I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 944: "Yellow Spring" with a hard mouth to death

Teng Shanhai: "???"

He turned his head to stare at Mu Rin in astonishment.

Stop talking!

You did it on purpose!

Sure enough, after Mu Rin's voice, Gu Qinger, who was still hesitating whether to take action or run away, chose the former without hesitation.

"Sword up!"

He shouted, and the 129,600 golden swords that had faded on Guyin Cliff once again got the omen and became solid again.

"Damn it!" Teng Shanhai punched the air heavily, his liver hurting with anger.

He could neither roar at Mu Rin, nor use words to calm the little swordsman. After thinking about it, there was only one last way left...

"Stop it for me!" With a roar, Teng Shanhai shot away.

Mu Lin was well prepared, and subconsciously stretched out his hand, and a black "God of Annihilation" ignited in his palm, trying to stop Teng Shanhai from "injuring people".

But in the next second, he caught a glimpse of Gu Qing'er's nervous expression, so he immediately gave up the action, and stared at the armored man running away with a smile.

On the other side, when the one-eyed man in the armor rushed over, Gu Qinger already felt a great crisis.

Under the stress reaction, he directly raised the 129,600 Golden Sword on the edge of the cliff, and then suddenly fell down like a rain of swords.

"Want to kill me? Ha!"

Gu Qing'er sneered, his whole body exploded with aura.

With the insight he just broke through, he made the countless golden swords instantly assimilate all the avenues, secrets, and elements of the surrounding heaven and earth... into a golden crown that stood above everyone, and then suppressed it down.

"Absolute monarchy!"

With a bang, the space on Guyin Cliff suddenly burst open, and the black space fragment engulfed everything.

Even if there were more than a dozen people in the audience, they couldn't help but bow their heads and tremble when they saw the golden crown for the first moment.

The same is true for Teng Shanhai.

As the first to bear the brunt, he even threw his body forward, and was directly crushed to the ground by the golden crown, and he was temporarily unable to move.

"Damn, he's obviously just a junior, and he's not Xu Xiaoshou, how can he hold me down..."

Being crushed to the ground by the golden crown that did its utmost to suppress, Teng Shanhai was ashamed and knew that the situation was over.

If he wants to get up and control the opponent again, he is capable.

But it's too late!

In the surrounding world, Teng Shanhai can clearly see that the inner world Dao of Tianji World is under the prestige of Gu Qing's 20,000 swordsmanship "absolute monarchy"...



The secret world, the inner world.

In the same place, at the same time, two different stories at the wrong time.

What happened outside, Xu Xiaoshou and others who were involved in the inner world of Tianji World had no idea at all.

Even Situ Yongren, as the sole controller of the inner world of Tianji World, at this moment, because of Rao Yaoyao's order, he has to concentrate on his next goal.

With the presence of Huang Quan of the King of Hell, he couldn't be distracted to take care of what was happening outside.

Because his mission at the moment is to rescue the red-clothed vigil who was caught by the King of Hell.

And just as he rushed to the King of Hell's members Yincao Laike, Baigui Yexing, and the vigil road where he was kidnapped by the two, Rao Yaoyao took his sword and rushed towards "Yangwang Huangquan".

In the rear, Wang Dazhui raised his body to follow up, the goal was not to watch the night, but still Huang Quan - there was only such a person present, and he had the ability to threaten him and Rao Yaoyao.

The remaining law enforcement officers, regardless of Dao Realm, Dao Slash, or Taixu, are all set up.

Without Rao Yaoyao's command, they were arranged to each of you, and quickly formed a "seventy-two dragon formation" to prevent Huang Quan and others from escaping.

The war begins at once!

Huang Quan, who is Xu Xiaoshou's incarnation, is completely powerless to stop Situ Yongren and others from "confirming" the identity of Vigil.

He subconsciously thought about how good it would be if the time was fixed now, so that he would not be incapable of being cloned and unable to return to the sky.

- Do it if you think of it!

Xu Xiaoshou pointed out a finger without being surprised, and pinned it on the void.


The word "fixed frame" has not yet come out, and Xu Xiaoshou suddenly felt the lack of his own ability.

He has never seen Huang Quan perform the "time freeze" style, nor has he obtained Huang Quan's blood. Naturally, he cannot use an imitator to extract the perception of "time freeze" in Huang Quan's blood.

Therefore, halfway through this move, Xu Xiaoshou knew that he would never use the "time frame"!

So at the end of the sentence, I temporarily changed my tune.

"Time is slow!"

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

Even if the fake Huangquan at the scene only had a trick of "time delay", it was enough at this critical moment.

After a bang, the avenue of time dominated everything, and the ability of "sluggishness" included everyone in the inner world of Tianji World.

Rao Yaoyao's figure that came with his sword became slow...

Wang Dazhui's grinning expression was abruptly distorted...

