After Bruce Banner got to work, it didn't matter quickly.

"Suspected targets were found, the fit was 67%, and so on, the cross-match was 79%." The staff member in front of the computer reported.

"Where?" Nick Fury asked.

"Stuttgart, Germany, Kuning Strße, 28."

A golden portal appeared next to Nick Fury, opposite Kunin Street.

Captain America took the lead and walked through the portal with his shield in hand.

Just as Qiqi also wanted to enter, a voice came from behind him.

"Why don't you wait for me for such a big thing?" Iron Man walked in, took off his armor, and said to Qiqi, "Long time no see, Qiqi." "

Long time no see, Mr. Stark."

Then Stark and Qiqi walked into the portal together, and asked as they walked: "Why haven't I seen you bubbling in the group recently?" "

I'm cultivating," Qiqi replied, "I'm even more powerful now."

"Oh, then I'll have a good look at it later."

When the two walked out of the portal, they saw many people running out of the opposite building one after another.

And Loki is fighting Captain America in the hall.

Loki has a big advantage in the scene, and Captain America can only rely on his shield to support him.

Seeing this, Tony Stark aimed at Loki, a large number of weapons were ready to attack, and Qiqi clearly felt that there was an aura of magic in it.

Luo Ji wanted to make a gesture to surrender, but he couldn't help but leave Qiqi standing on the side.

Loki's face changed drastically, and he instantly retreated into the shadows, fleeing with lightning speed.

"Ah, this—" Team America and Tony Stark looked at each other, and then looked at Qiqi together.

"I fought with him before, and he couldn't beat me." Qiqi said.

But then Qiqi sighed and said, "But as a top magician, when he is bent on escaping, it is difficult for anyone to catch him. The

three looked at each other and finally decided to return to the space carrier.

"So, Loki ran away?" Nick Fury asked.

"But we've figured out his purpose," Tony Stark said, "and Loki took the Iridium-containing meteorite in Germany.

"For what's the purpose?"

"He wants to restart the Cosmic Cube."

"We can't sit still," Nick Fury said, "and we have to determine the location of the Cosmic Cube as soon as possible."

"Judging by his performance, Loki is a narcissist who likes to show off to the world, and he is bound to find a skyscraper that will bear his name." Speaking of this, Tony Stark suddenly froze.

"New York happens to have a skyscraper with the owner's name hanging on it." Nick Fury on the side said leisurely.

"Next stop, Stark Tower, New York."

When everyone came to the roof of the Stark Building through the space door, they happened to see Eric Shavig, who had activated the Cosmic Cube.

"Turn it off, Dr. Schavig." Tony Stark said solemnly.

"Hehe, it's late, it's already running autonomously," Eric Savig said with a look of intoxication, "The Cosmic Demon has shown me a lot, not only knowledge, but also truth, and now, it will show a whole new universe!" Tony

Stark attacked the Rubik's Cube, but could not shake a little, but instead generated a shockwave scattered, and Dr. Shavig next to him was instantly swept away.

The stimulated Cosmic Cube suddenly shone brightly, shooting a blue ray of light directly above.

Captain America muttered, "Broken, this familiar pillar of light."

The beam of light opened a dark blue portal in midair, and behind the portal, Qiqi saw countless aliens.

This is exactly the notorious pirate race in the universe - the Chitauri.

Countless enemies swarmed out from behind the portal.

At this moment, Qiqi heard a voice.

"Qiqi, can you hear it?"

"Can hear, Heimdall."

"I found Loki's traces, Thor will be right here."

In the middle of the Rainbow Bridge that fell from the sky, the vanguard of the Chitari rushed into the earth bore the brunt of the attack, and the entire army was destroyed.

The place that should have been reduced to a battlefield was silent at this time.

The Chitauri behind the door didn't know if they should continue the charge.

When the Rainbow Bridge disappears, Thor appears on the roof of the Stark Tower.

"You're Thor, can you still use that rainbow light?" Tony Stark asked.

"Heimdall was badly injured in the last turmoil, and now he is barely using it." Thor said.

"Well, it seems that everything is up to us." Tony Stark returns to the interior of the building and gets put on new armor.

"Where's Loki?" Thor hurriedly asked.

"He's in hiding, and I guess the priority now is to deal with those aliens." Tony Stark said.

Because when they saw that the city on the opposite side was not moving, the Cheritas once again sent an army to rush out of the portal and scattered towards New York.

"Okay, then when I solve them, I think Loki will come out." Thor picked up his hammer and rushed towards the Cherita people above.

"Hulk strikes." Bruce Banner jumped from the building, and when he finally landed, he was already the Hulk.

And the re-armored Iron Man also flew out of the building at great speed.

Black Widow and Captain America stood in place, somewhat overwhelmed.

Captain America thought for a moment, put the vibranium shield under him, and slid down the glass curtain wall of the building.

Black Widow looked at Qiqi with some expectation.

So Qiqi opened a portal to the ground.

Black Widow walked in a little embarrassed.

Qiqi, on the other hand, did not move for the time being, because she wanted to fly.

Qiqi raised his right hand and gradually condensed an ice flower on his hand, and with Qiqi's control, the ice flower gradually rose and dissipated in mid-air.

The goddess of winter controls the power of ice, and when the power of ice spreads throughout the body, flight becomes possible.

Qiqi controlled the power of cold ice to slowly cover his whole body, and a layer of ice and frost gradually condensed on the surface of his skin.

And the temperature around Qiqi has also dropped visibly.

When Qiqi's whole body even came out with cold air, she finally flew.

Qiqi flew upwards towards the Rubik's Cube portal, and from time to time on the way, Zitauri who were scorched by the power of lightning or hit by enchanted bullets fell down.

When the Chitari who noticed Qiqi began to fire at her, Qiqi formed an ice shield in front of her.

At the same time, ice edges condensed behind him, and then stabbed towards the enemy.

The Chitari who was hit by the ice edge instantly turned into an ice sculpture, fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces.

In this way, the interweaving of lightning and ice, coupled with Stark's krypton gold bullets, blocked the direction of the Zitari people's advance.

Seeing that the battle situation could not be opened for a long time, the commander of the Zitari ordered to put in the big guy - the leviathan battleship.

I saw several huge war fortresses shaped like mechanical sharks flying out of the space gate and breaking through the air blockade.

And in the fortress, it has long been filled with Zitari soldiers who are ready to go.

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