I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 998: Lure the tiger away from the mountain

The battle situation was in a stalemate for a while. Qin Shu could not completely defeat them, and the other side could not do anything to Qin Shu.

If Qin Shu's physique had not reached the Transcendent Realm, it is estimated that she would not be able to hold them back.

The benefits of body training have begun to show initially. The more so, the more she feels that it was a correct choice for her to embark on the path of body training by accident.

Otherwise, she would have to look ahead and behind when arguing with others. Unlike now, she only needs to attack blindly and hardly needs to be distracted to defend.

Just when Qin Shu thought that she could easily drag it over in this hour, the five brothers on the opposite side suddenly pinched a blood-taking trick at the same time and used blood as a formation.

The speed of forming the formation was very fast. At the moment when the formation was formed, Qin Shu actually clearly felt a sense of oppression.

Her expression became more serious. It seems that there is still a tough battle to fight next.

I don’t know how Sang Ze and Xiao Xiao are doing now. I hope they can come out quickly.

Sang Ze and Xiao Xiao had already entered the inheritance site of the Chongming Bird Clan, passed through a long corridor, and entered a place in the shape of a bird's nest.

Sang Ze's inheritance roughly knew the situation here, but he didn't know what was in it.

According to the inheritance, not all the things here belonged to him, and he could get as much as he could take away.

He raised his hand and made a gesture, and a milky white light gradually spread out from him.

As this layer of milky white light completely disappeared, Sang Ze opened his eyes again, chose a direction and flapped his wings to fly over.

Perhaps due to the limitations of his current cultivation, he could not take away much this time, and it would take some time.

He might not need an hour, but the time required was definitely not short.

He entered a milky white light curtain, and the entire inheritance site returned to silence again.

After about half an hour, the milky white light curtain reappeared and spit out Sang Ze from it.

Sang Ze also showed a satisfied smile on his face at this time. Although he could not take much, at least he had some wealth and was no longer penniless.

He looked around the treasures in the inheritance land again and couldn't help sighing. He didn't know when he could move all these things away?

He didn't know if there was another Chongming bird in the world?

Forget it, let's stop here today. It's less than two quarters of an hour, so I have to go out quickly.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something and put a spiritual plant in his hand into the monster bag.

This spiritual plant can only grow in the gathering place of their Chongming birds. It is called Chongming spiritual grass. It can be absorbed by monsters to strengthen their physique. Each monster can only use it once.

He pulled a few plants this time. After going out, maybe he can exchange some resources for himself?

After closing the monster bag again, Sang Ze turned into his original form and flew towards the exit of the inheritance land.

As it left, the corridor behind him began to disappear little by little, as if there had never been such a road, and the mountain behind him was gradually returning to its original state.

Outside the mountain, Qin Shu's fight with the five brothers had also reached a very tense state. She was hit by several wounds from the blood power of the five brothers. Fortunately, she had healing skills and a strong recovery ability, otherwise she would have been unable to hold on.

Even so, she was in a very bad condition.

The bun on her head had loosened, and a strand of hair hung down from her temples. The scars on her arms and chest had not recovered yet, but her spiritual energy had been exhausted.

She raised her hand and took two full spiritual pills. With a raise of her hand, the sword that had fallen to the ground floated up again.

The faces of the five brothers on the opposite side were not good either. They were fighting one person with five people and were restrained for so long, and even the blood power was used. Where did this female cultivator come from?

They also took the pills during this gap, and everyone had their own thoughts in their hearts.

"Brother, have you noticed that she took the pills much less often than us?" asked the fifth brother.

The other party should consume more spiritual energy than them to deal with the five of them at the same time.

But they took the pills five times in total, while the female cultivator only took the pills twice.

There is only one possibility, the pills she took are of a higher grade.

In the world of immortal cultivation, high-grade pills that replenish spiritual energy are very rare.

The other party must not be an unknown person to get such high-grade pills.

The five brothers guessed for a long time, but still had no clue.

At this time, a bird's cry came from the sky.

Qin Shu seemed to feel a little familiar, but she was not sure.

She subconsciously scanned with her spiritual sense and saw a bird with white feathers flying over.

The next moment, Sang Ze's voice came from her soul mark, "Woman, I'm back."

Qin Shu: "..."

"I stopped them for an hour for you, but I can't even call you sister?"

"Let's not talk about this first, don't you want to see what good things I brought you?" Sang Ze asked.

I have to say that he really deserves to grow up with Qin Shu, and he has a perfect grasp of Qin Shu's psychology.

"What?" Qin Shu asked.

Sang Ze smiled, "Let's leave here first and talk slowly."

Qin Shu nodded, "I'll hold them back for a while, you go to the valley and help me pick up the lamp."


Sang Ze responded and headed straight into the valley.

The five brothers immediately realized that the bird and the female cultivator were in cahoots. Their faces turned black. A female cultivator could hold them back, so how could they fight with another helper?

The second brother asked first: "Brother, why don't we... retreat first?"

The eldest brother was a little tempted, "I'll cover the rear, and the fourth and fifth brothers will go first."

The fourth and fifth brothers have low cultivation, and they will be caught up if they run slowly.

Just when they arranged everything, the female cultivator on the opposite side suddenly moved her hand and put away the swords in the sky.

Just when they thought that the female cultivator had some other way to attack, Qin Shu flew directly into the air and rushed towards the horizon at a terrifying speed.

Seeing Qin Shu's attitude of not looking back, they gradually began to realize that the female cultivator actually... ran away.

The five brothers looked at each other, and it was the eldest brother who reacted first and flew towards the place where the treasure light was emitted at the beginning.

After searching around, they found nothing. It seemed that the treasure had been taken away.

They came to the place where the treasure smell was the strongest, which was a piece of grass. The treasure seemed to have been thrown on the ground casually.

They always felt that something was wrong. They frowned and thought for a long time. The youngest Lao Wu suddenly said, "Brothers, have we fallen into a trap to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

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