The zombies were so big that they were almost dead.

Li Mu's eyelids jumped, and he was a little surprised.

"It's a seventh-level zombie king, no wonder, the Tianhu base alone can't handle it."

"What do you mean by not being an ordinary zombie?"

Zhang Yahu took out a photo from his arms and handed it to Li Mu.

The photo shows a huge rat, which looks about the same size as a car. It has become a zombie and has a mouthful of fangs.

Beside this rat, there are countless small rats, and the size of these rats is not small either. Each one is about the size of an adult hyena.

The most important thing is the number. From the photo, the number of these rats is countless, which is the most terrifying part.

"This is the photo my people took when they were reconnaissance. Just one level 7 corpse king is enough to cause headaches, and the numerous rats inside are also a big trouble!"

Li Mu frowned.

"There are so many rats in here, are you sure the food inside is still there?"

This is the problem that Li Mu is worried about. Zombies can be dealt with in a way, but if there is no food inside after getting rid of these zombies, it will be a waste of effort.

Zhang Yahu was not very sure either, he shook his head slightly.

"I'm not sure, because my people haven't been in there, but I know that zombies are only interested in flesh and blood, even if the rats become zombies."

"And one of my men was the former warehouse manager. When he escaped from the warehouse, he was very sure that there was food inside, and there was a lot of it."

"When he escaped, the corpse king was already there, and he was lucky to survive."

Li Mu thought for a while, then nodded and said.

"In that case, we can do this. It's only level 7. We can just find a way to kill it. If there is enough food inside, we can also make a fortune."

"So this can be done, but it just takes time!"

As long as Li Mu agrees, then this can be done. Zhang Yahu certainly wants to do it, so he immediately came over and said.

"The problem is that we only need a level 7 psychic now, otherwise we will die if we go there. Not to mention the level 7 corpse king, even those ordinary zombie rats are enough for us to drink a pot."

"Without a level 7 psychic, this can't be done, so now the problem is here."

Zhang Yahu knows his own strength, and of course he knows the overall strength of the Tianhu base. It is impossible to find a level 7 psychic in a short time.

So this matter still depends on Li Mu.

Li Mu stretched out two fingers and said.

"Two ways!"

Zhang Yahu said immediately after hearing that there was hope.

"What way, tell me quickly!"

Li Mu said.

"I do have a level 7 psychic under my command, but he can't take action until three months later. He will be useless within three months, so the first solution is to wait for three months."

This solution was immediately rejected by Zhang Yahu.

"What a joke, the strength of the Corpse King will not be known for sure after three months. Now the Corpse King is at level 7, and it will only be stronger after three months."

"Let alone three months, we can't even wait for a month. Those zombies become stronger much faster than us, so you should just tell me the next solution!"

Li Mu also knew that it wouldn't work.

"The other solution is to rely on myself. If I work hard, I may be able to reach level 7 in a short time, as long as it doesn't take three months or even a month."

"How long do you think we have to take action before the Corpse King reaches level 8?"

Zhang Yahu said immediately.

"Ten days, I think ten days is the maximum time limit. If we wait any longer, the Corpse King will probably reach the eighth level. After all, you know how fast zombies become stronger."

Li Mu stood up and said.

"Let me try. If I can reach the seventh level within ten days, then we will do it. If not, let's talk about it later!"

Ten days is indeed a bit tight. Although it may take more than ten days for the Corpse King to break through to the eighth level, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to improve the strength.

But they dare not wait, because the longer they wait, the more variables there will be, so Li Mu can only force himself.

Zhang Yahu also stood up and said.

"Okay, just ten days, I will have people start preparing now."

Li Mu said.

"You can contact Mu Hui yourself. He knows our relationship. You can discuss what to do. Let Xiaolong prepare early!"

When leaving Tianhu Base, Li Mu was already thinking about how to quickly improve his level.

For himself, there are only two ways to improve the level. One is to practice dual cultivation, and the other is to absorb crystal cores.

If you want to improve your strength quickly, you can only do both methods at the same time. Go out to hunt zombies during the day, and go back to practice dual cultivation after the work. This will improve your strength faster.

Li Mu opened his attribute panel.

[Host: Li Mu

Strength: 52

Constitution: 34

Speed: 34

Free points: 20

Superpower: Bloodline

Dragon Swordsmanship: 80%

Items: Red Jade Yin and Yang Gong, Bronze Sword, Killer Clothes, Gun Gift Pack

Skills: Danger Sense, Night Vision Eye, Magic Spirit Fire

Pet: Thunder Magic Leopard]

Li Mu has also worked hard during this period and has 20 free attribute points.

When all the attribute points reach fifty, Li Mu can break through the sixth level. Even so, there is still one level difference from the seventh level.

The higher the level of Li Mu, the more attribute points are needed to upgrade the level. At the beginning, 5 attribute points can upgrade one level, and then each attribute point is 10 attribute points.

Now it is already 20 attribute points, so it will be more difficult for Li Mu to upgrade the level in the future.

It is basically impossible to reach the seventh level in ten days.

Because Li Mu will not increase attribute points after absorbing the crystal core, Li Mu studied it and found that the level will only be upgraded when all his attributes meet the requirements.

The crystal core will not increase the level of Li Mu, but it will increase Li Mu's strength, so Li Mu's current strength is far superior to the mutants and zombies of the same level.

The disadvantage is that Li Mu can't improve his strength through the crystal core, but it is the same to improve his strength.

For a person like Li Mu, the level is no longer the standard for judging strength.

In the end, Li Mu still focused on his magic dragon swordsmanship and magic fire.

"The level of the Dragon Sword Skill must be upgraded, it must reach the second level."

"Of course the Demon Spirit Fire must be upgraded, this is the real killer. I have to say that the power of the Demon Spirit Fire is really strong, and it can continue to increase its power."

"As long as enough zombies are killed, the Dragon Sword Skill and the Demon Spirit Fire can be upgraded."

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