The doctor who helped him was a good doctor.

Li Mu's solution was, of course, the doctor from Mu Hui's place.

The medical major in Magic City University is very famous, so the medical skills of the college students in Magic City University are pretty good, and there are many teachers among them.

Li Mu also saw how they treated the wounded that day, and it must be said that they were very good.

Now facing such a situation, the first thing Li Mu thought of was that group of people.

Although Mu Hui is the boss in Magic City University now, Li Mu can't let that group of people work for nothing. After all, this is not a good thing for Mu Hui, the boss.

Besides, using a little food in exchange for a few doctors to treat the wounded, Li Mu thinks this deal is very cost-effective.

Zhang Yahu certainly thought it was a good deal. After all, he had a lot of food in his hands, and it was nothing to give a little food to save his brothers' lives.

Then Li Mu immediately called Mu Hui. Mu Hui would certainly not refuse such a thing.

Li Mu said to Zhang Yahu again.

"Send half of the food first, and give the remaining half to them after the treatment is completed. Is that okay?"

Zhang Yahu nodded.

"Very reasonable."

Li Mu said to Mu Hui.

"I will send a master to drive my infantry fighting vehicle to pick up people from your place. Don't worry, I will ensure their safety."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mu looked at the hyena and said.

"Go to Magic City University to pick up people. Call me when you arrive. Don't cause misunderstandings."

He said to Zhang Yahu again.

"Send a few cars to go with him. There are more people, and one car is not enough."

About half an hour later, the hyena who went to Magic City University also came back with people, and brought back more than a dozen doctors.

Zhang Yahu's men built dozens of temporary tents in a shady place, so that the wounded could have a place to rest.

They couldn't live in the building anymore, because many of them could collapse at any time.

Zhang Yahu even vacated his villa and let the old, weak, women and children live there.

The two watched dozens of doctors treating the wounded, and Zhang Yahu finally smiled.

"Mr., thank goodness for you, otherwise I don't know where to find so many doctors."

"As long as there are enough doctors, those with minor injuries can finally survive."

Just when the two were happy about this, Fang Cheng, who had broken an arm and had his arm hung on his neck, walked over quickly.

He looked nervous and handed the phone to Zhang Yahu.

"Brother Hu, we are afraid we are in big trouble."

Zhang Yahu looked at Fang Cheng's bad face and immediately took the phone.

"What's going on!"

Zhang Yahu looked at the phone and sighed.

"It's really a big trouble!"

Li Mu finally took the phone over, and then he saw a message in the communication channel.

"I'll tell you a piece of news. Now the crystal cores in the Tianhu survivor base in Modu City are almost piled up into a mountain. All this is thanks to you. It's you who let the Tianhu base have so many crystal cores."

"Do you know what the crystal core is used for? Just crush it in your hand and you can improve your strength. So do you know what you idiots did?"

"You actually used such precious crystal cores to exchange for food. I have to say that you idiots were deceived by the Tianhu base. They used a pitiful amount of food to exchange for a large number of crystal cores from you."

Just a few words directly made the entire communication channel explode. After all, now basically all the survivors in the entire Modu can see this news.

And the goal of these people is surprisingly consistent, that is, they are all denouncing the Tianhu base.

Li Mu didn't even have to think about it to know that it was Xifa Company that did it, because only Xifa Company now hopes that the Tianhu base will be destroyed.

What Li Mu didn't expect was that Xifa Company would actually use such a trick. This is a naked conspiracy!

It aroused the anger of the survivors of the entire Magic City, and made Tianhu Base stand on the opposite side of these survivors in an instant.

However, more sinister things are still to come, the person who sent the message continued.

"Of course, I also have good news to tell you. Tianhu Base suffered a sudden attack last night. I believe you should have heard the sound of the explosion last night."

"No doubt, it was the Tianhu survivor base that was attacked, so the current Tianhu base has been seriously injured."

"The most

The important thing is that as far as I know, the Tianhu base not only contains the crystal cores that you were cheated of, but also a large amount of food and supplies. "

Here he was, because his goal had been achieved. He had successfully provoked the anger of the survivors of the Magic City, and also pushed the Tianhu base to the forefront.

Perhaps before knowing that the Tianhu base was attacked, these people were just a little angry, but they did not dare to act rashly, after all, the strength of the Tianhu base was there.

But when they knew that the Tianhu base was attacked, it was different, because they saw an opportunity to make a fortune.

For them, the Tianhu base not only has crystal cores that can enhance their strength, but also food, which is a huge temptation.

With such temptation as mine, Li Mu believes that there will definitely be desperate people who are not afraid of death and are willing to take risks, after all, the current Tianhu base has been seriously injured.

After reading it, Li Mu returned the phone.

"It seems that we are indeed in a bit of trouble, but it's just a small trouble. "

When Xifa Company used the trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone, Li Mu knew that Xifa Company would not personally take action against Tianhu Base in the short term.

Otherwise, how could Xifa Company release the news of the crystal core? They must want to steal the crystal core.

Fang Cheng said puzzledly.

"Is it a small trouble to be targeted by the survivors of the entire Magic City? Now those survivors are afraid to eat us alive. What should we do!"

Li Mu still didn't care. As long as Xifa Company didn't attack personally, it would not be a big problem for him, and those survivors were not a big trouble.

"When you are strong enough, you don't have to be afraid of those weak people coming to steal your things, even if there are a lot of these weak people. It doesn't matter."

Fang Cheng looked at Zhang Yahu again.

Zhang Yahu just said calmly.

"Gather the brothers who can still fight, leave some people to protect the wounded, and the rest of the people are ready to fight at any time. This time I will be in charge personally. "

"Also, cook for the brothers so that they can eat their fill. I don't want them to fight on an empty stomach."

Fang Cheng was still a little worried and asked again.

"Brother Hu, do we really have to go head-to-head with all the survivors in the Magic City?"

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