On this day, Qiqi was studying the Hanging Space Law Array in the room, and suddenly felt a violent spatial fluctuation from the northwest.

Someone opened the spatial passage!

And judging from this energy fluctuation, it is still a cross-planet portal.

Qiqi passed through the portal and came to the roof of his house to carefully perceive, but did not find anything, because soon the spatial passage was closed.

At this moment, Qiqi received a call request from Nick Fury.

Qiqi did not hear the voice of the black brine egg after connecting, and there was another person talking to Nick Fury on the other side.

"I'm going to go to great lengths this time for it, you can't just take it away."

"Bang!" After a gunshot, there was a sound of falling to the ground from the opposite side.

Qiqi had already heard the owner of another voice, that is, the missing Loki.

According to the connection of the signal, Qiqi locked the orientation on the opposite side.

The portal was successfully established, and Seven Seven stepped out in one step.

When Qiqi came to his destination, he only saw a burst of blue light disappear, obviously the other party's purpose had been achieved, and now he left.

"Seven seven, Hawkeye has rebelled, and the enemy is Loki."

Nick Fury, who fell to the ground, got up again and casually threw away the body armor on his body.

"What did Loki steal?" Qiqi asked.

"Cosmic Cube," Nick Fury said.

Just then, Nick Fury's phone rang a screeching ringtone.

Coulson on the other side of the phone said to Nick Fury with some anxiety: "Director, everyone has been evacuated, just send you, and the base will self-destruct in three minutes." "

Ma mess with Fark," Nick Fury hurried to Seventy, "we have to get out of here quickly." Qiqi

said unhurriedly: "No problem, look at me." "

Without seeing any movement from Qiqi, the golden space portal has already opened.

At the other end of the portal, Coulson was holding his mobile phone and looking at the front in front of him stunned.

Seven Seven and Nick Fury quickly pass through the portal.

"This thing works so well." Nick Fury sighed.

"Coulson, how is it now?" Nick Fury turned to Coulson and asked.

"In addition to Agent Clint, Dr. Eric Savig was also controlled by Loki," Coulson said, "and unfortunately we were unable to recover them." "

I had expected," Nick Fury said, "and it looks like we're going to have more people to assemble."

"It's the Avengers." Qiqi said.

"That's right, so are you going to join?"

Qiqi thought for a while and said, "I'll be a consultant." Nick

Fury and Coulson then split up and invited the members Nick Fury was optimistic about to join the Avengers.

Coulson goes to contact Iron Man Tony Stark, and Nick Fury recalls Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, and then goes to Captain America's residence in person.

As for Seven Seven, a mission was also arranged to invite the Hulk Bruce Banner.

After all, in Nick Fury's opinion, they are old acquaintances.

Bruce Banner hid in a remote slum in India to escape military pursuit, where he tried to control his emotions while living in seclusion.

But what he didn't know was that S.H.I.E.L.D. had always had information about him.

According to the photos and detailed address provided by the agent, Qiqi directly opened the portal and came to the Hulk's residence.

Unfortunately, there was no one at the residence, and according to the information, Bruce Banner may have gone out for medical treatment.

In the evening, when Bruce Banner returned from his medical practice, he saw Qiqi sitting in the doorway bored.

"It's you!" Bruce Banner remembered her that after parting with Seven Seven, Banner walked the mountain road for a day and a night.

Banner thought that he should be angry, but he didn't expect that the Hulk in his body actually emitted a wave of fear, and he refused to come out to death.

"Hello, Dr. Banner," Sevenseven said, "Nick Fury needs your help.

"It seems that I have no choice." Banner shook his head and sighed, "The agents who ambushed me around, come out, I'll go back with you." "

I'm the only one here," Qiqi said as he slashed a portal at the same time, "Let's go, the opposite side is S.H.I.E.L.D." The

presence of this portal surprised Banner, and Bruce Banner smiled awkwardly and followed Seven Seven inside.

After passing through the space door, Seven Seven and Bruce Banner appeared next to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury was standing on the deck looking into the distance.

Without looking back, he said, "Although I know that you trust me very much, but Qiqi, please don't open the portal directly next to me next time." "

What if I'm in the bathroom! Nick Fury added in his heart.

"Hello, I heard that you are looking for me, do you need me to call Hulk out?" Bruce Banner said.

"No," Nick Fury replied, "what we need is Dr. Bruce Banner."

"Okay, now you can walk around the deck, your teammates will be coming." Nick Fury said and walked towards the cabin.

At this time, a Kun-type fighter flew from the air and slowly landed on the deck.

The cabin opened and out of it came two men, none other than Phil Coulson and Captain American Steve Rogers.

After not seeing Coulson for a long time, Qiqi noticed that his hairline was becoming more and more dangerous.

Captain America felt that Qiqi was quite familiar, touching the dusty memories in his mind. He said, "Are you the little girl Qiqi who appeared from the Cosmic Cube?

"Yes, Mr. Stars and Stripes, I am Seven Seven."

"Ahem, you can add me Steve Rogers, as for that dress is only a combat uniform from seventy years ago, you see I am wearing a regular uniform now."

Bruce Banner looked as if he had discovered some big secret.

Coulson next to him couldn't help but interject: "Captain, we have recustomized a combat uniform for you, and there are many elements that I designed myself.

The American team was taken aback, and said with some embarrassment as if he had suddenly discovered black history: "Don't you think those stars and stripes are a little outdated?"

"On the contrary, in today's United States, with the current situation and the possible crisis in the future, I am afraid that Captain America is needed to awaken the spirit of the United States."

Captain America accepted the proposal with a helpless look.

At this moment, a red-haired woman wearing a black combat uniform and a hot figure came from not far away.

"Hello, my name is Natasha. Romanov, I think you should hurry in," said Black Widow, "and it may be a little hard to breathe here later." Team

America and Bruce Banner looked at each other, a little confused, just in time to hear a loud noise under the surrounding water.

The two walked to the edge of the deck and saw four huge turbines sticking out from underwater.

As the turbine gradually accelerated, the aircraft carrier that was originally on the water slowly took off.

"This is a real aircraft carrier," Qiqi said, walking over, "You can also call it an aerospace carrier." Although

the three people standing together now were not ordinary people, everyone returned to the cabin together.

In the command center, many staff members are carrying out various tasks for takeoff, and everything is carried out in an orderly manner.

Bruce Banner walked up to Nick Fury and asked,

"How's it going?"

"We need to determine Loki's location," Nick Fury said, "and we can connect to all the connected cameras in the world, whether it's a cell phone, a computer or a surveillance, as long as it's connected to a satellite, then it's under our control."

"But it's still hard to find them in time." Coulson added.

"So we need you to help us narrow down our search." Nick Fury said.

"OK, since the Cosmic Cube emits gamma rays, then I will draft a specific tracking algorithm."

Bruce Banner was then taken by Black Widow to his laboratory.

And Captain America also chatted with his fan Phil Coulson.

Only Qiqi and Nick Fury were left on the podium, staring wide-eyed.

"So what am I going to do?" Qiqi asked.

"When we determine Loki's location, you send them over, and we will go directly to the decapitation operation."

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