I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 992 The Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Being

Qin Shu's heart was in turmoil. Yan Ming was walking in front of her. She followed Yan Ming with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Until Yan Ming in front of her stopped and said, "We're here."

Qin Shu came back to her senses and watched Yan Ming walk forward and knocked on the door gently.

"Mother, Fellow Daoist Qin is here."

A voice came from inside, "Come in."

Her voice sounded different from what Qin Shu had heard before. Perhaps because her soul was stable, her tone was a little more calm now, and she was no longer as jumpy as before.

Yan Ming pushed the door open and made a gesture to Qin Shu to invite him in.

Qin Shu nodded politely at him, stepped over the threshold and walked in.

A woman in the room was sitting at the table doing needlework. In front of her was a basket filled with needlework and a half-worn piece of clothing. It looked like a man's suit, and it was probably Yan Ming's clothes.

The woman seemed to have heard the noise of Qin Shu coming in, and raised her head. After seeing who was coming, she also had a smile in her eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, long time no see." She put down the things in her hands and stood up.

Qin Shu bowed to her, "Seeing that you seem to have recovered well, I can rest assured."

She knew the side effects of the Nine Revolutions Soul-Nourishing Pill. This woman must have suffered a lot to recover to her current state, even with the help of the pills she made.

The woman also returned a bow to Qin Shu and said, "You are too polite. I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might never recover again."

She knew that there might be no second Nine Revolutions Soul-Restoring Pill in the current world of cultivation.

If it weren't for the pill Qin Shu gave them, she might really be in a daze until her lifespan ran out.

Although this pill was exchanged for the Jade Scepter of Kunpeng Small World, for them, this transaction was not a loss at all.

She was originally from the Kunpeng clan, and was very familiar with the Kunpeng Small World. Even if the difficulty of this so-called trial was reduced, Yan Ming could not go there.

The Kunpeng clan is a water and wind clan, while Yan Ming has a fire spirit root.

If he really went there, his cultivation would be suppressed to death. Not to mention finding anything, it would be good enough to come back alive.

To put it bluntly, the Kunpeng Small World is actually the cemetery of their clan. It is possible that there is no return from that place.

And according to her understanding of A Zhang, the things she left behind must not be so easy to find.

Two days ago, she tried to let Ming'er ask Qin Daoyou to see if she had seen the token for her.

Originally, she didn't have much hope, but she didn't expect that Ming'er would get a little clue just after asking.

Qin Shu's tiger's mouth was slightly hot, and her spiritual sense quietly swept it, and she saw that the word "Kui" was emitting a faint fluorescence.

It seems... the A Kui mentioned by the senior is really the mother of Yan Ming in front of him?

This is a bit too coincidental.

However, what did Senior A Kui go through? Why did she fall into this situation?

Qin Shu raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and took out the wooden hairpin and envelope she had obtained before.

She held it with both hands and handed it to A Kui, "Senior, these are what I brought from the small world."

A Kui felt the unique sealing secret technique of their clan on it, as well as the familiar breath coming from the hairpin and envelope.

She knew this feeling very well, it was A Zhang's breath.

She took the hairpin and envelope, put the envelope on the table, and raised her hand to rub the hairpin bit by bit.

Finally, she sighed deeply and asked Qin Shu, "A Zhang...should she have died too?"

Qin Shu could feel her loneliness, but since she was helping people pass messages, she couldn't lie, so she nodded, "When I went there, I only saw a wisp of Senior Zhang's soul. After she handed me the hairpin and the letter, the wisp of soul completely dissipated. I am not strong enough to help her condense her soul..."

A Kui shook his head, "It's not your fault. She hunted too many dragons back then, and was ambushed in the end. It's her own fault."


Qin Shu looked at A Kui and asked curiously, "Was Senior Zhang ambushed by the dragons?"

A Kui shook his head, "Not the dragons, but the gods."

Qin Shu's face became serious in an instant when she heard this.


She has heard these two words a lot recently, but the gods have always had a bad image.

A Kui did not immediately explain to her, but looked up at Yan Ming who was standing beside him, and said: "Ming'er, go and pour a cup of tea for Fellow Daoist Qin."

Yan Ming knew in his heart that his mother had something to say to Fellow Daoist Qin Shu, and wanted to get him out of the way first.

He nodded, turned around and walked out, not forgetting to close the door.

A Kui listened to Yan Ming's footsteps going away, and then explained to Qin Shu: "The God Clan is the most hypocritical. They used to have a good relationship with our clan, until... they encountered the Five Decays of the Celestial Beings."

The Five Decays of the Celestial Beings? !

Is this something that a little disciple of the Out-of-Body Stage can listen to?

No wonder she sent Yan Ming away. If one's mind is not firm, hearing too much of this will be detrimental to the heart of Taoism.

But Qin Shu is different. She came from the future. In her world, people who live to be a hundred years old are considered old, and those who live longer are earned.

She just listened to all of what A Kui said as a story.

"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man, even the Way of Heaven is going downhill, let alone our races? The Gods used us, and also used the human race, to help them condense their divinity..."

Qin Shu thought of the grievances between the Kunpeng clan and the big snake. The Yuanzhen Patriarch had never seen it, but A Kui might know something.

Qin Shu asked, "Senior, do you know Qin Yuan?"

A Kui's expression changed, and his face became much uglier. "If it weren't for him, my clan might not be so tragic."

Qin Shu: "?"

Why is this different from what Su You said?

The more information she knew, the more she felt that there was something wrong with it.

Seeing that A Kui didn't want to say more, Qin Shu asked again: "Senior, didn't Qin Yuan explode to open the small world to let other beasts escape?"

A Kui laughed bitterly, "Escape? Where to escape? To the demon world?"

Qin Shu: "?"

She looked at A Kui in surprise, and A Kui continued: "You must know that the small world is very big when you went there. It was originally the last place for all the beasts of my clan to live. Once the small world is closed, it is difficult for external forces to open it. It would be better for everyone to recuperate in the small world together, and when everyone has recovered to their peak, wouldn't it be better to go out again?"

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