"Ding! Lu Mingfei opened the live broadcast room.

"< Betsui, Hermione, Rin Tosaka, Tony Big Seed, Qiqi entered the

live broadcast room> Qiqi looked at the live broadcast room, and saw a luxuriously decorated room opposite, with about a dozen boys and girls sitting in it, and everyone had different expressions, either confident or nervous.

< Lu Mingfei: All the big guys are in the rescue! I'm attending an interview for an American university and I'm on my knees for help!

Tony Big: No problem, I'm a Ph.D. from MIT, wrapped around me.

Don't Heavenly Mouth: What is Massachusetts? Sparrows?

Hermione: Don't argue, here we go. >

examiner Ye Sheng shouted, "Lu Mingfei, it's your turn."

Lu Mingfei walked into the room and found that there was only one girl with a sweet smile in the entire conference room.

"Jiu De Yaji, one of the examiners this time." The girl bowed to Lu Mingfei and saluted.

Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up, after so many years of staying over, I don't know other foreign languages, Dongying language, which is a good life, has been taught by many senior teachers, that is the ashes level, and he has also heard of the craftsmanship.

"I'm hab." Lu Ming bowed non-standardly.

Then, the interview begins.

"Do you believe in aliens?" Jiu De Yaji asked solemnly.

Ah—eh—? Lu Mingfei was stunned, and consciously sent a message to the chat group.

< Lu Mingfei: Are all your American university problems so tricky?

Tony Big Shot: Ahem, to clarify, there shouldn't be such a problem in my world... bar.

Hermione: Maybe it's a school of magic, he's testing you.

Rin Tosaka: Everyone's world is more or less mysterious, maybe your world is an alien invasion. >

"Believe it." Lu Mingfei replied. Even the Otherworldly people have seen it, and it is not surprising that there are aliens.

The next questions are more strange than the other, Lu Mingfei let go of himself, while interviewing, while in the chat group water group, the whole interview is like a quick question and answer, strange is that Ye Sheng on the side all wrote down word for word.

"Ding! Lu Mingfei closed the live broadcast room. "

Lu Mingfei has labeled this school as unreliable, and this strange question can be answered by a ghost. Lu Mingfei had no reason to suspect that the quota had already been decided, and calling them to come for an interview was just to cover up and accompany the prince to study.

Rin Tosaka <: How do @路明非 feel?

Lu Mingfei: The ghost went to this Raushizi Kassel Academy.

Hermione: Maybe only wizards can discover the secrets of the interview.

Tony Big Blob: Maybe an illegal agency that specializes in plaguing foreigners.

Hermione: Speaking of which, I also received a letter from the owl inviting me to attend Hogwarts.

Lu Mingfei: Huh? Send letters with owls? Sounds less reliable than Kassel Academy.

Hermione: It's true, I've already done several spells! Didn't you see the products I uploaded?

Rin Tosaka: I exchanged one, and it's quite interesting.

Seventy-Seven: Does anyone want a spell?

Rin Tosaka: My God! There are already 30 Duer True Charms piled up in the mall.

Lu Mingfei: The big guy can't afford to mess with him, and his family can't afford it.

Tony: Can the abilities of other worlds also work?

Rin Tosaka: Of course, maybe it's the power of the chat group, I've registered all the spells I bought in the Clock Tower for magic patents.

Hermione: Huh~?

Rin Tosaka: Hehe, a gem magic consumes a gem, and I'm short of money. The magic trick I uploaded is also used casually, even if it is invented by yourself. >

not long after this interview, Lu Mingfei experienced the first love loss in his life.

That eighteen, the class reunion, standing like a minions.

Perhaps in response to Hedong Hexi's words, soon Kassel Academy opened the door of destiny for Lu Mingfei.

< Lu Mingfei: I'm going to go to college at Kassel College.

Tony Big Shot: Someone: The ghost went to this Rausch son Cassel Academy. >

Lu Mingfei's old face turned red, and he was embarrassed, and he suddenly remembered the scene of his first encounter in the chat group.

< Lu Mingfei: Someone: How can I have the nickname of how inferior the iron man.

Tony Big Seed: Alas, my Mark III can be mass-produced, how can I sell it?

Lu Mingfei: Big guy, I'm wrong, please be sure to leave one for me.

Rin Tosaka: I'm going to order it now!

Tony Big: Send out the request, if you need to add additional otherworldly substances, first list the ore on the mall.

Hermione: Why didn't anyone think of uploading specialties before?

Seventy-seven: I probably forgot. >

"Ding! Lu Mingfei opened the live broadcast room. "

< Betsui, Hermione, Rin Tosaka, Tony Big, and Qiqi entered

the live broadcast room> and everyone in the live broadcast room just wanted to speak, and they were attracted by a picture in the center of the interface.

The cyan sky was dyed red by the burning flames, and a huge tree supporting the sky stood in the center, seemingly with no end in sight, and the branches that spread around the four and around had all died. Under the giant tree were piles of broken dry bones, and in the pile of dry bones stood a huge black behemoth, raising its head and spewing ominous flames.

Black Dragon – Nidhogg.

With Professor Guderian's narration, the history of the dragon race slowly unfolded to Lu Mingfei. The academy called Kassel is actually a dragon slayer academy with a mission to train dragon slayers.

In order to convince Lu Mingfei, Guderian asked people to bring a glass bottle.

The creature soaked in formalin solution in the bottle roughly looked like a lizard, as if it were still a fetus in its mother's arms, curled up into a ball, with a few slender whiskers sticking out from the corners of its mouth, and on its back, a pair of immature wings were folded together.

Lu Mingfei looked at the cub closely, quietly observing.

At this time, the sleeping red dragon cub vaguely felt the call from the depths of the bloodline, and suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of golden eyes.

The red dragon cub originally opened its mouth to spray dragon inflammation, but he did not expect that the formalin solution poured into its throat along the little red dragon's mouth.

Only having time to choke out a puff of smoke, the little red dragon fell into sleep again.

< Lu Mingfei: There are really dragons in this world!

Rin Tosaka: In our world, dragons have long been extinct.

Hermione: We have a lot of dragons here, but I haven't seen them with my own eyes.

Tony Big: I really want to know what the principle of its fire-breathing is.

Don't be like: It's like a little lizard, is it powerful?

Rin Tosaka: Dragons are powerful magical creatures!

Qiqi: It's different from the dragon in Liyue. Everyone in the >

live broadcast room was chatting idly, but found that Lu Mingfei on the screen was suddenly shocked and fell straight down. It wasn't until he arrived at Kassel Academy that Lu Mingfei woke up slowly.

< Don't Tianzui: @路明非, why did you suddenly pass out.

Lu Mingfei: Don't you see that?

Tony Stark: What?

Lu Mingfei: Just now a little boy came to the train and showed me the scene after the Black Dragon Emperor was killed! It's like I was thousands of years ago!

Rin Tosaka: The fact that the chat group is not responding means that there should be no change in the outside world, that is, your spiritual consciousness has been affected.

Don't be: I know! Lu Mingfei fell for illusion! >

"Illusion?" Lu Mingfei muttered to himself, why is it so real and sad, as if it really happened...

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