The two of them were so close that they had to fight back.

As an agent, Arctic Fox's reaction speed is absolutely top-notch. After hearing Li Mu's voice, she had already stabbed Li Mu with a dagger in her hand.

But Li Mu's reaction speed was faster. He grabbed Arctic Fox's arm with one hand and chopped Arctic Fox's neck with the other hand.

With just one move, Arctic Fox completely fainted. The gap between the two was too great, and Arctic Fox had no room to fight back.

Then Li Mu got out of the car and pulled Arctic Fox down from the main driver's seat, then carried him on his shoulders and began to return the same way.

After arriving at the base, Vulture rushed over immediately.

"Boss, all the people inside have been dealt with. Is this Arctic Fox?"

Li Mu threw Arctic Fox to the ground.

"That's right. He wanted to escape because he couldn't beat me, but I caught him back."

"Have you checked the food inside? There should be no problem!"

Vulture said.

"Of course there is no problem. I have checked. These three warehouses are all cold storages. There are all kinds of refrigerated vegetables and frozen meats."

"The quantity is very large. Even before the end of the world, the food of these people is enough to meet the food needs of the entire Magic City for half a year."

Hearing this number, Li Mu was very happy.

"That's great. Xifa Company has given me a big gift."

"Don't worry. Let's go and see after I turn Arctic Fox into my bloodline."

How can Li Mu not look forward to an S-level bloodline, and Arctic Fox is also a top beauty.

Li Mu cut his palm, then squatted down and dripped his blood into the mouth of Arctic Fox.

Not long after, Arctic Fox suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Li Mu.

"Damn it, what did you do to me? Why is my body like this?"

Beiji felt a burning force wandering in her body, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Li Mu stood up and smiled slightly.

"I have given you powerful strength. Don't worry, you will feel your own powerful strength soon."

Sure enough, after half a minute, Beiji Fox was no longer in pain. She stood up and checked her strength and found that her original third-level strength had now broken through to the fourth level.

"What's going on? Why did I suddenly become stronger? How did you do it?"

Seeing Beiji Fox's puzzled eyes, Li Mu smiled.

"This is just my ability. Anyone who drinks my blood can improve their strength. The most important thing is that even their own talents can be improved."

After hearing this, Beiji Fox was still a little confused. She looked at Li Mu and said puzzledly.

"But why do you do this? Aren't we enemies?"

Li Mu smiled.

"I forgot to tell you that my ability is called Bloodline. I am the Lord of Bloodline, and the person who drinks my blood is a Bloodline, so you are now under my control."

Hearing this, the Arctic Fox was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

"Well, what can I do in this situation? If I can't beat them, joining them seems to be a good choice."

Then the Arctic Fox looked at the vulture on the side.

"What about him? Two days ago, the headquarters sent us news that the vulture had been killed by the people of Dragon Country. Now it seems that he is not dead, and his strength has also increased."

"So his situation is the same as mine?"

The vulture shrugged.

"Of course, if it wasn't the case, I would have died long ago."

The Arctic Fox was stunned.

"Well, what can I say."

At this time, the Arctic Fox suddenly felt a force flowing in his body.

Li Mu saw her abnormality and said.

"You are going to awaken your superpowers. You will awaken your superpowers when your strength reaches the fourth level."

"Find a safe place to awaken your superpowers. Let's go check out the food in the warehouse."

The Arctic Fox nodded and turned to walk towards the small building.

Li Mu also came to the door of the warehouse under the guidance of the vulture.

The vulture took out an electronic card found on the body of the white lion, slid it on the electronic lock at the door of the warehouse, and the electric door of the warehouse slowly opened.

Even Li Mu, who had been mentally prepared, was deeply shocked after seeing a whole warehouse of vegetables.

"It's really a big deal. I didn't expect that Xifa Company actually stored so much food. Just from these foods, I can see

It can be seen that Xifa Company has great ambitions!"

The two wandered around in the cold storage for a long time, and then came to the second warehouse.

This warehouse also has a variety of fruits, and the quantity is very large.

The third warehouse is a whole warehouse of meat, and basically all the meat you can find on the market is in this warehouse.

"I am very curious. Now the entire apocalypse has been cut off from the power supply. Why are the warehouses here still operating?"

"The power consumption of these three warehouses is not small. How did Xifa Company do it?"

The vulture is the nearest hill to them.

"Boss, there is a small solar power station on that hill. It was built when this warehouse was built."

Li Mu took a look.


The vulture looked at the three warehouses.

"Boss, the problem now is how to take away the food in these warehouses."

"Moreover, storage after taking it away has become a very important problem."

Li Mu waved his hand.

"Don't worry, you will know tomorrow. These are not a problem for me. "

Li Mu's current storage space can't hold all the food here, but he doesn't want to leave the remaining supplies here, so of course he has to take away everything he can.

So he plans to collect a wave of rewards first, and when his rewards arrive, his storage space will double, so taking all the food away won't be a problem.

Li Mu decided not to go back tonight, and stay here for one night first, and experience the joy of riding a foreign horse by the way. It won't be too late to leave tomorrow after taking away all the food.

After making the decision, Li Mu said.

"Let's spend the night here today, lock all the warehouse doors, and then you can find a place to spend the night!"

The vulture immediately showed an expression of "I understand you" and said with a smile.

"OK, boss, don't worry, I will never disturb you, boss. "

Then the vulture locked the door and left.

Li Mu also came to the small building. As soon as he arrived, he saw the Arctic Fox walking out of a room.

"Boss, my awakening has been successful. Thank you for giving me strength, otherwise I would not be able to break through the fourth level so quickly."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"If you want to thank me, show some sincerity. I prefer you to thank me with practical actions."

After hearing this, the Arctic Fox smiled charmingly.

"Of course, no problem. Do you want to come up and have a drink now?"

As he spoke, he also threw a wink at Li Mu.

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