I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 995: It seems that someone has robbed my house

Nanyin City is not far from Nanxiang City. According to Qin Shu's speed, he can make the trip in half an hour.

She was just halfway through her journey back, and her communication skills shone brightly again.

Qin Shu opened it and took a look. It was from Sang Ze.

Sang Ze has gone somewhere now, and the Soul Seal has completely lost contact with him, so the two of them can only rely on the jade slips to communicate.

[Sister Shushu, are you busy? 】

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, and the tone of his words this time was obviously different from before.

Excluding the possibility that someone else used his jade slip, there is only one possibility...

Qin Shu held the jade slip and sent a series of messages: [What? 】

Sang Ze: [If you are free, can you come over? 】

The corners of Qin Shu's lips curled up. It seemed that her guess was correct. Sang Ze's response was that he was asking for help when he was in trouble.

Qin Shu: [What happened? 】

Sang Ze: [It seems that someone has stolen the house. 】

Qin Shu: [? 】

Sang Ze then sent another message: [Our inheritance place seems to have been discovered by others. 】

Qin Shu quickly asked: "Are there many of them? How many things have been moved?"

Sang Ze heard her question and said directly: "There are not many people, only five. The things have not been moved, and they can't get in without the inheritance mark."

Qin Shu just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard him ask again: "But they couldn't untie the mark, so they started to use brute force. I saw that half of the mountain was blown away by them..."

"If they are allowed to continue like this, there is no telling whether the inheritance underneath will collapse."

Qin Shu understood and asked directly, "What do you need me to do?"

Sang Ze didn't treat her as an outsider, "Can you lead them away?"

Qin Shu: "..."

"Tell me the location and I'll be right over."

This time, Sang Ze did not send her the address directly, but added another reminder, "You can only come."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, this kid.

But it's good for him to be like this, and he must be on guard against others.

Sang Ze gave this advice mainly because he was afraid that Qin Shu would take Xie Shiyuan there directly.

The inheritance of their family is stored there. Even if this group of monks razed the entire mountain to the ground, they would not be able to find it. At most, he himself would not be able to find it.

But if he brings Xie Shiyuan there... there are so many good treasures in their family, who knows if he will be moved.

At that time, it was really hard to say whose inheritance it was.

Qin Shu agreed and then sent a message to Dashe, saying that she was going to do Sang Ze a favor and would go back later.

Xie Shiyuan sat in the courtyard, glanced at Ji Duo and Ah Jin who were hiding in the garden, and then looked up at the nearly full moon in the sky.

I couldn't help but sigh, that's all, since I have to come back late after all, it's better to be later.

Qin Shu got the new address from Sang Ze and hurried there as fast as possible.

She could feel the ground shaking from a distance, and it seemed that she had reached the place Sang Ze mentioned.

The closer the distance is, the soul mark can be contacted.

Qin Shu followed the mark of the soul and found the location of Sang Ze and Xiao Xiao. She saw the two Xiao Xiao transformed into their original forms and squatted on the top of a tall tree.

She moved and knelt down beside them.

"Are they them?" Qin Shu asked.

Sang Ze nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yeah."

Qin Shu's consciousness quietly covered it, and she noticed it with a quick glance.

"There are five people there, two of them are in the middle stage of leaving the body, one is in the early stage of leaving the body, and the other three are in the late stage of Nascent Soul."

After saying that, Qin Shu couldn't help but click her tongue twice, glanced at Sang Ze, and said, "You really think highly of me. There are so many people across the way, and you just call me a helper? You don't want me to bring others?"

Sang Ze said, "Don't hide your clumsiness. We are all one of our own. Who doesn't know you? You are in the out-of-body stage and the mortal realm. They can't hurt you."

At this point, he suddenly paused and then continued: "Besides, I'm just asking you to distract them. Based on your body skills, it should be impossible for them to catch up with you."

Qin Shu glanced at Sang Ze again and confirmed again: "I just need to lead people away? How long do you need to lead them away? How long do you need?"

Sang Ze stretched out a finger, and Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "It only takes a quarter of an hour, it's easy."

Sang Ze shook his head. Qin Shu's eyes widened and she heard Sang Ze say, "You worked so hard to contain them for an hour."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Farewell, I won't take this job anymore."

How could she contain two out-of-body and three Nascent Souls for an hour?

When the other party saw that she had been tricked, she insisted on leaving. How could she keep them all?

Sang Ze quickly grabbed the hem of Qin Shu's clothes with his claws, "Don't be impatient first, and then listen to my conditions?"

Qin Shu squatted back again and said, "Tell me."

Sang Ze gave her a look and said, "You can help me contain them for an hour. If I move quickly, it may take less than an hour. When I come out, I will bring you a baby."

Qin Shu immediately asked: "What treasure?"

Sang Ze spread his wings and said, "I don't know about this. After all, I have never been to the inheritance place, so I don't know what is inside."

Qin Shu frowned, "What's the difference between you and a white wolf with empty gloves?"

Sang Ze smiled, "You can open a blind egg, how about another bet? I will definitely choose the one that suits you best in the inheritance place."

Qin Shu finally agreed. No matter whether Sang Ze will bring her a treasure or not, she will do her best to help.

In any case, Sang Ze and her have a master-servant contract. They are in the same boat. The stronger Sang Ze is, the stronger she is.

"Okay, I will try my best to delay you, but you must be quick."

After she said this, she glanced at Xiao Xiao who was squatting beside Sang Ze and said, "With Xiao Xiao here, one hour should not be a problem."

But who knew that she was rejected by Sang Ze as soon as she said this, "No, Xiao Xiao has to go with me."

Qin Shu: "?"

"This is the inheritance place of your clan. Xiao Xiao can go in?" He didn't let himself go in, but Xiao Xiao could. Isn't this too obvious to be partial?

Sang Ze nodded seriously, "I don't know how to set up formations, maybe Xiaoxiao can help me?"

Qin Shu was silent again, and after a moment, she said, "If you want to take Xiaoxiao with you, just take her with you, why bother making up these messed up excuses. Would your ancestors set up formations that even you can't solve?"

What's the difference between that and waiting for it to be lost.

Sang Ze didn't argue anymore, and was silent for a moment, and said in a rare willful tone, "I will take Xiaoxiao with me!"

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