The last sentence made Leng Qian stand up and look at Xiao Guping in disbelief.


Then she realized that her voice was too loud, so she covered her mouth and sat down again.

Leng Qian looked at her cousin and asked in confusion.

"What do you mean, that man has more than one wife, right?"

She spoke in a low voice, but her face was full of doubts, and she obviously couldn't believe it.

After seeing Xiao Guping nod, Leng Qian asked angrily.

"Cousin, tell me honestly whether he forced you, otherwise with your personality, how could you marry such a playboy."

"If she dares to force you, then I will save you from the clutches of the devil even if I risk my life."

After hearing this, Xiao Guping smiled and knocked her head.

"What are you thinking, girl? I live a carefree life. Besides, you know my personality. No one can force me if I don't want to."

"So don't think about it. Your cousin was not forced."

Leng Qian was still very puzzled. She looked at her cousin and said.

"Cousin, how could you be like this? She already has a wife, but you still married him. You were not like this before. What's wrong with you?"

Hearing what his cousin said, Xiao Guping knew that his cousin was too strong-willed and her thoughts were still stuck in the pre-apocalyptic era.

"Cousin, Li Mu is a good man. I don't care how many wives or women he has. As long as he treats me well, it's enough. A man like him is worthy of my trust."

Xiao Guping wanted to say something, but when she saw her cousin's angry expression, she knew that it was useless for her to say anything. This girl would definitely not listen.

She could only wait for her to slowly change her mind in the future.

She was also helpless. Perhaps her cousin had rescued too many women and saw too many women suffering and being abused, so she had a hatred for men and felt that all men in the world were bad.

But Xiao Guping clearly understood that if a woman did not have strong strength in the end times, the best way to survive was to find a reliable man.

At first, Xiao Guping certainly could not accept the reality that Li Mu had so many wives, but when she saw that the women around Li Mu lived happily, she slowly accepted it.

During this period of time with Li Mu, Xiao Guping felt the importance of a man. Li Mu not only provided them with a safe living environment, but also allowed them to have enough food every meal.

Compared with the survivors outside, Xiao Guping felt that his current life was so wonderful that even the life before the end of the world was not as happy as it is now.

At first, Xiao Guping was going to let Leng Qian live in the villa and enjoy a happy life, but seeing his sister like this, Xiao Guping knew that he could only wait for her to slowly change.

Leng Qian certainly couldn't accept this reality, because she saw too many women being abused by men after the end of the world, because the whole world lost order after the end of the world.

Without the constraints of the law, the evil in people's hearts was completely released, and women became a vulnerable group and victims.

Leng Qian had seen with her own eyes that a group of survivors, after having no food, actually ate the captured women as food, and there were also women who were captured and tortured to death.

After seeing these things with her own eyes, Leng Qian subconsciously felt that men were not good people, so after hearing what her cousin said, even though Li Mu saved her, she still hated Li Mu a little.

Xiao Guping said.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things for now. Let's think about how you can get out of danger first!"

"What are your plans next?"

Leng Qian sighed when she thought of this.

"Actually, I don't know what to do next. We used to have at least one place to live, but now I don't even know where to go."

At this time, Li Mu came over and asked.

"Can you tell me the cause of the incident first? Who attacked you?"

Seeing Li Mu speaking, Leng Qian was silent for a while and then began to speak.

"It was the Huangsha Survivor Base. Their people caught a few women when they went out to collect food. I happened to meet them with my people and rescued them."

"But in the end, one guy escaped. That night, the people from the Huangsha Base launched a sudden attack on us.

, we were not prepared at all, many people were killed, and many were captured. "

Li Mu thought about it in his mind.

"Huangsha Survivor Base, I haven't heard of this name, it should not be ranked in the Magic City!"

Leng Qian said immediately.

"Although it is not ranked, their strength is still very strong. There are at least thousands of people in the entire survivor base, and their boss is still the fifth level of strength."

Xiao Guping on the side looked at her sister and was a little speechless, and said.

"It's just a fifth-level boss, why didn't you say it earlier, so do we still need to run?"

Xiao Guping thought that the opponent's strength was strong, but she didn't expect it to be just a fifth-level strongman. If they knew earlier that the opponent was only fifth-level, they wouldn't have to run away.

With Xiao Guping's current strength, plus Cai Yutong's help, maybe Li Mu wouldn't have to take action, and the fifth-level person would have been solved by the two of them.

Leng Qian looked puzzled.

"What's wrong, isn't the fifth-level strongman strong? "

Li Mu turned his head and looked at the captured Wild Bull.

"Is your boss really a fifth-level power? What is his ability?"

Wild Bull nodded immediately.

"Yes, our boss is really a fifth-level power. I am the second-in-command of the Huangsha Base. Our boss's ability is strength. His strength is greater than mine."

After feeling Li Mu's strength, Wild Bull didn't dare to hide these things. When Li Mu asked him, he told everything directly. He didn't dare to lie for fear of losing his life.

Li Mu smiled.

"Okay, let's talk about your next plan. Where are you going next? "

Li Mu also vaguely felt that Leng Qian had a bit of hostility towards him, but for Xiao Guping's sake, he didn't bother with her, she was just a woman.

Leng Qian thought for a long time and didn't tell her next plan. At this time, Xiao Guping stood up and came to Li Mu's side and said.

"Husband, why don't you let them go to the Xiaolong base? They have nowhere to go now. Going to the Xiaolong base can at least let them all survive."

Li Mu looked at Leng Qian and said with a smile.

"I think my sister-in-law doesn't seem very happy. What's wrong?"

Xiao Guping said.

"It's because she knows you have many wives, so she's unhappy. I didn't expect that her bad temper hasn't changed until now. Don't worry, I will teach her a lesson."

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