The boy stared at the black dog and said.

"Hand over the crystal core!"

How could the black dog be a good man? How could he give away the fat meat in his mouth?

He looked at the brothers beside him and said.

"Keep going. He has no strength now. Kill him."

"Whoever kills him, I will give him two pieces of bread."

The black dog is also a smart man. He can see that this boy is not simple. These trash under his hands are not opponents. Sooner or later, he will have to make him take action himself.

But before he takes action himself, he has to consume the boy's strength so that he can easily win.

After hearing the reward given by the black dog, the brothers immediately rubbed their hands and prepared to go up and kill the boy, and then take the reward directly.

Several younger brothers immediately rushed up, and this time they were even more ferocious.

The boy's body kept moving, constantly dodging their attacks, and he would quickly attack as soon as he had a chance. The dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake, and one move was fatal.

But this way of fighting was also very exhausting for the boy, and after killing all the enemies, the boy was also injured.

The boy struggled to get up from the ground, his body was already covered in blood, he stumbled over and cut the neck of the last enemy who had been seriously injured by him.

Then he continued to stare at the black dog and shouted loudly.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

He raised the dagger in his hand and pointed it at the black dog.

"Come on, kill me, kill me if you have the guts!"

"If you can't kill me today, then I will take away my crystal core."

The black dog walked towards the boy with a fierce look on his face.

"Hmph, you are a fool, I will help you."

Seeing the black dog coming over, the boy burst out a powerful force from nowhere. He rushed towards the black dog even though he had difficulty walking.


The unstoppable momentum scared the black dog's brothers.

The black dog was not a pushover. He had some skills to survive until now.

He slowly raised his hand, and the surrounding rubble floated up and floated beside the black dog.

"A guy without any superpowers dares to run to me and die, so I will help you."

The black dog pushed his hand forward lightly, and the rubble flew towards the boy immediately, and the speed was very fast.

But the boy's speed at this time was faster than before, and his body was more flexible. He successfully avoided all the rubble in a few dodges.

Then he continued to rush towards the black dog.

The black dog's eyes widened immediately. He couldn't believe that the boy had avoided his attack. He didn't even see clearly how the boy avoided it.

Seeing that the boy's dagger was already in front of him, Black Dog took his axe and chopped it.

The two started fighting, and it was hard to tell who was better for a while.

Black Dog's ability was to control the surrounding stones for long-range attacks, which was not a very strong ability. Once he was close to him, it was basically useless.

The fight between the two was very fierce, but even if the boy's potential was strong, he was not the opponent of the fourth-level strongman Black Dog.

But the boy still desperately inserted the dagger in his hand into the man's shoulder, and he was also knocked out by Black Dog's axe.

The axe hit the boy's chest heavily, and the boy's chest was sunken. Fortunately, it was not the place where the axe had a blade, otherwise the boy would have died.

But this also made the boy completely lose his fighting power, and he could only lie on the ground dying.

Black Dog pulled out the dagger and threw it aside, and walked towards the boy with the axe.

"I didn't expect that you, a little beast, actually had some skills. I almost died in your hands."

The young man was lying on the ground, spitting blood, but he kept muttering.

"Crystal core, I want the crystal core, I can't die."

Even before he died, he didn't forget the crystal core. Obviously, he had a very deep obsession with the crystal core, and even now he wanted to get the crystal core.

But unfortunately, he had already burst out his potential once before, and now he couldn't continue to fight.

Black Dog spit.

"Bah, there is no crystal core, but I have an axe here. If you want the crystal core, you'd better wait until next life!"

After saying that, he raised the axe in his hand high, wanting to chop off the boy's head, because only in this way would he feel relieved.

The axe in his hand

When the head fell high and was about to fall on the boy's neck, Black Dog felt a gust of wind, and then the axe in his hand was blocked and could not fall down.

Li Mu appeared in front of Black Dog and blocked Black Dog's fatal blow with a bronze sword.

Black Dog looked at Li Mu in front of him in confusion.

"Who are you? How dare you ruin my good deeds!"

Li Mu smiled.

"Oh, it's you!"

With a slight movement of his wrist, the axe in Black Dog's hand was directly picked up by the bronze sword, and then with a swing of the bronze sword, Black Dog was directly cut in half.

At night.

Li Mu lit a bonfire and was checking the super soldier potion in his hand.

The potion in the black backpack was not damaged, because the potion was specially packaged, and it would not be damaged even if it was dropped directly.

Li Mu looked at the several glass medicine bottles in his hand, which contained white potions.

After checking the inside of the backpack, Li Mu found a note written by Gao Mulin.

"Attention, these medicines are top secrets of the Dragon Country Laboratory. Remember not to leak them, otherwise we will all be in big trouble!"

"One bottle of medicine is the dosage for one person. The side effects will shorten the life of the super soldier. The specific time varies from person to person, but the impact will not be too great."

"After using the medicine, a person's physical strength and speed will be greatly enhanced, and the defense will also increase. At least after the enhancement, rifle bullets cannot penetrate the skin, which is about the same as a fourth-level strongman."

"And after taking the super soldier potion, you will never be able to awaken your superpowers again, so use it with caution."

Li Mu laughed after seeing the note.

"It's really a good thing. This is simply an iron man with infinite strength and invulnerability. It really deserves to be a super soldier. It's really good."

Although it will reduce life, Li Mu doesn't care. If you want to get strong strength, you have to pay a price, and this price is completely bearable.

Even if you can't awaken your superpowers, it doesn't matter. Li Mu will find those with extremely low talents to take the potion, so that the potion can be maximized.

Li Mu counted the number of these potions and found that there were only ten potions.

"Although it's a bit small, it's great to get such an awesome potion."

"Ten potions, that's ten fourth-level strongmen, and this is only the first generation of potions, very good."

The power of the potion lies in the mass production of strongmen. Although the number of potions this time is a bit small, Li Mu believes that he will definitely get more potions in the future.

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