Early in the morning, Wanda, who got up early, walked out of the room, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and took a deep breath.

At this time in the courtyard, Casillas was drawing circles among the trainees he taught, and Strange was among them.

Strange is worthy of being the most talented mage of Karma Taj in the ancient mouth, and the circle drawn is large and round.

Wanda was attracted by the electric welding scene where everyone drew circles and sparks scattered all the way, and couldn't help but stop and watch.

And Casillas looked at Wanda, the freshly baked little master and nephew, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart.

"Little Master and nephew Wanda, why don't we practice?" Casillas found Wanda curiously watching the movements of everyone in the field, and couldn't help but say.

But after saying this, Casillas himself felt strange.

"Forget it, practice it yourself."

Wanda felt that this uncle with a ponytail was very strange.

And Casillas shouted in his heart.

The little junior sister has become a supreme mage, and I am still teaching people to draw circles!

The little junior sister has accepted apprentices, and I am still teaching people to draw circles!

The treatment Wanda enjoyed at Karma Taj was the same as that of Qiqi!

This made Casillas have to wonder about Qiqi's intentions.

The position of the Supreme Mage is not yet hot.

She wouldn't just want to flash people, would she?

Master, open your eyes and see, it has only been less than a year since the descendants you have decided on want to throw off the pot and run!

Karma Taj pills!

In this case, it is better to choose me as the heir, and I can sit until I die!"

Casillas couldn't control the broken thoughts in his heart, and his thoughts continued to diverge.

No way! Steal books! Go steal books tonight!

Originally, he was going to steal it when Qiqi was away, but the stimulated Casillas decided to start the operation tonight.

At twelve o'clock in the night, Casillas sneaked into the library by sneaking through any door.

His goal was the Book of Cagliostro.

Originally, Casillas thought he would run into the librarian Wang, but he did not find Wang.

Good fellow, did the king touch the fish?

Casillas really felt that Karma Taj was going to finish now, and even the king with thick eyebrows began to touch the fish and swing it.

He walked to the shelf where Cagliostro's book was placed, opened the magic book and tore off the page containing the magic array that summoned Dormammu's power, and then put the book back in its place.

After dealing with the traces of the scene, Casillas tiptoed away.

"Just let him take it?"

In a secluded independent space, Wang asked with some doubt.

"Everything is planned," Qiqi said, "I need to completely keep Dormammu out of the universe." "

Facing the dimensional demon god independent of time, Qiqi doesn't want to negotiate conditions with it.

Fight and die, and if you die, you will also be resurrected in the dark dimension.

Casillas knew about the existence of Cagliostro's Book a few years ago, but what he didn't know was that the book was given to Qiqi by Guyi not long ago, and now Qiqi deliberately put it back.

Once he had the pages, Casillas gathered his followers.

According to what was recorded on the page, Casillas used his magic to outline the pattern of summoning the magic array.

Then the crowd chanted the mantra in unison.

"We summon you, Dormammu!"

"When you hear the call, give us strength."

"Let us get your divine power!"

The magic array was successfully activated, and with the dark dimension of the summoning array, a small gap was successfully opened, and several rays of dark energy of Dormammu were transmitted along the connection.

It's now!

Qiqi secretly struck, the space gem closed the passage between the current universe and the dark dimension, and this bit of dark energy that appeared on Earth was also shielded by the Infinity Stones from its connection with Dormammu.

In the dark dimension, a giant composed of infinite energy was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily.

"Abominable energy thief!"

This familiar feeling reminded Dormammu of the man named Gu Yi again, and was disgusted.

Dormammu is the master of the dark dimension, the entire plane energy is at his disposal, in the dark dimension Dormammu is almost invincible, even the doppelgangers of the five gods will be suppressed when they appear in the dark dimension.

But when Dormammu comes out of the dark dimension, his strength will be greatly weakened.

But this is not specifically for Dormammu, and the ability of any dimensional master will be limited after he walks out of the plane.

After all, other planes do not recognize the authority of the outer realm.

Therefore, when Dormammu is in the physical universe, he will also be affected by the Time Gem.

But he himself has already closed his timeline, so he has the effect of being trapped in a time loop, but his memory is not affected by time reset.

If you use a time loop to deal with purple potato essence, there will be no such effect, because the memory of purple potato essence himself will also be reset, he will not be bored, each cycle is the first time for him, and there is no memory of the previous time at all. The time loop can only be used as a seal.

At this moment, Qiqi deliberately blacklisted Dormammu in the material universe.

Earth-1999999-616The universe thoroughly remembers the breath of Dormammu.

The five dimensions of time, space, mind, power, and reality rejected Dormammu's entry.

So the king, who was hidden in the shadows, saw this scene: Casillas and the others were painting formations and chanting collectively, waiting expectantly for the power to come, and in the end, there was not a single hair.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, and the mage brothers looked at Casillas in unison, and did not speak, just staring like that.

"That, probably Dormammu was napping and didn't hear from us," Casillas explained, "and we'll try again." "

Poof—hahaha—hmm." Wang couldn't help but let out a laugh, realized that the occasion was wrong, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

But he was exposed anyway.

Wang waved his hand and said, "That I am professionally trained, no matter how funny, I will not laugh."

"Unless you can't help it—hahaha!"

Seeing this, Casillas, who did not want to be a clown, directly summoned an energy protractor to attack the king.

But the space was imprisoned by Qiqi, who appeared later.

The tool people have completed their mission, and the next step is to investigate the crimes of several people.

Qiqi thought for a long time and consulted Wang's opinion by the way.

In ancient times, there was only one end to catching such people.

And Qiqi Nian became a tool man in their bad way, so he mercifully kept his hand.

So she cut off the connection between the bodies of several people and the magic. After erasing their memories of magic, they rushed down the mountain.

Unless someone stronger than Qiqi casts a spell, it will never recover.

In their impression, they came to Nepal to learn martial arts, but their qualifications were too poor, and they did not practice for several years.

Coupled with the death of the old boxer, the new head is only an eight- or nine-year-old little loli, and everyone who feels that there is no future left the sect and returned to their hometown under the leadership of Casillas.

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