I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 389: Different

"Everyone, this movie has already made too much for us. Even if we can make some more later, it shouldn’t be much. Instead of that, we’d better donate it directly. In this way, we can not only win one. A good reputation can also take the film's performance to the next level."

The middle-aged man said: "As long as we work hard to promote this movie, it can definitely become the world's number one movie."

"Think about it, everyone, the world's number one. This has always been monopolized by Hollywood movies before. Now that we have such an opportunity, why should we care about a little money?"

"President Zhu, that's not a small amount of money! At least several billions." Someone said.

"Billions of them are not yours. Mr. Liu is not alone. Billions are half of the dream scholarship. The rest is divided by all of us. How many of our film companies and your movie theaters can be divided? , Your Manager Liu can earn up to 50 million yuan. In this movie, your Manager Liu can earn at least 200 million yuan, which is only a small amount of 50 million yuan..."

"I support Mr. Zhu." At this time, someone said: "This is a good opportunity, an opportunity to witness a miracle. In addition, if we give up the subsequent profits, we can better make friends with Teacher Yang."

"Our company plans to wait a few years before making a film about Teacher Yang's educational achievements. I believe the box office will not be bad by then."

"Yes, we can also make a lot of films about Teacher Yang. This time the film mainly highlights his theme in the plane hijacking incident. Next time we can film his achievements in education."

"Everyone, let us return to the original topic. On behalf of our China Film Group, I decided to give up our company's subsequent interests in this film. We will donate these interests to the Dream Scholarship."

The middle-aged man said: "Of course, this is just a statement from a company of China Film Corporation. If you don't want to give up, you can choose not to give up."

After hearing this, many people's faces became very weird. Many people thought in their hearts, you have done things this way, what can we say?

"What Mr. Zhu said, we Wanda also don't lack this little money, and we Wanda also give up." The general manager of Wanda Pictures also said.

"We at Huayi are also keen on doing charity, and we also choose to donate the follow-up due box office to the Dream Scholarship."

"The Dream Scholarship is our most trusted charity organization, and we also donate the follow-up proceeds to the Dream Scholarship."

Soon, almost all film companies expressed their willingness to donate the follow-up proceeds to the Dream Scholarship.

"Our Magic Capital United Cinema will also donate the follow-up proceeds to the Dream Scholarship."

"Our Dadi Cinema is also willing to donate the follow-up proceeds to the Dream Scholarship platform."

After the film company expressed its opinion, soon, the theater company also expressed its willingness to donate the follow-up proceeds to the Dream Scholarship.

Of course, there are also some small theater owners who are not eligible to participate in video conferences, but after so many big bosses have made a decision, the attitude of others does not seem to be very important.

So the next day, the investment producer of the movie "Extreme Crash Landing" and the theaters jointly issued a statement on the Internet.

All relevant companies stated that they will donate all the box office revenue of the 25 billion box office of the movie Extreme Crash Landing to the Dream Scholarship platform to support Teacher Yang's charity education.

After these companies jointly issued a statement, soon, countless media and even star actors have reposted it.

Soon, this matter detonated the entire network.

"It's so magnificent, I'm a person who never goes to the cinema to watch movies, but now I decided to support a wave, so that not only can watch genuine movies, but also support Teacher Yang's charity education." Some netizens commented.

"I have bought ten tickets, but I am not going to watch them, mainly because I have watched them several times. Anyone who wants to go to the movies can ask me for free tickets." Someone posted a message on the same city forum.

"I have already mobilized our family to go to the movies together, not for anything else, just to support Teacher Yang's charity education."

"Mr. Yang never accepted donations before. We didn't have any channels for donating money. Now that we have such a good opportunity, I decided to buy more movie tickets to support it."

"Brothers, the opportunity to donate to Teacher Yang is here, everyone."

Following a joint statement by large and small companies in the film and television industry, watching "Ultimate Landing" is no longer just as simple as watching a movie.

There are even some celebrities who bought a lot of movie tickets and distributed them to their fans online for free as a benefit.

In this way, they not only do charity, but also win a wave of fans.

For example, a traffic star bought a movie ticket worth 10 million yuan to distribute benefits to fans, which also made him praised by many people.

Driven by some "wishful people" on the Internet, watching the extreme crash landing movie is not just a movie, it has also become a charity.

Yang Xin disliked the actions of film and television companies, but he did not stop him. Those who can spend money to watch movies should not be poor.

If the Dream Scholarship platform wants to be maintained for a long time, it still needs more financial support.

And next year he plans to increase the number of scholarships, so the more money is the better for him.

After watching a movie and doing charity equating, soon, the box office of the movie that had fallen off the cliff once again exploded into an astonishing rebound.

On the first day, the box office that was originally only 300 million a day increased to 900 million, which more than tripled.

The next day was even more exaggerated. The box office rose directly from 900 million to 1.6 billion.

In the next few days, the box office has maintained above one billion.

Less than a week after the joint statement by all the film and television companies, the box office of the movie "Extreme Crash Landing" exceeded 30 billion yuan.

Moreover, from the perspective of momentum, this is probably not the limit, because after a week of outbreak, the box office of this movie is still stable at five or six billion every day, although the box office of this movie is still rapidly decreasing over time , But the cumulative total of the box office is still a huge number.

Two and a half months after the extreme crash landing film was released in China, the box office of this film broke through to an astonishing level of RMB 40 billion.

This number ~www.ltnovel.com~ surprised many people.

In 2015, the national box office totaled only more than 40 billion yuan, which is the total amount created by thousands of movies.

Now, the profit of thousands of movies can be topped by just one movie, which shocks many people.

The total national box office in 2029 is more than 100 billion. Even so, the box office of this movie is comparable to one-third of the national box office.

The achievements of the movie "Extreme Crash Landing" in China have not only attracted much attention in China, but also in foreign countries, the data of this movie caused a great sensation.

Regarding the hijacking incident, a total of three countries chose to make a movie.

For example, the "Miracle Flight" filmed by the American film company, and the Japanese film company "Death Flight".

The three movies were also released almost simultaneously.

But the difference in the box office of the three movies is huge.

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