The enemy was in trouble, but the enemy was still alive.

Zhang Yahu smiled.

"Of course, if we run away, it will be difficult for our Tianhu base to gain a foothold in the Magic City in the future, and no one will tolerate us."

"So we have to fight, scare these people, let them know that our Tianhu base is not a soft persimmon, even in this situation, we can't pinch it as we want."

"We can't escape this time, so we can only fight."

Fighting is inevitable, and Zhang Yahu will certainly not be afraid. After all, he is now a fifth-level strength, and he has Li Mu, the killing god, to support him.

What should be afraid are the survivors who come to die, not their Tianhu base.

Li Mu knew that he couldn't leave before the situation of Tianhu base was completely resolved.

He called Vulture.

"Vulture, I have something else to do outside, I'll leave the villa area to you."

Vulture was also a little excited after receiving Li Mu's call.

"You guys didn't cause the explosion last night, did you? Do you need me to go over and help?"

Li Mu said.

"No, you just need to protect the villa area. I'm now in a complete confrontation with Xifa Company. They lost four helicopters last night."

"There are still three fourth-level survivors, so Xifa Company is now completely targeting me, so you must protect the villa area."

Vulture said immediately.

"Don't worry, with me in the villa area, none of the guys from Xifa Company can come in."

"By the way, there is another good news. I have broken through the fifth level. How about it, fast enough!"

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Not bad, let's talk about the rest when we go back. I still have some trouble here."

After a night of tossing, Li Mu finally had a hot meal. Although it was not as good as the food at home, it could at least fill his stomach.

Li Mu lay comfortably on a chair, and Hyena stood beside him.

The two watched Zhang Yahu lecture his younger brother, and then arranged the guard and patrol.

After arranging everything, Zhang Yahu also came to Li Mu's side, and the two lit cigars and chatted.

"Have you thought about moving? You should move after this matter is resolved."

Li Mu didn't care about the attack of those survivors, but they were just a group of idiots who came to die.

Now there are two fifth-level strongmen, Zhang Yahu and Hyena, in the Tianhu base. As long as there is no sixth-level strongman, there will be no accidents.

And even if a sixth-level superpower comes, Li Mu is here to take charge.

Zhang Yahu lay on the chair.

"I'm already looking for it. I have probably found a suitable choice. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be those communities one street away. It is also a high-end community, and the situation is similar to here."

"The only little trouble is that there is also a team of survivors in that place, but this is a small problem, and it will be fine after annexation."

Li Mu smiled.

"With your ability, it won't be difficult to develop a strong survivor base as long as there is enough time."

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Yahu saw several cars driving in from a distance.

Zhang Yahu said.

"It should be the people who went to the hospital to collect medicines. Let's go and see the situation."

After walking closer, the two found that the situation was not that simple. They saw several people walking down from the car with each other.

"Brother Hu, there is a corpse king in the hospital. The brothers who went with me were killed, and we didn't collect any medicines."

Zhang Yahu looked at the man in front of him who was about to cry, patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't blame you, go down and take good care of your injuries. You don't have to worry about the rest. I will take care of the medicines."

Li Mu asked after they left.

"How much medicine is left now."

Zhang Yahu sighed.

"It's already the bottom. Most of the medicines I stored were destroyed in the bombing last night."

Zhang Yahu thought for a while.

"No, I have to find another way to see if I can get some medicine. If this goes on, more wounded will die."

Zhang Yahu said to Fang Cheng beside him.

"Is there any hospital around here? See if you can find another hospital. We must get medicine."

But at this time, Li Mu stepped forward and patted Zhang Yahu on the shoulder.

"Let me go. It's not difficult for me to collect medicine. In this case, the big people you sent out will be

There are dangers everywhere, so I'll go!"

He got on the first off-road vehicle and said to the hyena.

"You stay here to protect the base and wait for me to come back."

Zhang Yahu said when he saw Li Mu driving away.

"Stay alert, the enemy should be here soon."

As an old resident who has lived in this community for several years, Li Mu certainly knows where the nearest hospital is, so he quickly got to the hospital.

When he arrived at the door of the hospital, Li Mu saw several corpses lying at the door that were almost gnawed to the bones.

Without any extra nonsense, Li Mu walked directly into the hospital building with the bronze sword.

Facing the zombies rushing up, he killed them all the way without mercy, and soon the hospital was full of zombie corpses.

These low-level zombies were too weak in front of Li Mu. Even if he was besieged by thousands of zombies at the same time, Li Mu relied on the bronze sword in his hand to kill them all the way.

"Roar! "

Just when the zombies on the first floor were about to be killed, a huge roar rang out throughout the hospital building.

Then, countless zombies rushed down from the building like a tide.

Li Mu knew that the roar came from the zombie king, and only the zombie king could command these zombies to fight.

"Come on, I'll kill as many as you come today. "

It has to be said that this is the hospital where Li Mu has encountered the most zombies. Li Mu estimated that this zombie king must have gathered the zombies from the surrounding streets here.

There are at least thousands of zombies here, more than the zombies he encountered in Guanglong Building before, so Li Mu can be sure that the zombie king here is definitely stronger.

But Li Mu doesn't mind, because what he wants most now is to hunt a high-level zombie, so that he can use high-level crystal cores to improve his strength.

As for those low-level crystal cores, Li Mu has no interest in them.

Sure enough, when Li Mu was fighting, a fifth-level zombie appeared on the stairs on the second floor, staring at Li Mu below with his eyes.

The appearance of this zombie is not much different from other zombies, and its body has not become very large. The only difference is his blood-red eyes.

At this time, Li Mu also saw the zombie king on the stairs, and of course he noticed the zombie king's blood-red eyes at the first time.

"Zombie king? Come on!"

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