Qin Shu was silent. A Kui's statement was completely different from Su You's.

"According to you, your clan is actually protecting them?" Qin Shu asked.

A Kui sighed, then nodded and said, "Now that things have come to this, why should I lie to you? Our Kunpeng clan's small world has existed since the beginning of the world. The gods want to break it, but they don't have the ability to do so."

Qin Shu's brows twisted. One of them wanted everyone to go in, and the other tried desperately to escape.

There was probably some information gap. If she said that there was no handiwork of the gods, she would not believe anything.

"But didn't your Kunpeng clan hunt the dragons? In this case, wanting them to listen to you..."

It's unlikely. After killing so many dragons, it was the Qinglong ancestor who saved those ordinary dragons in the end.

Who knows if they were locked up in this small world this time to be fattened up and slaughtered?

If she was in this situation at the beginning, she would probably find ways to escape.

After hearing what Qin Shu said, A Kui was silent for a long time, then he sighed and opened the letter in front of Qin Shu.

Even after so many years, the letter paper was still brand new, but Qin Shu didn't recognize the words on it.

A Kui handed the letter to Qin Shu and asked her to take a look.

Qin Shu took it in her hand and read it from beginning to end, then she coughed lightly and said with a little embarrassment: "Sorry, senior, I don't know these words."

Although she didn't know them, she memorized how to write these words, and when she returned to Chongtian Palace, she would write them down for Da She to see.

A Kui raised his hand, and a flash of light flashed across the paper, and then the words that appeared on it became the words Qin Shu was familiar with.

She read it word by word, and it was basically A Kui's apology.

And told A Kui the location of the new inheritance place of their Kunpeng clan.

Qin Shu had never even heard of the place she mentioned, and didn't know if it was in this world of cultivation.

The inheritance of the techniques and texts of these divine beasts is hidden in their blood, and they will automatically awaken when they reach a certain level of cultivation and age.

But those treasures and spirit stones can only be placed in the inheritance place of the clan.

When their descendants grow up, they can take them out by themselves.

The place where Sang Ze went this time was also like this. Their inheritance places are very cautious and generally will not be told to people other than their own clan.

This time, A Kui was so open to himself, doesn’t it explain a problem.

This place... maybe they will never be able to go there in their lifetime.

Now everyone knows that the ascension passage to the sky has been sealed, and there is no hope of ascension.

Therefore, the inheritance place of their Kunpeng clan should actually be in the upper realm.

"A Zhang has always believed that she implicated me, so my soul was shattered. But in fact, even if it wasn't her, it would be someone else."

Qin Shu's mind seemed to slow down for a moment. She felt vaguely that she seemed to have guessed something, but she was not sure.

Sure enough, A Kui said, "According to my guess, the gods have been calculating against our clan since A Yang's death."

"A Yang and A Zhang have always had a good relationship, but A Yang suddenly died, and A Zhang suddenly had a Wuhua Tiantao Lamp in his hand."

"Since she had this lamp, A Zhang began to change. Her temperament gradually became strange and extreme, and she hunted dragons crazily..."

"My clan has absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth since birth, and has long been fasting, so there is no need to feed on dragons. If it weren't for conflicts of interest, we would rarely kill like this."


Qin Shu understood that A Kui's statement was actually not much different from her guess.

A Zhang was calculated by the gods, but she was very powerful, and many dragons died in her hands.

The Qinglong ancestor of the dragon clan has a close relationship with other mythical beasts, and the abnormal behavior of the Kunpeng clan was passed on to the ears of other mythical beasts.

As more and more dragons died, other mythical beasts became less and less trusting of the Kunpeng clan.

At this critical moment, the fight between the gods and the beasts broke out.

This should explain it.

Qin Shu sighed, but did not dare to speak nonsense. The senior A Kui in front of her was also a Kunpeng who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

And it was a physical Kunpeng, which was different from those residual souls.

Of course, speaking of residual souls, Qin Shu suddenly remembered the Yuan Zhen Patriarch again, and hurriedly called him twice in her heart.

After getting the response from the Yuan Zhen Patriarch, Qin Shu looked at A Kui in front of her again.

"Senior, when I came out of the Kunpeng small world, I brought a tribe member of yours with me. I wonder if you want to see him?"

"Oh?" A Kui was obviously stunned, "Tribe member? Are there any tribe members who survived?"

Qin Shu frowned and shook her head, "This senior's situation is quite special, you should know when you see him."

As she spoke, she took out the Return to Nature Mirror.

"Return to Nature Mirror?" A Kui recognized it.

Qin Shu was not worried about her stealing the treasure. She just called out to the Return to Originality Mirror twice, and saw the appearance of the Yuan Zhen Patriarch appear on the mirror.

A Kui recognized him at a glance, "Yuan Zhen?"

Yuan Zhen also recognized A Kui in front of him, "I never thought that there were still living members of my tribe."

A Kui sighed, "When I tried to stop A Zhang, I was accidentally injured by the Qinglong Patriarch and failed to return in time, but I also escaped a disaster by accident."

Yuan Zhen was silent. It was obvious that he could not escape.

He died in the catastrophe.

A Kui said again: "There are thousands of people in our clan, big and small, and everyone has good cultivation. How did they all die overnight?"

Since she recovered, she has been thinking about this matter, but she has never figured it out.

Since she has the opportunity to see Yuan Zhen this time, she must ask him.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Zhen in the mirror shook his head.

"I don't remember it either."

A Kui was very shocked, "You? Don't remember?"

How could she not be shocked if she forgot such a big event as the extermination of the clan?

Yuan Zhen shook his head, "When the Return to Originality Mirror was damaged and the spirit disappeared, I volunteered to sacrifice my soul to become the new spirit. But the spirit is not allowed to have its own emotions, and I gave up all these grievances and memories."

A Kui was silent again. She thought that Yuan Zhen's soul could be preserved for ten thousand years because of some special method, but she didn't expect that he would become a spirit.

Obviously, there is only one way to go: protecting the treasure of the Kunpeng clan or avenging the clan members.

And for Yuan Zhen, who only has a remnant soul left, this has never been a choice.

"Forget it, sometimes forgetting is not necessarily a bad thing." A Kui sighed softly.

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