and glanced at the lanterns in the sky, then her eyes fell on the place where the sun was setting in the distance, and said: "In a while, it will be better when the sky is completely dark."

After saying that, he looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Qin Zheng, do you have any wishes? My mother said that making a wish on the night of the Soul Prayer Festival will be particularly effective."

Xiang Ying on the side also nodded, "My father also said the same, saying that he made a wish on the Soul Prayer Festival in order to become a Taoist couple with my mother."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the God of Nature's business was more extensive, and he even cared about marriage.

Feng Qing sighed, "We were still very young when your mother passed away, and so many years have passed in a flash."

Qin Shu was stunned again. It seemed that Xiang Ying was still an elf with a story.

When Feng Qing said this, Xiang Ying's mood also dropped.

"Everyone says that my mother went to serve the God of Nature, but I don't believe it! The God of Nature is so good, how could he break up our family?" Xiang Ying wrinkled his nose and said.

Feng Qing quickly pulled her sleeve, "Let's not talk about this. Aren't we going to pray tonight? You can talk to the God of Nature yourself when the time comes."

Xiang Ying pursed her lips and said nothing.

But only she knew that it was useless...

Since her mother left, she started to make wishes. One hundred and sixty years have passed, and her mother still hasn't come back.

Qin Shu saw that she was not in a good mood, raised her hand, and took out a lantern.

This lantern was bought in the mortal world that year, but now she gave it to Xiang Ying.

"Your mother may be tripped by something. When she is busy for a while, she will come back." Qin Shu said.

Xiang Ying looked at the little rabbit lantern in her hand. It was very cute, but she had never seen this monster before.

She knew that Master Qin was making her happy, and her heart was warm. She smiled at her, "Thank you, Master Qin."

As soon as she finished speaking, another familiar voice sounded in Qin Shu's ears.

"Junior sister."

Qin Shu: "?"

She looked back in surprise, and sure enough, she saw her senior brother standing behind her.

"Senior brother? Why are you back?"

Cheng Yan held his sword in both hands and looked down at her, "Wen Chi said he would be in seclusion for a while, and I thought you would feel wronged if you spent the Spiritual Prayer Festival alone, so I hurried back."

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