I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 994 You have to work really hard

Akui looked at Ancestor Yuan Zhen in the mirror, thought for a long time, picked up the letter, and an invisible spiritual energy flame started to burn from the top of the letter.

She made a gesture and directed the flame in her hand to the Return to Nature Mirror in front of her.

Ancestor Yuan Zhen frowned and asked, "Akui, what do you mean?"

Akui explained solemnly: "It is better to leave this letter with you. If there is a chance to meet the stranded clan members again in the future, please tell them the location of the inheritance place. As for me... I have already I’ve written it down, but with the current state of my soul, it’s difficult to make any progress in my cultivation. The inheritance cannot be cut off like this..."

Ancestor Yuan Zhen sighed, "The Mirror of Return to Nature has fallen into the hands of the human race. You typed that letter on the mirror. This..."

He wanted to say that this was different from a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, but because Qin Shu was still there, he restrained himself and swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

But Akui still understood, and she smiled bitterly, "If it really falls into the hands of the human race, at least... doesn't it mean that they have opened the passage to ascension?"

In that case, there is hope of returning home and hope of revenge.

Ancestor Yuan Zhen was silent. After a moment, he nodded slightly and uttered two words, "That makes sense."

Although Qin Shu was somewhat interested in the place of inheritance they talked about, she couldn't do the kind of thing like coming to steal someone's house, so she just pretended not to have heard about it.

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Mother, the tea has been delivered."

Yan Ming's voice came in, and A Kui glanced at Qin Shu. Qin Shu understood and put away the Return to Nature Mirror.

Only then did Akui raise his voice toward the door and said, "Come in."

Yan Ming pushed open the door and walked in, holding a tray in his hand.

There is a teapot and two teacups on the tray.

He walked in and put the tray on the table, poured tea for Qin Shu and his mother naturally, smiled sheepishly, and said to Qin Shu: "It's not a good tea, let's drink some first to quench our thirst. "

No guests have ever come to their home, and there is no preparation at home.

Qin Shu didn't care about this. She quickly waved her hand and said, "We are all our own people, no need to be polite."

Yan Ming sat down aside, and Qin Shu asked him where he had taken on the mission recently.

Yan Ming has grown a lot compared to back then, and is a lot more stable, and his cultivation has also improved.

He has half the blood of the Kunpeng clan and half the blood of the Yinhuo clan.

Drawing on the strengths of the two races, even today when spiritual energy is not very abundant, its cultivation speed can still be regarded as rapid.

Now that he has reached the middle stage of the Golden Core, once he reaches the Golden Core stage, he will definitely be able to receive more tasks.

"I have been working in Qisha Pavilion for the past two years. Qisha Pavilion has settled the spiritual stones very quickly. Life for us, mother and son, is much better than before."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "If you need any help, you can send me a message."

Yan Ming smiled and said frankly: "You have helped me solve my biggest problem. We will get better and better in the future."

His mother's soul is stable, at least when he goes out to take on tasks, he can feel more at ease.

Then Yan Ming changed the topic and asked: "By the way, I saw some...not good rumors about you on the jade slips..."

Yan Ming wanted to speak directly, but seemed a little offended, so he endured it.

Qin Shu saw what he wanted to ask and simply said directly: "Someone went out in my name and was killed by my sword."

Yan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but he must have thought of something. He raised his eyes and looked at Qin Shu again and asked, "You won't explain anymore?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "If someone really wants to pour sewage on me, it will be useless even if I have a hundred mouths."

Just as Yan Ming frowned, he heard Qin Shu continue to say: "All I have to do is tear these mouths to pieces and kill a few more, so no one will dare to pretend to be someone else."

Yan Ming was surprised when he heard this, "I never thought... you actually have such a side."

On the other hand, Akui looked at Qin Shu with a more appreciative expression, "You are not very old, but you are quite sober."

Qin Shu looked at her and smiled, "The more you see, the more you understand."

When Qin Shu said this, Akui really fell into deep thought.

After a moment, she nodded in agreement.

If A Zhang was so sober back then, he might have been taken advantage of by others after he became seriously ill and sought medical treatment after A Yang's death.

But it is useless to talk about it now. A Zhang's soul has disappeared, and their Kunpeng clan has almost been wiped out.

Qin Shu talked to their mother and son for a while before saying goodbye.

A Kui did not keep her and asked Yan Ming to send her out.

Yan Ming sent her all the way out of Nanyin City again, and it wasn't until they were parting that he called Qin Shu again.

"Fellow Daoist Qin."

Qin Shu turned around and saw Yan Ming blushing and looking embarrassed.

The doubts in Qin Shu's heart suddenly became more intense, and she asked, "Is there anything else?"

Yan Ming shook his head and hesitated for a long time before he managed to squeeze out a sentence, "Fellow Daoist Qin, you...how did you practice? How did you practice so fast?"

I can't blame him for being doubtful. He is also very talented and works hard. He has only broken through to the middle stage of Golden Core after not seeing him for so long.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Qin Shu's cultivation as a thousand miles a day. Why can she improve so fast?

Qin Shu laughed, "It's just that I practice harder than usual, plus a little bit of talent."

Yan Ming frowned, "I also work hard."

Qin Shu shook her head slightly, "Ordinary efforts won't work, you have to work very hard."

Yan Ming thought of when they were at the Yan family, she practiced sword from morning to night, and sat on the roof to practice at night.

Could it be that he has been practicing with such intensity for so many years?

If this is true, although her cultivation speed may be very fast, it is far from her current cultivation.

Then there is only one possibility...

Her talent is not just a little bit of talent as she said, but a very powerful talent!

Yan Ming, who was originally very confident in his talent, seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water at this time, and suddenly calmed down.

Is this what is called "there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens"?

Qin Shu clasped her fists towards him and said, "I'm leaving now. If you need anything, just send me a message."

Yan Ming nodded and watched her turn around and disappear from his sight in an instant.

And, her figure was no longer visible within the range of his spiritual consciousness...

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