Even Situ Yongren, who was trying to save the night vigil, even if he could control the inner world of the secret world, took out his order at this time, and his actions to break the rule's influence on everyone became extremely slow and clear. .


Xu Xiaoshou snorted coldly, like nine days of thunder.

He didn't see Rao Yaoyao who had dashed into his face, and the violent aura he had accumulated from beginning to end that could swallow mountains and rivers poured out on Situ Yongren in the distance without any mistakes.

"Hmm!" If Situ Yongren felt something, he snorted and turned his head with difficulty.

When his eyes met the eyes under the golden mask of Huang Quan, who still wanted to sit calmly above the space even in a desperate situation, he only felt that his soul was bombarded by a huge force, his mind exploded, and his thoughts collapsed. to a blank space.


"I... shouldn't... turn my head... look at him..."

Situ Yongren's thoughts were unusually slow.

The jade pendant on his body was shattered, and the crystal fragments slowly splashed away with a "bang", crystal clear and beautiful.

The facial muscles seemed to have been impacted by the air wave, and they were also rippling out in a very slow circle, twisted and weird.

A drum in the throat.

Situ Yongren's lips twitched unconsciously.

In the next second, there was dark red blood on his Haojie teeth, which was slowly splattering out.



The strange blood-red color slowly and incomparably dyed the color of this world, making people realize that the war has started, the arrow has been wound, and it can no longer be reversed.

"Time is running out!"

After the cold snort, Xu Xiaoshou did not expect that his aura of "swallowing mountains and rivers" could crush the will of slashing the Tao. He didn't even knock out a small Situ Yongren, but only shattered a jade pendant on the opponent's body.

At this time, he was almost unable to continue to maintain the "time delay", and at the same time, he shot to rescue the "night vigil".

Because of Rao Yaoyao, no matter how slow he is, the sword edge has already protruded into his face!


Xu Xiaoshou had such thoughts in his heart.

Under the slow time, he could actually stand up from the space seat and take a step back.

Even if it is only a step away, it is extremely difficult for Rao Yaoyao and others to continue advancing the sword edge by one inch under the unequal time.

But Xu Xiaoshou knew that he could retreat, but the momentum of "swallowing mountains and rivers" could not retreat!

I really want to take a step back, even if it's just one step...

Not only the indomitable "domineering" that he had accumulated just now would disappear on the spot, leaving Huang Quan with neither apparent coercion nor inner strength.

Even Rao Yaoyao can easily know that his identity as "Huang Quan" is fake, and he dare not shake his edge.

Then next...

The basket is more broken and the danger is more dangerous!

At this moment, Lei Xi'er seemed to see Xu Xiaoshou's embarrassment.

As the only person in the field who was not affected by the power of time delay, she left without hesitation.

Law Enforcers have help...

Xu Xiaoshou is not fighting alone!

In a short period of time, Lei Xier directly ignited the sea of ​​​​qi, pushing her own abilities to the limit.

The eyes of the gods and demons in her eyes seemed to be inlaid with "time acceleration" gears, and at this moment, they exploded, sending out a majestic black and white mist.


Lei Xi'er's red lips opened, and the power of the demon pupil in her right eye unceremoniously reflected Rao Yaoyao who was rushing away.

At this moment, the sky and the earth seem to have darker colors, and everyone can't see it with the naked eye, but at the bottom of the world observed by the spiritual mind, there is a black flower that blooms in a prosperous world.

And the center point of the tassels is Rao Yaoyao who stabbed Huangquan with his sword.

"Uh uh..."

Rao Yaoyao let out a pained cry, black demonic energy flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and his heart was horrified.

She never thought that she would be affected by the power of a small throne, especially this "demonized" power.

After all, when she was practising the Red Dust Sword, the first stage she experienced was the "Red Dust Refinement Heart" - the power of ordinary demonization, which could not affect her at all.

But "God and Demon Eyes" is always an extraordinary product, not to mention that this is the power that Lei Xi'er can trigger to the limit.

The next moment when the demonic energy flashed in Rao Yaoyao's eyes, Xu Xiaoshou, who had transformed into Huang Quan, could clearly feel that the aura of Rao Yaoyao, who was very close to him, had changed!

In an instant, her face changed countless expressions.

She has the appearance of a pitiful mourning girl, the color of a charming and lustful girl, and the temperament of a dignified and holy fairy...

The seven emotions and six desires have turned into a combination of countless contradictions, and they are fully displayed in Rao Yaoyao.


However, in an instant, Rao Yaoyao burst into endless black demonic energy, and he almost couldn't hold the sword. He held his head with difficulty, and his body fell.

"This is... the... power of... God Demon Eye...?"

Wang Dachui followed closely behind Rao Yaoyao, and was the first to feel that Rao Yaoyao was not easy to enter the devil because of his experience in the world, but after entering the devil, he was even more incomprehensible and out of control.

Under the blessing of the power of slow time, he slammed his head off, and then stared angrily at the silver-haired Lei Xi'er behind.

