The more you eat, the more you eat.

It is not easy for an ordinary person to reach the fourth level. Some people with poor talents may never reach the fourth level in their lifetime.

Even if you absorb a large number of crystal cores, it is useless. If your talent is too poor, absorbing crystal cores is a waste.

For example, among Li Mu's women, Su Rou, who has the worst talent, has not reached the third level yet, while Yu Lan, who has absorbed the same number of crystal cores as him, has now reached the third level.

This is the gap in talent, which cannot be made up.

Although each of the people around Li Mu is a highly talented person, this is also after being promoted by Li Mu's bloodline!

The most important thing is that Li Mu has the bloodline ability, which can check a person's talent level, so he can search for so many highly talented people and then gather them together.

Moreover, Xifa Company also sent a lot of strong people to Li Mu, such as Vulture and Arctic Fox. They both had S-level talents from the beginning, which was completely top-notch.

Therefore, the talents of most survivors in the end times were still relatively mediocre, and the role of strengthening potions was revealed at this time.

When a mediocre talent could not have strong strength, strengthening potions could just make up for this shortcoming, allowing a mediocre survivor to have strong strength.

Just as Li Mu was thinking about these, the boy beside him also woke up, sat up and shouted loudly.

"Crystal core, my crystal core!"

It was as if he suddenly woke up from a nightmare, but he shouted the crystal core. It can be seen that he was really obsessed with the crystal core.

After seeing Li Mu, the boy immediately became alert.

"Who are you!"

Li Mu threw his dagger over casually.

"Don't be nervous, I saved you, now you are safe."

Feeling that Li Mu had no hostility, the boy relaxed his vigilance, and then suddenly touched his chest and said.

"I was injured, why am I fine now? You helped me heal my wounds."

Li Mu nodded slightly and put the black backpack in his hand and the medicine into the storage space.

"I guess so!"

Li Mu certainly doesn't know medical skills, let alone heal people, but Li Mu has the ability of bloodline!

He saw that this kid was so obsessed with the crystal core that he didn't forget to shout for the crystal core even when he was dying. There must be something very important waiting to do.

At that time, he was dying. In order to save him, Li Mu could only feed him his own blood, which saved his name. Otherwise, he would have died long ago with such a serious injury.

The boy sat down on the ground.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me."

"But I may have to leave. I will repay your kindness later."

Li Mu looked at the boy.

"What are you going to do."

The boy picked up the dagger and stood up.

"Go find the crystal cores. I really need them now, so I'm sorry."

At this time, Li Mu picked up a worn-out backpack beside him and threw it at the boy's feet.

"No need to look for them, the crystal cores are all here."

The boy immediately picked up the backpack and opened it to find that it was really full of crystal cores.

After seeing the crystal cores, the boy immediately smiled and said happily while holding the crystal cores.


Then he looked at Li Mu with a worried look.

"Can you give me all these crystal cores?"

Li Mu lit a cigar and gestured with the cigar.

"Of course, they are all yours."

"Can we chat now?"

The boy nodded happily immediately. Li Mu hadn't seen such an innocent smile for a long time.

He sat next to the campfire holding the crystal cores.

"Of course, thank you, these crystal cores are really important to me."

Li Mu fiddled with the campfire to make it burn more vigorously.

"What's your name?"

"Tang Ying!"

Li Mu looked at him holding the crystal cores tightly.

"You seem to need crystal cores very much. You even cried for them when you were seriously injured and dying. Can you tell me what you want these crystal cores for?"

The boy hesitated for a moment, a melancholy expression appeared on his face, and then he started talking.

"In order to save my sister, my sister and I were originally members of the Yanghu Survivor Base. After the apocalypse, we were lucky to survive and joined the Yanghu Survivor Base."

"Although it was hard, we were able to survive. But an accident happened a week ago. By chance, my sister and I

When my sister went out to look for food, she was seen by a captain of the Yanghu Survivor Base. "

"The captain wanted to take my sister away because she was pretty. I fought back desperately, but was beaten half to death. There were too many of them and I really couldn't do anything."

Li Mu's eyes turned cold. The boy was only about fifteen or sixteen years old, so his sister must be younger. He didn't expect that this beast would not even let go of the child.

"Then, your sister was taken away."

Li Mu was relieved when he saw Tang Ying shaking his head.

"After my desperate resistance, the captain finally gave in. He promised me that as long as I could gather 500 third-level crystal cores and give them to him within a week, he would let my sister go."

"So I fought hard to kill zombies this week, but in the end I couldn't gather enough, so I tried to contact the army of Dragon Country and asked them to come here to hunt zombies. "

"I didn't expect them to come, and they left a lot of crystal cores, but I didn't expect to run into Black Dog and his men, but now everything is fine, 500 third-level crystal cores are now enough."

Looking at Tang Ying's happy smile, Li Mu felt that this matter might not be as simple as Tang Ying imagined, and that captain was definitely not a good guy.

How could he agree to Tang Ying to let his sister go so easily? He probably wanted to use Tang Ying to help him collect crystal cores, and then kill Tang Ying when Tang Ying sent the crystal cores over.

Li Mu looked at Tang Ying with a smile on his face. This kid was still too young after all. Although he had some skills, he was too easy to trust people. He foolishly thought that the captain would let them go.

But Li Mu still admired him very much. After all, a It is extremely difficult for a third-level survivor to collect 500 third-level crystal cores within a week.

For a third-level survivor, hunting down third-level zombies is a life-or-death struggle, which can be said to be almost impossible, but the boy in front of him really did it.

At this time, this boy made Li Mu look forward to it more and more. He was very much looking forward to how powerful such a boy would become after growing up. Li Mu knew that this boy would never let him down.

"You are really amazing. It is not easy to collect 500 crystal cores in a week."

"I saw that your steps were steady when you were fighting. You must have practiced, right?"

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