I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 901 Showing off my skills to everyone

Qin Shu was extremely surprised when she heard this. It wasn't that she doubted the brother-sister relationship between them, it was just that this was not something her senior brother could do.

Qin Shu's brows knitted into knots and she was silent for a long time. Finally, she managed to squeeze out a word and asked: "Elder brother, did you...have you caused any trouble outside again?"

Cheng Yan: "..."

Just when Qin Shu felt guilty and was about to admit her mistake, she heard Cheng Yan speak first: "Junior sister, can you lend me some spiritual stones?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Cheng Yan obviously felt that it was not good to talk to his junior sister. He coughed lightly and then said: "Fifteen days later, the Qingquan tribe will hold an auction, and there will be a gold punishment stone in it..."

Qin Shu understood, her eyes fell on the precious sword in Cheng Yan's arms, and asked: "Second senior brother said before that you went on a mission for a piece of material?"

Cheng Yan nodded, "Well, with this gold punishment stone, Cheng Ying can advance to another level."

Qin Shu asked directly without thinking: "How much do you want to borrow?"

Cheng Yan blushed, "Otherwise...junior sister, will you accompany me to buy it? I will definitely give it back to you first when the time comes!"

He didn't know what price the Gold Punishment Stone would fetch at auction, but he expected it to be high. He only had 3,600 top-quality spiritual stones in his possession now, which was definitely not enough.

But he also knew that if he missed this golden stone, he didn't know when he would encounter it again next time.

He really... didn't want to miss it.

Qin Shu was silent. As soon as her senior brother spoke, she realized that her purse was probably going to bleed heavily this time.

But she still agreed, "Okay, I'll go with you."

When the two senior brothers and sisters were talking, Cheng Yan subconsciously put up a soundproof cover.

Not for anything else, just to save face.

Feng Qing and Xiang Ying have long been accustomed to this. No matter which continent they live in, the first thing they must learn is not to be so curious about other people's affairs.

Don’t pry, don’t interfere, it’s good for yourself and others.

Seeing that the senior brother and sister had finished talking, Xiang Yingcai greeted them: "It's completely dark. It's rare to have a bonfire party tonight. How about we join in the fun?"

She invited them all, and Qin Shu herself wanted to go and experience them, so she went along.

Just this look really made her dumbfounded.

The two senior brothers and sisters looked at each other, the expressions in their eyes were somewhat difficult to describe.

An elf used wind spirit energy to blow three small palm-sized flames up and down in the air, followed by another person holding a torch with his hand as his palm, wood spirit energy struck out, and fire suddenly spurted out.

The elves around him exclaimed in surprise, but Qin Shu remained silent.

The elves are afraid of fire, so it is not easy to do this.

Cheng Yan didn't say anything. All he could think about at this moment was, when his junior sister helped him buy the gold-punishing stone, where would he find a high-level blacksmith to upgrade his Cheng Ying?

But Feng Lie, who was standing opposite them, happened to see their senior brother and sister. He thought of something and walked towards them happily.

"Qin Immortal Master! Become an Immortal Master!"

Qin Shu and Cheng Yan heard his voice and looked over. When they saw Chief Feng Lie approaching, they quickly saluted him.

Feng Lie returned the gift and then said, "I haven't seen Master Cheng for a long time. I heard that you traveled to other tribes?"

Cheng Yan was not as tactful as Wen Chi, nor was he good at words. After hearing his question, he just replied calmly: "Exactly."

Feng Lie exchanged greetings with him for a few more words before looking at Qin Shu again.

"Master Qin, you are an alchemist, you should have fire spirit roots, right? I wonder if you can show your skills to us little guys?"

Originally, he wanted to ask Cheng Yan, but he always felt that Immortal Master Cheng Yan looked unapproachable. In comparison, Immortal Master Qin was more approachable.

This was not a big deal, so Qin Shu nodded and agreed.

Speaking of which, she had endured these performances for a long time, and the blacksmith she had seen in the human world was more shocking than this.

After the elves on the field finished their performance, Feng Lie stepped forward and shouted: "Today we invited Immortal Master Qin from Nishang Pavilion to come over. Next, let her show her hands to everyone and see how the fire spirit monk's sparks are. ?”

There was a burst of cheers all around, and many elves simply flew up. For a moment, there were elves everywhere on the ground and in the air.

Qin Shu also walked into the central open space under the attention of everyone.

Cheng Yan's eyes fell on the slender figure in the center, and his chest straightened out. His junior sister was the pride of the whole sect!

Qin Shu raised her hand and snapped her fingers casually, and white flames emerged from her fingertips.

The younger elves exclaimed again, looking at her with a bit of admiration.

That's fire! The fire they fear most! Are you being played with on your fingertips? ! It’s really amazing!

Qin Shu flicked her fingertips, and the flame rolled in the air and suddenly turned into a vivid little goldfish.

Everyone was surprised, and then the goldfish began to spit bubbles, and the bubbles slowly rose into the sky and turned into countless fire butterflies.

At this time, it’s time for laymen to watch the fun, and experts to watch the door.

The younger elves could only see the bright lights filled with butterflies flying across the sky, while the elves with higher cultivation levels saw the space that was distorted by the high temperature.

Such a high temperature...and the ability to control this flame...

Previously, I heard Xiang Ying say that she was at the Nascent Soul stage. Are human monks at the Nascent Soul stage...all at this level?

At this moment, the monks who had figured out this level suddenly felt insecure. After the Spiritual Prayer Festival, they would have to go back and retreat for a while.

Qin Shu had not yet realized her influence on the elves. She formed a seal with her hands, and a huge white lotus appeared in the air. At this time, those beautiful fire butterflies flew into the heart of the white lotus one by one.

After all the butterflies fell in, the petals of the lotus slowly closed one by one, and turned into a flower bud hovering in the air.

Everyone stared at the flower carefully, and the scene was very quiet for a while.

Qin Shu smiled and made a seal with her fingertips. The flower immediately rushed into the sky, and fireworks fell from the sky.

There were exclamations all around, but when the flames fell halfway, they seemed to be stopped by something and disappeared.

The sky returned to silence again, and the originally clear moon now seemed a little dim.

The scene was silent for a moment, and no one knew who spoke first, but then there were waves of cheers.

Qin Shu bowed to everyone and left gracefully.

Feng Lie hurried forward to maintain order, and Xiang Ying and Feng Qing squeezed out of the crowd and flew to Qin Shu's side.

"Master Qin! You are so amazing!"

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