Tears' pupil technique is really not to be underestimated!

When everyone was staring at the king of hell, Huangquan, they were caught by this little girl from behind!

This woman must not stay!

At the same time that such thoughts flashed in his heart, what Wang Dazhui could do was to bend his knees and raise his knees, try to kick the space, and eject with the force of recoil.

On the edge of Guyin Cliff, tears of tears dripped from her right eye, and her expression was very sluggish.

She sensed Wang Dazhui's intention to rush in her own direction, but she knew that the other party's actions at the moment under the influence of the power of time delay would definitely not be as she wished.

And after such a long distance between the two sides, enough for their own breath, they shot again.

"God falls!"

With a pinched seal with both hands, this time Lei Xi'er had to rely on the seal to condense the few spiritual essences.

And when she uttered the word "Godfall" softly, her left eye exploded like a genius, and white mist instantly enveloped her body.

In the spiritual thoughts of the audience, the black flower on the other side suddenly changed color and became a holy white.

And this time, it was Wang Dachui who fell in the center of the stamen.


Wang Dazhui, who only had time to complete the knee-lifting action, seemed to receive a heavy blow in his mind.

This look of Shenmotong, like Thor's Hammer, almost knocked his will down on the spot.

As the head of the body, Wang Dachui is very strong physically, but his soul and spirit are his weaknesses.

And this time Lei Xi'er's deliberate targeting, a "god fall", directly caused him to lose the power to complete the next action in a short period of time.

And under the influence of "time delay", even if Lei Xi'er can only hold Rao Yaoyao and Wang Dazhui for a moment, this moment will be magnified infinitely.

"Nice job!"

Xu Xiaoshou was excited.

But it was too late for him to worry about whether Lei Xi'er would suffer from extremely serious sequelae after bleeding from both eyes.

He couldn't let go of this exquisite control by Lei Xi'er, and likewise, he couldn't miss such an excellent fighter right now.

The three portrait avatars of Yin Cao Visitors, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and Night Watch have completely lost contact under the blockade of the "Seventy-two Dragon Elements Formation" formed by the remaining law enforcement officers.

Xu Xiaoshou's avatar lacked skills and could not take into account the portrait avatar, thinking that since he was about to be discovered, his face would be completely torn.

But now, without Rao Yaoyao's restraining power, his combat power has been liberated.

With the superior knowledge of "textile proficient", Xu Xiaoshou easily found out the many flaws in the "Thirty-six Heavenly Sealing No Array" rubbing formation method in Tiansang City City Lord's Mansion. The weak point of the "Seventy-two Dragon Element Formation".

He didn't hesitate, his spiritual sense penetrated directly, and contacted the three portrait clones.


This time, Xu Xiaoshou was completely relaxed.

As long as the spiritual mind can communicate with the three portrait avatars, how easy is it to escape?

Xu Xiaoshou even under Situ Yong's fast-moving speed, under the watchful eyes of all the law enforcement officers who noticed the abnormality but did not know where the abnormality came from, he lightly drew three space-time vortexes with spiritual thoughts, and then lifted the three Portrait avatar.

Yes, it is lifted on the spot!

Portrait avatars are nothing but a bunch of spiritual energy.

They are dead auras when not activated, and when activated they can move, spreading sound by vibrating the air.

To remove them, you only need to destroy the textile structure at will, and in this way, the portrait avatar will also disintegrate.

The very simple operation brought deep despair to many law enforcement officers present.

They have done their best, and even opened the "Seventy-two Dragon Elemental Formation", but they were still unable to block the interference of their own organization members and vigils in Huangquan's formation.


"The formation is useless to Huang Quan?

"Is he a master of the formation? Or did he use his ability to treat this space and time as another parallel world, and then easily take the three vigils away from it?

"Or... from the beginning to the end, the enemy and us have never been on the same parallel space and time?"

The power of time delay could not stop the horrified and deep thinking of the law enforcement officers present. They were panicked by Huang Quan's behavior of ignoring the formation, and they were also terrified of Huang Quan's own strange ability.

Such a flawless person is matched with a **** and demon eye holder who can even control Rao Jianxian and Wang Dazhui.

In the world, where can't you go? Where can't you be inseparable?

The appearance of the three space-time vortexes destroyed everyone's intention to save the vigil and terminated the actions of the marshals.

But for Xu Xiaoshou, the real problem is coming!

He firmly believes that God Demon Eye will never be able to control Rao Yaoyao and Wang Dazhui for too long~www.readwn.com~ may turn the short-term into the power of eternal "time delay". .


Stuck in front of the node where Ling Yuan dried up, Xu Xiaoshou terminated the power of time ahead of schedule.

He panicked in his heart, but his eyes glanced at everyone in the audience indifferently. He leaned his back lightly on the space without haste, and then spoke in a playful tone that controlled the audience:

"Everyone, do you still want to fight?"


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