I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 999 Chongming Spiritual Grass

"What do you say?" His second brother asked in an angry voice.

"We don't know what kind of treasure is here. The female cultivator's speed is so amazing. If she wants to get rid of us and take away the treasure, it must not be difficult. But she seems to have been preventing us from approaching here, which shows that she is not I really want us to see the true face of that treasure," Lao Wu analyzed.

As soon as he said this, several other brothers also nodded, obviously thinking that what he said made sense.

Lao Wu continued: "She had many opportunities to pull away in the middle. Looking at her movements just now, it can be seen that she still has some strength left... I don't know if it is my imagination, why do I always feel... She seems to be stalling for time?"

When he said this, his eldest brother also nodded.

But the fourth child asked again, "Then what is her purpose of doing this?"

Yes, it can't be delaying time for no reason, right? It takes time, effort, and elixirs, and even a bellicose swordsman would not do this.

Lao Wu turned around and looked at the mountains in the distance. They were hunting for treasure there at first, but the female nun led them in the completely opposite direction.

Then, there is only one possibility.

They were hunting for treasure in the right direction at the beginning, but the other party was worried about what they would dig up, so they kept dragging them here.

He told his brothers his guess. The second brother frowned and took over the conversation and said: "So, it seems that the bird that just flew over may be her spiritual pet or companion? That bird has already The treasure was taken away, so she left without looking back? "

The other four brothers nodded, and it seemed that this date was the truth.

It has to be said that they guessed nine out of ten times correctly. The only difference was...even if Qin Shu didn't lead them away, they still couldn't enter the inheritance place.

The five brothers did not give up and searched in the original direction for another half month. They almost leveled a mountain but still found nothing.

The five people left here helplessly.

Qin Shu and Sang Ze had arrived in Tailai City a long time ago. They went to Xuantianmen's office in Tailai City, found an empty room and got in.

Qin Shu took out two more formation disks and put them on the barrier, and then asked Sang Ze: "Okay, now we can talk, what good treasures did you bring me?"

Sang Ze transformed into his original form and sat down on a round stool nearby.

"You must like the things I brought back this time." Sang Ze gave up.

When he said this, Qin Shu, who originally had no hope, became a little curious and quickly asked: "What is it?"

Sang Ze smiled, flipped his wrist, and a palm-sized jar appeared in his hand.

The jar was aqua-blue and transparent, and you could see that it contained more than half the bottle of liquid.

As he moved, the liquid in the jar swayed.

Qin Shu was extremely curious, "What is this?"

Sang Ze handed it to her, "See for yourself?"

Qin Shu reached out to take it, then opened the lid of the jar, and a familiar yet unfamiliar breath came out.

Qin Shu was worried that it would attract unnecessary attention, so she quickly put the lid back on, and then asked, "What is this? Why didn't I recognize it?"

Sang Ze raised his eyebrows and reminded her, "Isn't your lamp out of oil?"

Qin Shu: "?"

What? ! !

She lowered her head stiffly and glanced at the jar in her hand, and suddenly felt that the jar was a little heavy.

He opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

"You mean... everything here is filled with... dragon oil?"

Sang Ze nodded, and Qin Shu couldn't help but raise her voice a little higher, "How come your clan also has this thing?"

Sang Ze spread his hands and said, "How do I know that these things are left by our ancestors?"

Qin Shu thought about it. The Wuhua Tiantao lamp needed dragon oil, and she really didn't have any other oil in her hand.

If the lamp cannot be lit, such a good treasure may have to be remade by her.

However, suddenly an idea flashed through her mind and she thought of something.

Since it is a lamp, can I use other oil?

With this idea in mind, Qin Shu simply decided to give it a try.

There was a Nichang Pavilion station in Tailai City, so she directly sent a message to the managers of Nichang Pavilion asking them to send some lamp oil.

In the world of immortality, there are magical instruments for lighting, all of which use spiritual stones. Very few people use lamp oil anymore.

But although there is little lamp oil, it does not mean that there is none.

The two most common lamp oils in the world of immortality are pine oil and nocturnal rat oil. These two oils are the most resistant to burning and are easy to obtain.

Other lamp oils are available, but they are less common.

Qin Shu asked them to send her a portion of each lamp oil they had.

Nishang Pavilion naturally responded to the request of its second owner, and soon sent a storage ring of lamp oil.

Qin Shu stayed in the room, took out the Wuhua Tiantao lamp, and filled the table with the lamp oil sent from Nishang Pavilion.

Qin Shu first used the most common pine oil. As the flame was ignited, a faint scent of rosin floated in the room.

Qin Shu closed her eyes and felt it carefully. A quiet woody fragrance floated on the tip of her nose. At that moment, her heart seemed to fall silent.

It wasn't until the little lamp oil she added was used up that Qin Shu gradually opened her eyes.

Why...it seems different from before?

She was full of doubts and added the lamp oil of the night rat. As the fragrance floated, a negative emotion called "greed" began to appear in her heart...

After several attempts, Qin Shu was finally sure.

The magic weapon itself is not good or bad, the Wuhua Tiantao Lantern is like this, and the immortal lantern is also like this. Good or bad depends only on the person who uses them.

It seems that the person who encouraged A Zhang to hunt dragons and use dragon oil to light the lamp had probably guessed everything that happened later.

Others are unintentional, and the links are linked together. How can the Kunpeng clan hide from it?

Qin Shu sighed and felt that she probably wouldn't be able to use the dragon oil, but since it was sent by Sang Ze, she still thanked him and put away the big jar of dragon oil.

Seeing that she accepted it, Sang Ze handed over a spiritual herb.

Qin Shu looked at the pointed and thin grass leaves, which had many fine hairs on them. Since she started learning to make pills, she has known many spiritual plants, but she has never seen this thing.

"What kind of spiritual plant is this?" Qin Shu asked.

Seeing that she couldn't help it, Sang Ze raised his chin proudly and said, "It's normal that you can't recognize it. This spiritual herb can only grow in the gathering place of our Chongming bird clan."

Qin Shu suddenly showed a look of sudden enlightenment, and blurted out four words, "Chongming spiritual grass?"

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