I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 945: If there is an afterlife, disciple 1 will surely serve you well...

The pretentious Huang Quan could not dissuade Rao Yaoyao and others from fighting.

Rao Yaoyao and Wang Dazhui have recovered from the state of being in a demon and a trance since Lei Xier was unable to maintain the "magic pole" and "god fall".

The former has a strong foundation for refining the mind, and the training process of the Red Dust Sword allows her to quickly regain her senses even if she is temporarily demonized.

After all, the latter is too illusory. No matter how strong the mental impact of "God's Fall" is, the gap in realm cannot make up for the huge gap, so he quickly regained his senses.


Rao Yaoyao didn't talk nonsense. After sobering up, he didn't even have time to sort out his emotions. He clenched the Xuan Cang Divine Sword tightly again, and was about to lift it up suddenly.

Xu Xiaoshou remembered this starting style.

Not surprisingly, the next sword must be the "Red Dust Sword" that can control him for a long time.

And at this time, his Qi Sea has not much spiritual energy, which supports him to display another form of "time delay".

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Between the surrounding heaven and earth, a golden light suddenly leaked out.

In just an instant, the golden color that overflowed from the crack in the space filled the entire Guyin Cliff.

Rao Yaoyao was stunned, subconsciously stopped, and turned to look at Situ Yongren: "Did you take action?"

The inner world of Tianji World is very stable. If it wasn't for Situ Yongren, Rao Yaoyao would be hard to imagine, what would have caused such a change in this world.

But the overflowing golden light made Rao Yaoyao feel a little throbbing for no reason. This does not seem to belong to the power of Heavenly Secret Art?

On the contrary, Rao Yaoyao is quite familiar with the aura mixed in the golden color - Sword Intent!

"No..." Situ Yongren was also stunned.

The inner world of Tianji World is under his control, and he didn't make a move himself. How could the space between heaven and earth break and escape into this golden sword intent?

Rao Yaoyao's heart sank, and suddenly looked at Huangquan, the king of hell.

Is this guy still an ancient sword cultivator?

But when he looked at it like this, he could clearly see the surprise in his eyes under Huang Quan's mask.

"Didn't he shoot?"

Rao Yaoyao understood Huang Quan's emotional changes and thought of something.

In the outer world, someone is forcing a shot, trying to break through the inner world of the secret world?

"Damn, what is Teng Shanhai doing?!"


On the other side, Xu Xiaoshou was also surprised.

Help is here?

His first reaction was the inexplicable will that guided him to Guyin Cliff—it might be the will of the eight masters, guiding others, or he himself shot and wanted to help him.

But in the next second, Xu Xiaoshou thought that he had been waiting for help for so long, and there was no reason why the help came by such a coincidence at this moment.

So, is it a third party?

Or, is it some other unknown reason that has caused this place to be involved in another crisis?

Anyway, Xu Xiaoshou, who never embraced the best results, immediately regarded it as "not good to come".

In the case of unknown enemy and self, he can't pin his hopes on the unknown, but should control the rhythm by himself.

Fang wanted to land and hide in the back to watch the time change.

But without waiting for Xu Xiaoshou to take any action, after the golden light escaped, it suddenly brightened without giving everyone in the audience time to react.


A melodious and agitated sword chirping sounded.

Between the masterpieces of golden light, the space cracked, and the Tao changed shape.

The dense golden sword filled everyone's field of vision, driving away any other variegation except gold.

Everyone on Guyin Cliff didn't know why, and wanted to find out the source of the golden sword. The next second, they felt that there was an unbearable weight on their heads, and they all stumbled.


With a loud bang, the golden color gathered into a crown, settled on Guyin Cliff, and the mountains between the cliffs fell apart.

If it is said that the Thirteen Taixu outside Guyin Cliff, including Bai Lu, Mu Lin and others, can survive the absolute repressive power that blooms at the moment of Wan Jianshu's "absolute monarchy", it is because they are far apart, and Gu Qing'er's goal was not aimed at them, but just to pounce on his own Teng Shanhai.

At this time, the inner world of Tianji World was shattered by the "absolute monarchy", and the people inside were exposed, and all of them were like Teng Shanhai, and they appeared at the center of the golden crown's coercion at the same time.


The first to be unable to withstand such a heavy pressure is the Throne Dao Realm and Dao Slasher among the magistrates.

When these people looked at the golden crown, the seven orifices bleed, and they fell to the ground with a bang, as if they were stepped on by a giant on the shoulder, unable to parry.


