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"Director Niu, are you looking for me?"

On this day, Zhou Yi received a call from Niu Yongnian, the dean of teaching, and then came to the office.

"Ms. Zhou, come and sit down."

Director Niu waved to Zhou Yi.

Director Niu is a middle-aged man in his fifties. After seeing Zhou Yi, he immediately beckoned him to sit down.

"Teacher Zhou, are you still used to living here?" Director Niu asked Zhou Yi.

"Very good." Zhou Yi nodded.

"Ms. Zhou, I came to you today, mainly because someone complained to me that the students in your class never eat at school. This has caused a very bad effect on other classes in the school, and it breaks the school rules and regulations..." Niu The director said to Zhou Yi.

"Director Niu, I asked my students to eat out. The main reason is that the food in the cafeteria of our school is not good. My students don’t have enough to eat at school every day, so they don’t have the mind to study at all." Zhou Yi said .

"Ms. Zhou, this is not right in your class. There are more than 3,000 students in our school. If they all go to eat out of school, they will not be messed up. This will not guarantee student safety...

"Director Niu, I don't think it's anything. Students have the right to choose where to eat..." Zhou Yi said.

Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Director Niu's face was stern, and he said solemnly: "Mr. Zhou, the school has school rules, in order to avoid food poisoning and other unsafe conditions, and to prevent infectious diseases, etc., and to protect students. Personal safety, the school stipulates that students are not allowed to eat outside the school.

If all the students eat out and have a bad stomach, or even food poisoning, who will bear the responsibility? "

Hearing what Director Niu said, Zhou Yi thought for a while, and then explained: "Director Niu, my students did not go to an outside restaurant to eat, but the parents of the students prepared meals and sent them in for the students. The school has no regulations. Students can’t eat meals cooked by their parents, right?"

Hearing Zhou Yi’s Hua, Director Niu frowned and said: "Parents of students? Not necessarily? I think there are only a few people who deliver food every day..."

"Director Niu, it's the parents of the students in my class. If you don't believe me, you can investigate. It is the parents of several students including Qi Dongyang and Xiong Mengchen in my class who deliver meals every day." Zhou Yi explained.

"That's not okay. The school's rules are rules. You can't break the rules of the whole school just because of your 22nd class in high school." Director Niu said with a strong attitude: "Your class will not be allowed to eat food outside of school in the future. We can't bear it if something goes wrong. Responsible."

Hearing what Director Niu said, Zhou Yi was very unhappy. He directly said: "Director Niu, I don’t think I have violated the school’s rules. The school stipulates that students cannot eat out, but there is no stipulation that students cannot eat food made by their parents. rice.

I know that the school’s cafeteria is contracted out. I do this will harm the interests of some people. If the school mandates that my students can only eat in the cafeteria, then I will call the Director of the Education Bureau Luo and ask him about the school’s mandatory Is it legal to ask students to eat in the cafeteria..."

"You..." Director Niu was so angry when he heard Zhou Yi's words, he could not speak for a long time while pointing at Zhou Yi.

"Director Niu. If there is nothing else, I will leave, and I have to teach the students." Zhou Yi ignored Director Liu's face and left directly after saying a word.

Zhou Yi at this time, although he is already a teacher, he is only 16 years old after all. 16-year-olds are very impulsive and full of passion.

The reason why he didn't let students eat in the cafeteria was mainly because he found out on the second day of class that many students in his class secretly eat snacks between classes or even during class.

After these students were caught by Zhou Yi, they all said they were hungry and panicked if they didn't eat.

Zhou Yi asked them why they were hungry and didn't eat? His students said that the food in the cafeteria was not good, and they couldn't eat a bite.

So that day, Zhou Yi did not go to the teachers’ cafeteria, but went to the student cafeteria to get a meal.

As a result, he couldn't eat it either. He swore that he had never eaten such a horrible canteen meal.

And Zhou Yi also found that there are so many shops in the school, and every time get out of class is over, there are countless people buying snacks one after another.

In each store, the most sold bread is bread. Outside the supermarket sells bread for two yuan a piece, and the school store sells it for four yuan, which is nothing short of heartbreaking.

Zhou Yi doubted that the reason why the canteen meal was so unpalatable was to sell bread.

Zhou Yi, who is only 16 years old, is naturally unaccustomed to this situation, so he found the parents of a few day students in the class and wanted them to help the whole class prepare meals and send them to school every day. By the way They can also make a little money.

Zhou Yi's proposal was happily accepted by the parents of several students, so starting from the third day, all the students in Class 22 of Grade One can eat delicious meals every day.

In the end, this incident also made Zhou Yi put up a very good influence in the minds of the students, and the students got close to him a lot.

It's just that Zhou Yi didn't expect that school leaders would come to him to talk about this so soon.

To put it bluntly, it was because he had harmed the interests of some people by doing so.

The school now tells him not to do this, Zhou Yi absolutely cannot agree.

He wants students to achieve an average score of 650 points or more within three years, but he can do it not just by giving students lessons and urging them to study.

"Ms. Zhou, it's not good, we are fighting."

At noon that day, Zhou Yizheng was just about to go back to the dormitory to cook, and a class of students hurriedly found him.

The main reason why he cooks by himself is that he offended the person who contracted the cafeteria, and he was afraid that the cook in the cafeteria would spit on him when he was cooking.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yi asked quickly when he heard the students' words.

"The students in our class have fought with the security guards." The student said in a panic.

"Where? Take me there quickly." Zhou Yi said to the students quickly.

"What the **** is going on? Why did you fight with the security guard?" Zhou Yi asked the students as he ran.

Hearing Zhou Yi's question, the student said in an angry tone: "The security guards were too much. They didn't allow us to take meals, and they smashed our meals. Some of the classmates were not angry, so they fought with them."

Soon, Zhou Yi came to the gate of the At this time, the place was messed up, and the periphery was full of people watching the excitement. At the same time, Zhou Yi also heard many students calling for security guards. Discourses like people.

When Yang Xin arrived and left the crowd and came inside, he saw a group of students in his class fighting with a dozen school security guards.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Stop it all." Zhou Yi came to the front and back, and hurriedly stopped.

However, at this time, both the students and the security guards were angry, and no one listened to Zhou Yi's words.

Moreover, Zhou Yi also discovered that several of his students had been beaten with blood on their heads.

When he came closer, he even saw a security guard holding a baton in his hand and banging it on his student's head.

"Fuck Nima."

Seeing such a situation, Zhou Yi couldn't bear it at all.

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