The light beam rose from an undeveloped forest, and judging from the video, it should be deep in the forest, so it is not easy to find the place where the light beam rose. Although this forest is next to the Magic City, it is well protected and can be regarded as a nature reserve. There are no animals of all kinds in it. The three people walked a distance and encountered a very high wire fence. From here, it should be the boundary of the nature reserve. Once you enter the reserve, it will be dangerous because there may be various mutant animals in the reserve. Tang Ying, who was walking in the front and clearing the way, looked around and then walked in one direction. "Come and see, there's something going on here!"

The two walked over and saw a big hole in the solid wire mesh, which was just the height of a person.

Zhang Yahu stepped forward to observe, carefully looked at the wire mesh, and then looked at the traces on the ground.

"It was man-made, and it was a very strong person who tore the wire mesh with his bare hands. It seems that it was not just one person, but a group of people."

Hearing Zhang Yahu's judgment, Li Mu narrowed his eyes and said.

"It looks like someone got there before us. It seems that someone has really set their sights on this light column!"

Zhang Yahu also walked into the cave.

"As long as there are ten people, they can guess that this light column is not simple, so of course they have to come to share a piece of the pie, so we have to be careful, and the strength of those who dare to come here should not be bad."

The three of them passed through the wire mesh and began to head towards the depths of the forest. Since they didn't know the specific location, the three of them could only start to shuttle aimlessly after entering the forest.

Tang Ying walked at the front of the team, holding a machete in his hand and constantly chopping the branches in front of him.

At this time, Li Mu spoke up.

"I don't know the exact location. How long will it take to find it if we keep looking aimlessly like this?"

Zhang Yahu sighed.

"Yes, it would be much more convenient if there was a helicopter. At least we can find the target faster by searching from a high altitude."

At this time, the situation of the Giant God Survivor Base Team was better than that of Li Mu. Although they didn't have a helicopter, they had tools for aerial reconnaissance.

A bat about the size of a vulture circled quickly in the air and landed on the arm of a member of the Giant God Base Team.

In the Giant God Base, the man's name is Bat, because his ability is to summon a small bat. Although his combat power is not strong, his reconnaissance power is very strong.

Bat came to Du Jinglong and spoke.

"Boss, the general direction we are going is fine, but the trouble is that we are being followed. There are three guys not far behind us, and they are advancing very fast."

Du Jinglong, who was eating a large piece of steak, stopped and his expression became fierce.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that there are really guys who are not afraid of death. They dare to come and rob me. They are really impatient to live. How far are they from us?"

Bat said.

"About 500 meters away. They are advancing very fast. It is estimated that they will arrive soon."

Du Jinglong stuffed all the steak in his hand into his mouth and said after a few bites.

"Let the brothers ambush and kill these three guys before setting off."

Li Mu and the other two had no idea that they had been targeted.

Although it was pitch dark at this time, they could only move forward slowly with the flashlight brought by Tang Ying, but it had no effect on Li Mu. He could see clearly even at night.

After walking forward for a while, Li Mu suddenly stopped and began to observe the situation around him.

Zhang Yahu also stopped and asked curiously.

"What's wrong!"

Li Mu looked around but didn't see anything.

"I heard some strange noises, be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, several sharp arrows suddenly shot out from the dense forest in the distance and flew towards the three people.

Zhang Yahu is now also a master of archery, and he immediately heard the sound of the sharp arrows flying.

"There are bows and arrows, be careful!"

Tang Ying's reaction speed is also very fast now, and the machete swept left and right to knock away both arrows.

Zhang Yahu was not to be outdone and caught an arrow with his bare hands, and then directly

The bow was summoned. His bow can not only shoot powerful explosive arrows, but also these ordinary arrows.

However, the power is too small, so Zhang Yahu usually doesn't use it.

After catching the arrow, Zhang Yahu bent the bow and put the arrow in one go, and shot the arrow directly in the direction of the arrow.

Li Mu turned his head slightly and dodged the arrow.

"It's a compound bow. This thing is very powerful. It can easily kill wild beasts, so be careful."

Zhang Yahu shot an arrow into the darkness. After Li Mu looked over, he found that a guy holding a bow was shot dead in the head.

Then Li Mu saw more and more people appearing in the distance.

"Be careful, they are coming, and there are a lot of them!"

Li Mu saw that those people were wearing night vision goggles, so he reached out and ignited several large trees nearby. The light instantly ignited the entire forest.

The guys who were hiding in the dark also rushed up immediately. After seeing the enemy, Zhang Yahu immediately pulled the bow and arrow, and an explosive arrow slowly appeared.

Then Zhang Yahu shot directly at the crowd that rushed up. A glowing arrow looked very dangerous.

There were also masters on the opposite side. A strong man saw the flying arrow and immediately ran towards it, and summoned a huge shield.

"Danger, get out of the way!"

The strong man's bow and arrow directly blocked Zhang Yahu's shield, and a huge explosion sounded immediately.


Suddenly, fire burst out, bringing light to the darkness.

But when the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, the shield in the enemy's hand was intact, with only a trace of the explosion, and there was no sign of breaking at all.

Zhang Yahu was also stunned when he saw this scene.

"How is it possible that a shield actually blocked my explosive arrow."

At this time, the enemy who rushed to the front had already rushed up, and the axe in his hand also fell heavily towards Tang Ying.

Tang Ying had already put on his armor and was ready to fight at any time, so when the enemy's axe fell, Tang Ying immediately blocked it with the spear in his hand.

As soon as they fought, Tang Ying had a general understanding of the opponent's strength and saw at a glance that the opponent was a fifth-level guy.

"Fifth-level? I happen to be fifth-level too, so let's see who is stronger."

Tang Ying has not slacked off during this period, so he broke through the fifth-level strength yesterday.

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