The snake was so angry that it was not easy to pry something out of its mouth.

Li Mu threw the fangs that were still dripping blood aside.

At this time, the venomous snake without two fangs had returned to its original appearance, lying on the ground and rolling and crying in pain.

"You were very arrogant just now, now show me your arrogant appearance again!"

The Arctic Fox also came over at this time.

"This guy is very stubborn, it's not easy to pry something out of his mouth."

Li Mu looked at the venomous snake on the ground in pain. The easiest way was to make him a blood descendant, but Li Mu didn't want to do that.

Not everyone is qualified to become his blood descendant, and becoming a blood descendant can also relieve the pain of this kid.

For such a guy who harmed the people of Longguo, Li Mu didn't want him to die too easily.

Li Mu looked at the Arctic Fox.

"Is there any way to make him talk?"

The Arctic Fox smiled evilly.

"Of course there is. Vulture is an interrogation expert. He has been subjected to the most cruel torture in the world, so he is naturally the best interrogation expert."

Li Mu asked curiously.

"The most cruel torture, what did Vulture experience."

The Arctic Fox said.

"He was imprisoned by a group of extremist terrorists for half a year. During this half year, the terrorist madman tortured Vulture every day."

"It was to get some information about the Xifa Company, but after half a year, this group of terrorists still didn't get any information they wanted."

"I have to admire Vulture's willpower. He is the guy with the strongest willpower I have ever seen. It is because of this incident that Vulture has become the boss's most trusted subordinate."

"To what extent can he trust him? He would rather believe that Vulture is dead than believe that Vulture will betray the company. It will probably be like this. After all, such a person is indeed trustworthy."

Li Mu smiled slightly after listening.

"But the situation has changed when it comes to me, hasn't it?"

The Arctic Fox could only smile helplessly.

"When it comes to a man like you, the vulture should also be very helpless."

Because of the effect of the bloodline, the vulture's hard bones are completely useless.

Li Mu looked down at the venomous snake.

"Let me ask him if he is willing to tell me first!"

"Hey, tell me the purpose of your coming to Magic City University and the details of the potion you just drank."

The venomous snake, who lost two front teeth, was a little bit out of breath when he spoke, but he was still stubborn.

"Dream on, the powerful islanders will never surrender to you, a dragon countryman."

Li Mu smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"It's hard enough, I like it, I hope you can keep it up."

Then he waved to Mu Hui in the distance, motioning him to come over.

Mu Hui ran over immediately.

Li Mu pointed at the hard-boned venomous snake on the ground and said.

"Break his limbs to prevent him from escaping, use pliers to pull out all his teeth to prevent him from biting his tongue to commit suicide, stay and take good care of him, don't let him die."

"By the way, pull out the teeth one by one, if you pull out too many at once, it's easy to die from the pain."

Mu Hui smiled and nodded, then immediately shouted to his younger brother in the cafeteria.

"Come on, a few people, bring hammers and pliers."

The hammer was quickly brought over, and the younger brother also brought a sledgehammer, this is an old employee of the school's logistics department.

Mu Hui walked towards the venomous snake with a devilish smile, holding the hammer.

"Hard bones, right? Then let me see today whether your bones are harder or my sledgehammer is harder."

A few minutes later, the venomous snake was dragged away like a dead dog.

Li Mu pointed to the two huge fangs on the ground and said.

"These two fangs are good stuff. If you take them back and polish them, they should be a good weapon. They are much better than the machetes in your hand."

Mu Hui immediately picked up the fangs on the ground, touched them and found that they were indeed good.

"Okay, thank you, brother!"

After Mu Hui left, Arctic Fox said with a smile.

"This young man is good and ruthless. Such people are suitable for living in the end times. Maybe it's worth cultivating."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Of course, I plan to take all the survivors of Magic City University away, let them develop in the villa area, and concentrate on doing big things."

Back to the cafeteria, Li Mu saw a group of students in white coats bandaging the wounds of the injured in the restaurant.

"There is never a shortage of talents in the university."

After calling Mu Hui over, Li Mu said.

"Continue to search for the survivors of Magic City University.

Survivors, this is our future development force, we can save one if we can. "

Mu Hui nodded.

"Okay, I will continue to search, there should be many survivors near the dormitory building."

Li Mu continued.

"Also, when killing zombies, pay attention to the crystal cores in the zombies' heads, that's a good thing, collect them all for me."

Crystal cores are things that improve strength, Li Mu never has too many, collect as many as he can.

After a simple lunch at noon, Li Mu prepared to go to the girls' dormitory to take a look.

Li Mu and Arctic Fox drove to the girls' dormitory and realized how bad the situation was here.

Before the car arrived at the dormitory building, a large group of zombies had already rushed towards Li Mu's infantry fighting vehicle.

Seeing countless zombies rushing towards him, Li Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect the situation here to be so bad. I really don't know if there are any survivors in the girls' dormitory. In this case, I'm afraid they will starve to death if they are not bitten to death by zombies! "

Arctic Fox was also a little surprised.

"I have to say that the situation here is indeed not optimistic."

Li Mu opened the car door and got out, then took out his bronze sword.

"Since we meet, let's kill them all. It's a good thing that I haven't hunted zombies for a long time."

Li Mu was still thinking about the second level of the Dragon Sword Technique. He had been entangled with the people of Xifa Company during this period, and the hunting of zombies had been delayed a lot.

Besides, there are crystal cores in the heads of these zombies, so when he encountered so many zombies, Li Mu felt that he had made a fortune today.

Arctic Fox also got out of the car soon after, and without any nonsense, he drew out the two daggers on his thighs. Although she has the ability to control her mind, using this ability is very physically demanding.

Now she doesn't want to waste her physical strength Waste on these low-level zombies. Even without using superpowers, it is still easy for her to kill these zombies.

This is even more unnecessary for Li Mu. The bronze sword in his hand cooperates with the body movement of the magic dragon sword technique. Every time the bronze sword is swung, a zombie will be killed.

But these zombies can't touch Li Mu's body at all, let alone hurt Li Mu.

Zombies were killed one after another, and Li Mu gradually became crazy.

"Too weak, these low-level zombies are not challenging at all for me."

Today's zombies are generally stronger. Most of the zombies that came to besiege Li Mu and the others are second-level zombies. Even so, Li Mu still feels no pressure.

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