The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Just as Li Mu and Arctic Fox were frantically killing zombies downstairs, the survivors in the surrounding dormitories were also attracted by their movements.

The girls who heard the noise leaned against the windows and began to observe the movements outside.

"Look, there are people downstairs, and they are killing zombies."

"Really, there are really people coming, but why are there only two people? I thought they were here to save us."

Many survivors in the dormitory asked questions.

"And they are a man and a woman. What are they doing here? Are they here to save us?"

"Are we saved? That's great."

Many brave girls opened the windows and shouted at Li Mu below.

"Handsome guy, are you here to save us?"

"If you are here to save us, come quickly and save me first."

Li Mu was not distracted and was still concentrating on killing the zombies rushing in front of him.

The girls' dormitory suddenly became lively.

"They are really amazing. They killed so many zombies. They are so strong!"

"And they are driving infantry fighting vehicles. Could they be military personnel?"

"I guess so. Otherwise, they would not have such strong strength."

"That man is so handsome. If I can be protected by such a man in the future, I will definitely be very happy."

"Come on, you look like this now. People can look up to you. If they want to protect you, they should protect a beautiful woman like me."

Just when everyone was crazy about it, only one girl in the dormitory was very calm. They did not shout loudly, but just watched everything below quietly.

One girl looked at it and opened her mouth involuntarily.

"Really strong, I can't imagine that someone can be so strong."

The girl with long legs and ponytail standing in the front, her hands clasped in front of her chest, her eyes fixed on every move of Li Mu.

"Sister Ping, what are the strengths of the two people below? They seem really strong."

The girl's name is Xiao Guping, one of the four campus beauties of Magic City University, and most importantly, Xiao Guping is also the top student in the Police Academy who ranks first all the year round.

Whether it is the use of firearms, grappling, or interrogation, Xiao Guping's grades are all the best, so Xiao Guping is also the one who should not be provoked among the four campus beauties.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Xiao Guping knew that they could not sit and wait for death, so she gathered her classmates in the Police Academy, a total of about 30 girls, and formed a team.

This is also the only team on the girls' side that dares to go out to search for food.

After seeing the tragic situation below, Xiao Guping quickly made a decision.

She looked for a while and then answered.

"I don't know the specific strength of the two of them, but I can be sure that their strength will definitely not be lower than the fourth level?"

This sentence immediately caused several people to be surprised.


"Fourth level, so strong?"

After observing the situation below for a while, Xiao Guping spoke.

"They are very strong. Let's get ready and kill them. Today is the only chance to clean up these zombies below. If we don't do it today, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future."

After saying that, Xiao Guping very neatly picked up a full set of bulletproof vests and a fire axe that looked very heavy.

After quickly putting on the bulletproof vest, Xiao Guping put a baton on his waist and took the fire axe in his hand.

The rest of the people looked at Xiao Guping who was wearing the equipment with some embarrassment. It was okay to let them follow Xiao Guping to go out and collect food on weekdays.

But now there are at least thousands of zombies downstairs. In their opinion, going on like this is no different from committing suicide.

Xiao Guping did not give up because of their hesitation, but walked directly to the door.

"It doesn't matter if you don't dare to go. I, Xiao Guping, don't like to sit back and enjoy the fruits of others' labor. I can't wait here for them to kill all the zombies."

"Since I saw it, I can't just stand by and watch. I can help as much as I can."

Finally, Xiao Guping walked out of the dormitory alone, and the rest of the people in the dormitory looked at each other, and no one knew what to do.

When Li Mu, who was killing zombies downstairs, saw a lonely figure coming out of the dormitory building to kill

When she came out, Li Mu was also a little surprised.

"I didn't expect there was a heroine in this place. It was really unexpected."

Xiao Guping, who was wearing an explosion-proof helmet, made Li Mu unable to see her face clearly, but the courage she had to fight alone made Li Mu look up to her.

Such a person is definitely a talent in the end times, so Li Mu's first thought was to save this woman.

After a casual glance at the woman in a bulletproof vest, Li Mu knew that she was a third-level strength.

It is not difficult to deal with dozens of second-level zombies with the strength of the third level, but it is different when facing hundreds of second-level zombies. Sooner or later, her physical strength will be exhausted.

If this goes on, she will be besieged and killed by zombies sooner or later.

Li Mu kicked a group of zombies away and said to the Arctic Fox.

"Leave this to me, you go and help her. I don't want such a woman to die here, it would be such a pity."

Arctic Fox said nothing, but the whole person flew into the air, and with his agile posture, he stepped directly on the head of the zombie and jumped over.

Arctic Fox came in front of Xiao Guping and stabbed a zombie to death with a sword.

Xiao Guping was also shocked. She really didn't expect that this white beauty could easily pass through the zombie group and come to her.

Seeing her blocking in front of her, Xiao Guping immediately changed her offensive thinking and began to protect the flank of Arctic Fox.

Arctic Fox said with a smile while killing zombies.

"Although it's a bit stupid, it's really courageous. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Xiao Guping chopped down a zombie with an axe and blew her head off. She said with blood all over her face.

"Of course I'm afraid of death, but I'm more afraid of waiting to die. It's better to kill it than to wait to die."

Arctic Fox smiled slightly.

"I like it. I can teach you a few tricks when I have time."

Not long after, Li Mu's reinforcements arrived.

After learning about the situation in the girls' dormitory, Mu Hui immediately gathered people and rushed over.

Although many of these people were injured this morning, there were still many who could fight. When they heard that there was a fight here, they immediately rushed over without stopping.

More than a dozen off-road vehicles rushed over directly, led by Mu Hui driving this infantry fighting vehicle.

Mu Hui did not slow down at all, and drove the infantry fighting vehicle directly into the zombie group, and many zombies were directly crushed to death.

The remaining off-road vehicles also crashed directly into the zombie group.

After Mu Hui got out of the car with a machete, he killed a zombie with one knife and shouted loudly.

"Brothers, kill them!"

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