The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for each other.

On the other side, Li Mu also came to the second floor early to wait for the Arctic Fox.

Soon after the gunshot, a figure rushed out from the second floor, and jumped directly from the second floor and landed not far from Li Mu.

At this time, Li Mu also had the opportunity to observe an Arctic Fox up close. It must be said that the Arctic Fox's appearance is indeed beautiful and charming, and the whole body is full of a very capable atmosphere.

At this time, she was wearing a tactical vest and a pair of loose pants. Li Mu did not see her holding a gun, but saw two short swords in her hand.

The Arctic Fox also looked at Li Mu with his eyes, and after seeing the bronze sword in Li Mu's hand, she said with interest.

"A martial arts master from Longguo? I haven't met a sword master from Longguo for a long time."

"My martial arts teacher is a martial arts master from Longguo. She is very powerful, which makes me admire Longguo's martial arts very much. My teacher is a real master, so I hope you are not a show-off."

Hearing Arctic Fox's very pure Longguo accent, Li Mu also said.

"You speak Longguo language well."

Arctic Fox twisted his neck.

"I am an agent. Proficiency in language is the most basic ability. I am proficient in the languages ​​of eight countries, and my accent is very pure."

"I am very curious about how you found this place. It shouldn't be a matter of luck!"

At this time, Li Mu also took the opportunity to check Arctic Fox's talent.

[Name: Arctic Fox]

[Level: Level 3]

[Talent Evaluation: S-level! ]

Now Li Mu loves Xifa Company so much. This is completely a talent supply base. An S-level talent is simply great.

But it is understandable. After all, the current Xifa Company is so powerful, relying entirely on the support of the Lighthouse Country. If you want to make Xifa Company stronger, then you have to send top talents here.

But this is also a bargain for Li Mu. He met the vulture before, and now he met the Arctic Fox.

And let alone other things, just the charming face of the Arctic Fox, Li had to find a way to include her in his swoop.

After all, Li Mu also wanted to feel the feeling of riding a foreign horse.

The Arctic Fox is really beautiful. Even some movie stars in the Lighthouse Country are not as beautiful as the Arctic Fox. She is worthy of being the top agent of the Lighthouse Country.

Li Mu spread his hands and made a teasing look.

"Do you want to know? Then you have to defeat me first, and let me see how your Dragon Country Kung Fu is, and see if I have learned the essence."

Li Mu, who has learned the magic dragon swordsmanship, is definitely a martial arts master now.

The Arctic Fox's expression changed, and he immediately rushed towards Li Mu.

"You're such a tough guy, I hope you don't die too soon."

The Arctic Fox was so fast that in the blink of an eye, two short swords came to Li Mu like two swift poisonous snakes.

However, she was a level three power and there was an essential gap between her and Li Mu, so her speed was not enough in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu swung the bronze sword in his hand upwards, and sparks flew when the weapons collided. The two short swords of the Arctic Fox were also deflected by Li Mu and no longer posed a threat.

Seeing that the attack failed, the Arctic Fox changed his moves in the air and kicked Li Mu's chin with one foot.

Li Mu stretched out his left arm to block, and the Arctic Fox's kicking foot directly kicked Li Mu's left arm. With Li Mu's current physical strength, such an attack could not cause any harm to him.

After seeing the attack blocked, the Arctic Fox knew that she was defeated. She immediately jumped back and jumped to a distance of several meters from Li Mu in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu's left arm was fine, but Arctic Fox's right leg was shaking uncontrollably.

"This guy has such a terrible physical fitness. I kicked him and he was fine, but my leg seemed to be shaking."

"This guy's strength is far superior to mine. If I continue to fight, I'm afraid I will die here."

After feeling the gap between the two, Arctic Fox's first thought was to escape. She knew very well that if the two continued to fight with Li Mu's strength, she would be defeated sooner or later.

So the current situation is that she has only one way to escape, otherwise there is only one way to die.

Arctic Fox put her hands on her waist calmly. In such a dark environment, she didn't believe that Li Mu could still see her movements.

But Li Mu

Just seeing this scene, she saw that Arctic Fox's hand was already on a smoke bomb.

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"You just remembered to escape now, isn't it too late?"

As she spoke, Arctic Fox had thrown the smoke bomb in her hand towards Li Mu, and a cloud of smoke rose instantly, blocking the sight of both of them.

Arctic Fox ran away, and in three or two steps, she had already run to the wall, then jumped high, jumped over the wall directly, and then went into the woods.

Although Arctic Fox is no longer an agent now, as a top agent, it is a must to prepare her own retreat, otherwise she is not a qualified agent.

So when she came to this food storage point, Arctic Fox had already hidden an off-road vehicle in the woods, so that she could escape in the face of emergencies.

Arctic Fox did not expect that this escape route would come in handy so soon.

Arctic Fox, who kept shuttling through the jungle, was very agile and her speed was very fast.

"It's a good opportunity for me to leave Xifa Company. Now it's the end of the world. The whole Lighthouse Country is in chaos. I should also get rid of the control of the Lighthouse Country."

Arctic Fox has always longed for freedom. She doesn't want to be controlled by the Lighthouse Country all her life and become a machine that can only kill and execute tasks, rather than a living person.

This is also something that Arctic Fox has planned for a long time.

After shuttling in the jungle for a while, Arctic Fox stopped when she felt that there was no movement behind her. After observing carefully for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"This guy didn't chase me. After all, he is too young. How could he be my opponent?"

Then Arctic Fox immediately changed direction and ran towards the off-road vehicle.

A few minutes later, she felt relieved after sitting in the off-road vehicle.

"That guy gave me too much oppression. It's hard to imagine how powerful he is."

At this time, a creepy voice suddenly came from behind Arctic Fox.

"Are you talking about me? Thank you for the compliment."

After hearing the voice, Arctic Fox immediately swung the dagger in his hand and stabbed Li Mu in the back seat.

Although she didn't know when Li Mu got in the car, her natural reaction still made him take action immediately.

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