Because Obadiah had already obtained the Ark reactor, the situation was urgent, and Tony Stark did not dare to stay for a long time, took out the spare reactor and put on the battle armor and chased after it.

"Jarvis, ask Seven Seven for help," Tony Stark ordered, "and I'll give you coconut milk for free for a year afterwards." As

soon as Justis finished notifying, a blue light flew out of the window, it was Qiqi, who was driving the number 77.

"Coconut milk, I want to drink it," Qiqi said, "Xiaoqi, record it, Mr. Big Seed owes me coconut milk for a year, and remind me once a day."


Seven Seven and Tony Stark headed straight for Stark Tower.

When Seven Seven and Tony Stark arrive, Obadiah, codenamed Iron Overlord, is killing all sides, and despite his bloated size, he is obviously a power-type character with fierce firepower.

"Bang!" Tony Stark went straight to the Iron Overlord, and the two crashed straight into the road, rolling into a ball.

And Qiqi came directly to an emergency stop, because inertia also stumbled forward two steps.

Tony Stark's spare reactor is the one that the cave hand rubbed, the power is simply not enough, and it is struggling to support in the face of the Iron Overlord.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Tony Stark rushed to the sky, but he didn't expect that the stupid black and thick iron overlord also had a propulsion device and chased after him directly.

Using a backup reactor was too reluctant after all, and soon Tony Stark was caught.

"See where you run this time, Tony." Obadiah inside the Iron Overlord was smiling wickedly, and was about to finish Tony, but he heard Tony ask,

"Have you solved the low temperature problem?"

"What?" Before the words fell, the Iron Overlord's system failed due to the extreme cold temperature, and the whole fell downward.

Tony, who is about to run out of energy, activates the backup hidden energy, and the drop stop stops back to the ground.

Tony was about to make a wave of Qiqi, who had just arrived, when the fist of the Iron Overlord behind him smashed over. It turned out that after the altitude dropped to a certain extent, the Iron Overlord system also returned to normal.

Caught off guard, Tony was knocked out.

Seeing this, Qiqi directly made a big move.

"Jade stick, immortal law open box!" Qiqi manipulated Seventy-Seven Void to draw the Duer True Talisman, which was instantly pasted to the Iron Overlord.

Jarvis was the first to feel the difference in battle.

"The body is being repaired, sir."

Tony Stark finally got a sense of how Ethan was feeling, and just as he was about to shake his spirits, Jarvis reminded:

"Warning! Warn! Lack of energy! Tony instantly switched styles, reverted to the kite flow style of play, and circled with the Iron Overlord.

After all, the Iron Overlord is only bulky, not slow to react, and when Tony's mecha power is suddenly insufficient, he grabbed the small waist of Mark II.

Tony Stark is like a little white rabbit caught by a big bad wolf, his waist is restrained, and his limbs can only pull the huge body of the iron overlord in vain.

Just when the Iron Overlord was about to hehe, Qiqi Eye was fast, driving Qiqi quickly rushed forward, his right arm opened a huge one-handed sword, immortal power poured into it, and the entire one-handed sword emitted dazzling white light.

"Poof!" As the one-handed sword swung downward, the right metal arm of the Iron Overlord was completely cut off, revealing Obadiah who was quite dazed inside.

If it weren't for the fact that the Iron Overlord was big enough and Obadiah was in the cab, he would have been transformed into the Condor Hero.

"Stop it, Obadiah." Tony Stark said.

"Will you let me go?"

"I'll hire a lawyer for you."

Obadiah was silent for a long time, and suddenly started the self-detonation procedure.

"Bang!" Mushroom-shaped fireworks appeared in New York neighborhoods.

The next day, the official press conference was the scene.

"I believe you all got the official report of the Stark Industries incident last night.

There were unconfirmed reports that a prototype robot had malfunctioned and rushed out of the street, fortunately one of Mr. Stark's personal bodyguards was at the scene.

Dressed in a steel suit and carrying a small escort robot, he successfully stops the greater catastrophe. Mr

. Tony Stark, the chairman of Stark Industries, was on the yacht at the time and called as soon as he learned the news to find out the details.

We deeply regret that the Executive Director, Mr. Obadiastani, was killed in extreme weather while flying on a small aircraft.

When it was Stark's turn to take office, he looked at the alibi provided by the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency in his hand, shook his head, and then threw the paper away. Say,

"I'm Iron Man!"

Suddenly, the scene was boiling, and Agent Coulson in the corner touched his forehead with his hand and sighed heavily.

A reporter from the Clarion Daily got up and asked,

"Who is the owner of the small blue suit at the scene?" Is it your illegitimate child?

"Well, that's a small escort robot we're working on."

Since Tony Stark revealed himself, the public has called him "Iron Man", of course, the English literal translation is called "Iron Man", Tony is also happy to accept, and gradually began to fight crime.

One day, Qiqi was wearing the No. 77 armor doing soft gymnastics, when suddenly there was a doorbell outside the door.

Qiqi hurriedly took off his battle armor and ran to the door with a click.

Qiqi stood on tiptoe and tried to look out at the cat's eye, but only saw pitch black, and didn't seem to find anyone.

"Miss Qiqi, I think you can check the real-time monitoring." Jarvis reminded.

"Oh, check out real-time monitoring." The wall next to it shows the doorway.

"Wow, what a big egg." Qiqi was taken aback.

"Mr. Fury has access rights, do you open the door?" Jarvis asked.

"Let's go."

"Drip!" The door opened with a bang, revealing Nick Fury's figure.

Nick Fury wears a black trench coat, an eye patch over his left eye, and a shiny black head that stands out.

"Hello, Miss Seventy, I'm Nick Fury, the director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency." Nick Fury introduced himself.

"Hello, country, country..." There are too many words that Qiqi did not remember.

"You can simply call S.H.I.E.E.L.D."

"Yes, Mr. Braised Egg."

Because the scene was too embarrassing, Qiqi didn't stay for a while and went back to the room, leaving the brine director alone in the living room waiting for Tony Stark's arrival.

In the middle of the night, the tired Tony Stark returned to the villa, and just as he was about to sit on the sofa to rest, he was startled by a figure standing not far away. The brine director's racial talent was too effective in the dark night.

"I'm Iron Man," Chief Eggman said, looking out the window without looking back, "Do you think you're the only superhero in the world?"

"Mr. Stark, you've become part of a wider universe, but you don't know it yet."

Tony replied, "Of course not, I just dug up frozen old antiques a few months ago. Also, who are you? "

Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D.," Nick Fury said, "I'll talk to you about the Avengers, and of course Miss Seven can also sit in." Qiqi

, who was eavesdropping next door, did not expect to have his own business, and walked out step by step.

As Nick Fury narrated, Tony Stark frowned directly.

"So, your Avengers plan is still just a piece of paper?" Tony Stark asked.

"There will be the first member immediately, and if Miss Qiqi is willing, it will be the second."

"Me?" Qiqi asked.

"Yes, there is a free coconut milk subsidy during my tenure."

"Good." Qiqi agreed.

"Wait a minute," Tony Stark said, "I'll join when everyone is ready." Nick

Fury said: "Of course, it is still in preparation. "

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