Rao Yaoyao, Wang Dazhui, and other Tai Xu groaned and bent suddenly, almost not staggering and falling over.

But fortunately, with the shield of the inner world of Tianji World as a buffer, they wouldn't stumble like Teng Shanhai and squat directly on the ground.

As for Lei Xi'er and Ye Xiaotian, they survived and avoided the center of the storm.

Because the position where the two of them stood was behind Gu Qinger, at the very edge of Guyin Cliff.

Rao is so, that scattered coercion still slammed into everyone's mind.

Lei Xi'er's unsupported body swayed slightly and almost fell to the bottom of the cliff on the spot.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaotian took a shot and erected a space barrier on his head, and supported Lei Xi'er, which prevented the unfortunate occurrence.

However, even if the people present were caught off guard, lost their composure, or vomited blood, they were not the worst ones.

In the inner world of Tianji World, the one most affected by the golden crown is the Huangquan incarnated by Xu Xiaoshou!

When the golden crown pressed down, he was still sitting high above the void, with a look of contempt...

However, in the next second, the golden crown with infinite suppressing power fell. He could say that he could not even maintain the space seat, and was slammed down on the spot.

As for the mere master's cultivation, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't even resist before he had time to react, so he could only let himself fall down without an image.

"I went to his grandma's..."

After only resisting such a blow, Xu Xiaoshou felt dizzy and almost stopped his heartbeat on the spot.

He simply had the heart to be on guard, so while he was falling, he took a sigh of relief and forcibly activated the "disappearance technique" that did not require any preconditions for casting spells, completely erasing his own existence from the environment on the spot.

This also saved the dignified boss of Hell from being smashed to the ground by an inexplicable thing.

Gold ends all conflicts.

On Guyin Cliff, there is only an embarrassing deathly silence, which is gradually pervading in the monstrous wind.


"Sword Intent...

"The golden crown...

"Isn't this, the absolute monarchy?!"

Rao Yaoyao was completely sober after that moment of shaking, and his mentality almost collapsed.

If it is said that this "absolute monarchy" is not very familiar to outsiders, then to her, the Seven Swords Immortal, it is really not too familiar!

There are very few ancient sword cultivators in the world who can master ten thousand swordsmanship.

There are only a handful of people who can master the absolute monarchy of the first realm of ten thousand swordsmanship.

Aside from those who could not show up in the Yunlun Mountains, Rao Yaoyao's thoughts turned, and there was only one option left in his mind, which could explain the current situation.

But at the same time, she was accompanied by countless doubts.

"Isn't he always in the Southern Region?

"How dare he suddenly take action, smash the inner world of Tianji World, and resolutely choose to oppose the Holy Temple?

"He's crazy?"

Rao Yaoyao was furious, and as his heart echoed, he raised his sword and looked at the storm focus, which was wrapped in gold and could not see the figure.

"Feng Tingchen, do you know what you are doing?!"



I originally thought of using my latest insights to teach a lesson to the wave of Taixu stowaways outside, and then Gu Qinger, who was hit by a blow and fled immediately, looked at the hundreds of people around him who were blasted out by him...

He was silent.

The wind listens to the dust?

What the hell?

Isn't this the name of one of the Seven Sword Immortals, what does this angry girl mean...

hiss! Xuan Cang Divine Sword?

She, why does she look like Rao Jianxian, one of the Seven Sword Immortals?

What the hell! What the hell!

Here, there are so many people hidden here?

No, no, it's not like these people have been hiding in the space fragment, or in a corner that I can't see, waiting for something... Then, they were all blasted out by me. Bar?

Gu Qing'er suddenly twitched violently, his face seemed to be performing a wave of extremely fast face-changing operations, and was instantly drowned in blood.

Suddenly he thought...

If these hundreds of people have always been there, that is, they don't show their faces or show up, then their previous wave of "lofty ambitions" and "passionate venting" should not be completely seen and heard by others?

Thinking of this, Gu Qing'er felt ashamed.

Like a groundhog, he covered his head and let out a shrill scream.


This cry made everyone in the audience stunned on the spot.

He was clearly a perpetrator, why did this person's cry show an unbearable and unbearable feeling of humiliation?

Rao Yaoyao heard this cry, and also saw the real face of the abuser in the golden color that was gradually disappearing - the young Jianxiu.

She was also stunned.

"Isn't it Feng Tingchen?"

"Then where did the 'absolute monarchy' come from? It's not like... it was created by this little swordsman, right?"

