Kathmandu, Nepal.

Thor, wearing a jacket and jeans, walks down the street with Loki, who is dressed in suit trousers.

"Are you sure Karma Taj is here?" Thor asked puzzled.

"Of course not, but there is a teleportation array to Karma Taj."

When the two arrived at the cabin, they happened to see Casillas and his group walking out with their luggage.

"Hey buddy, do you know how Karma Taj goes?"

At the mention of Karma Taj, Casillas came to an energetic.

"The previous Karma Taj was okay, but now it can't be changed to a new leader, and the water of martial arts is too deep for her to grasp. Listen to my uncle's advice, if you want to learn martial arts, come and do it with me!

Thor looked like you were talking about something.

Loki quickly said that they were here to visit relatives and pulled Thor away.

Loki walked over to the door and knocked.

After indicating their intentions, Loki and Thor walked into the teleportation array.

Guided by the attendants, Thor and Loki arrived in the main hall.

However, the two did not see Qiqi's figure in the hall, but only saw a pot of green plants on the table.

"Thor, when you see Qiqi, come and talk to him."

"Why?" Thor asked as he walked over to the table and fiddled with the green trunks.

"You know, I used to have a little relationship with her." Loki smiled awkwardly.

Thor also wanted to touch the roots of the green plant, but was pushed away by the branch.

"I'm Groot!" A face grew on the trunk of the green plant and said angrily.

"It... It is alive. Thor said incredulously.

"A strange family of tree people, not worth the fuss." Loki said.

"You guys... Messed with Groot. Qiqi came out of the back room.

"I'm sorry," Thor said with an awkward smile, "Long time no see, Seventy."

"Hello, are you here for something?"

"This... My father was brought to Earth by someone," Thor said, "and was supposed to be in a nursing home, but now the nursing home can't find anyone." Loki

on the side glared angrily at Thor, saying that it was wrong to get him involved again, he just saw that his father was old, let him go to Earth to relax, and by the way, he was in charge of Asgard for his father, is there any problem?

"So, I want to ask you to help me find out where my father has gone."

"Old man Ao, I'll take a look."

Qiqi immersed his consciousness in the Sanqing Bell, and an invisible fluctuation centered on Karma Taj spread out all around, sweeping the entire surface of the earth.

If Odin wants to hide, Qiqi can't find him, but at this time Odin has no hidden meaning at all, so Qiqi quickly finds Odin's location.

Norway is the origin of Norse mythology, and Odin went back to his hometown to see the sea.

When Thor and Loki find Odin, he is looking out to sea with his hands behind his back.

In front of his two sons, Odin recalled the past, and also explained some secrets.

Their uncle Kul is completely cold and not to worry about, but there is another henchman in Hades - Hela, the goddess of death of Asgard.

Hela is Odin's first child, and it can be said that Odin's conquest of the Nine Realms is half of her credit.

After ruling the Nine Realms, Odin knew the existence of the Celestial God Group, and he faced the Celestial God Group and realized that he was not currently the opponent of the Cosmic Celestial God Group, and when the power of the God King was passed on for another generation, it would change qualitatively and turn into the power of the Celestial God. So Odin stopped his conquest.

But Hela does not recognize that fighting is an Asgardian tradition, how can it shrink?

A person's mind is difficult to change, so Odin physically seals Hela.

And with Odin's limit approaching, the goddess of death is about to get out of trouble.

"Whoever she is, we can stop her together."

"No, I will go down another path, and then it will be up to you to face it alone."

"Children, remember this place - home."

Thor and Loki watched Odin's body transform into a spot of light and disappear into the air.

Odin left a mess and ran away.

At the same time, a dark green fog appeared on the wilderness not far away, and a spatial passage opened in the center of the dense fog.

A dark-haired woman dressed in dark green armor walked out of it.

Odin was gone, and Hela smiled.

When the three siblings first met, Hela commanded Thor and Loki,

"Get on your knees!" Come and meet your queen. Thor

did not speak, and smashed Mjolnir towards Hela.

It is a pity that the originally invincible Mjolnir was caught by Hela with one hand.

"This can't be!" Thor reached out to the hammer and said incredulously.

"My dear brother, you can't even think of what I can do."

Hela used force with one hand and directly crushed Mjolnir entirely.

The hammer shattered and caused a riot of Thor's power, but it was also helpless Hela, only causing a blast of energy around it.

Throwing the fragments on the ground, Hela slowly walked towards the two brothers.

"Rainbow Bridge, take us back quickly!" Loki shouted to Heimdall.

Heimdall, who had been closely watching the development of things, instantly activated the Rainbow Bridge.

Unfortunately, when the Rainbow Bridge took Portal and Loki, Hela also squeezed directly up.

After all, in terms of familiarity with the Rainbow Bridge, Hela, who has used the Rainbow Bridge countless times to fight in the south and the north, is far above them.

Easily throwing the two brothers out of the teleportation pillar, Hela returned to Asgard alone.

Hela thought that her return would be welcomed by the people of Asgard.

After all, she was the commander of the whole army in Asgard, and there should still be her old department in the army.

However, Hela is shocked to find that no one knows her except Heimdall, who escaped.

Since these Asgardians do not know each other, let my army return! Hela thought so.

Hela opens the gates of Hale Hades and ushers in the return of the dead.

The army of the giant wolf Fenrir and Hela walked out of Hale's Hades.

Asgard's standing army was no match at all, and was defeated.

The remaining Asgardians could only be reduced to pieces under the leadership of Heimdall and left the royal city.

Qiqi, who was still on Earth, did not want to interfere in the throne dispute within Asgard.

The previous generation of Odin came to a Xuanwu Gate change, and the imprisoned Kur wanted to launch a change to seize the gate.

Now the three siblings have also begun a dispute over the throne. It's such a mess.

But Hela's policy was to conquer and expand.

Therefore, Qiqi had to help and support Thor in Fengtian Jingjian.

Thor and Loki, who were thrown out of the Rainbow Bridge, were teleported back to Asgard.

But Asgard is equivalent to Hela's kingdom of God, and in Asgard, Hela's power is always at its peak, and energy is constantly replenished.

Thor, who single-handedly went over against, was no match for Hela at all.

Thor and Loki secretly combined, I am afraid that only Ragnarok was activated.

By destroying Asgard, Hela loses her source of power.

So Thor chooses to drag Hela while Loki secretly goes to Asgard's treasury.

Despite the enormous pressure of Hela, Thor managed to change from Hammer to Thor.

But even Thor, who was riddled with lightning, could barely cope with Hela's attack.

Loki's movements were quick, he took the Eternal Flame from the treasury, placed it in the crown of the Flame Giant, and then rushed to Soulel's hometown, Musbelheim.

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