Just as Gu Qing'er was astonished at the fact that his sword blasted out hundreds of hiders, and Rao Yaoyao was astonished at the fact that there was no real culprit who displayed "absolute monarchy" in the outer world of Tianji World.

In the scene, the people who were shocked by this strange and mysterious situation were far more than that.

Bai Lu and Mu Lin froze on the spot, completely unexpected that there were so many people hiding on Guyin Cliff in another world.

The Thirteen Taixu brought by Teng Shanhai was trembling, and was frightened by the law enforcement officers who were supposed to be spectacular and magnificent, but now they were all lying on the edge of the cliff.

The five gold medal hunters who were hiding in the heavens far away did not regret that they cut off their heads and gave them away on the spot!

What's up with this motherfucker?

There are so many people at the scene?

This one by one Dao realm, slashing Dao, too empty...

If they had known this information earlier, even if it was only a little bit, the five of them would not have been waiting here for so long.

Isn't this the same as putting oneself on the edge of the cauldron, waiting for others to discover it, and then carrying it into the furnace to die? !

Guyinya, it turns out that it is not really unmanned.

On the contrary, it is full of invisible ghosts who are close to each other and have nowhere to go!

Horror, doubt, shame, fear, remorse, fear, etc., etc. At this moment, Guyinya has staged a variety of emotions and expressions that are difficult to see for many years.

After maintaining silence for a long time and observing secretly, Gu Qinger was the first to break the strange atmosphere on Guyin Cliff.


His screaming never stopped.

When he was about to die when he shouted, he would get stuck subconsciously.

After unconsciously taking a breath, Gu Qinger began to growl again, as if to completely expel the shame in his heart through his screams.


Rao Yaoyao opened her mouth, but was unable to interrupt the scream of the young Jianxiu, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Shut up!"

Wang Dachui really couldn't bear the scream that could pierce the eardrums.

He also couldn't understand why at the most critical juncture of the war, there was such a "special" existence, singing loudly to the crowd on Guyin Cliff.

Wang Dazhui's scolding finally interrupted Gu Qing'er's screaming rhythm.

He stopped abruptly, and then his eyes returned to focus, and once again he saw everyone looking at him.

At this moment, Gu Qing'er felt that a faint layer of blood was covering his eyes, and his face was so hot that it seemed like it was about to explode.

As for the red-hot ears, he believed that if someone came over and plucked them, they would be able to pluck them off on the spot.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!

"You are all lying to me, you are all lying to me!

"Why are you hiding, why are you hiding?

"Is it fun, so many people, just to play with me? Are you perverts, perverts are not enough to describe you...

Gu Qinger gasped heavily, covered his ears and eyes, and unconsciously made strange movements of squatting up and down—he didn't know what he was doing anymore.

He was talking nonsense in a dazed and unconscious manner, the muscles all over his body were cramped, and his toes had passed through the toes of the cloth shoes with force, digging firmly on the mountain, cracking the ground under his feet.

"No, it's not your fault..."

Gu Qinger suddenly changed the subject and condemned himself:

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault...

"I shouldn't be arrogant, I shouldn't treat my junior brother and senior brother like that, I don't blame my evil thoughts...

"Master is right, there is good reward for good, and evil for evil, me, me, me..."

He looked around, as if looking for something.

There are cracks all over the place!

However, there is no place for Gu Qing'er, who is so big in Gu Yinya!

"Take it!"

Rao Yaoyao didn't have time to talk to a lunatic. She gave an order, and the law enforcement officers stepped forward in surprise, as if they were hesitating to win such a player, whether they would be plagued by madness.


Seeing someone approaching in front of him, Gu Qing'er's pupils instantly shrank, his focus was restored, and he screamed again: "Don't come here!!!"

This roar, which contained a sharp sword intent, instantly ripped through the eardrum that was placed forward, causing the ears of those who heard the sound to bleed.

Gu Qing'er stepped back ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly staggered, and he stepped on the very edge of Guyin Cliff.

His gaze was fixed, and the young swordsman saw the sea of ​​clouds behind the cliff. At the same time, he also seemed to see the destination of his life.

He suddenly burst into tears, the corners of his lips twitched, his nose was red, and he wept with a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, Master, if there is an afterlife, my disciple will definitely serve you again..."

Say it.

The young swordsman jumped into the limelight, turned into a straight fish, and drew an elegant parabola above the sea of ​​clouds between Guyin Cliffs.

He didn't take any protective measures, and fell headfirst into the bottom of the cliff, never to be seen again.


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