I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 943: wait, little brother, we're not bad

Teng Shanhai's Thunder shot was beyond everyone's expectations.

Thirteen Taixu didn't expect that he only had a face-to-face meeting and only a few words of effort, and the head of the war was actually not using his subordinates, and he was willing to take risks, just to grab a time difference.

This made them have to refresh another wave of impressions of Bai Lu, the envoy of the Holy Palace in the realm of Dao Slashing.

White scallops…

Why does this name sound familiar?

Just when they all thought that the head of the war department had done it all, cut the road in a mere way, and couldn't shake the situation here, something unexpected happened!

Teng Shanhai was able to cross the white scorpion.

Bai Tiao turned around, and when the other party was not close to the golden sword sea, he stretched out his hand involuntarily.

"Dingzhong World!"

He spoke calmly.

A magnificent force came out from the sea of ​​qi, turned into a domain, surrounded the Thirteen Taixu in the field, and rushed to Teng Shanhai.


Thirteen Tai's jaw dropped.

A slash, against a Taixu, or a Taixu who is known for fighting, shot?

This is courting death!

Teng Shanhai clearly looks like I don't want to hurt you, but this Sacred Palace messenger is a little too pushy?

But something even more surprising happened.

Bai Lin not only blocked Teng Shanhai's action in the realm, but after the first move, he glanced sideways, and Teng Shanhai, who was wearing the Cang Shen armor, suddenly ignited a blazing white flame.


This light sound really made Shisan Taixu tremble.

Ember shines with white flames?

They finally realized why Teng Shanhai didn't dare to take action against Bai Lu, why did he want to take advantage of this time lag, even though he didn't want to admit Bai Lu's identity, he had to interrupt that Gu Jianxiu's breakthrough and take action.

"Holy Palace, Jhin Zhao is in the same vein?"

"Who can afford this?"

After realizing this, Thirteen Taixu had no idea of ​​helping Teng Shanhai again.

Now this situation...

Watch the fire from the other side!

By the way, just pray that you don't get burned!

In the distance, Teng Shanhai, who was surrounded by the realm, and was burned through the sea by the white flames and burned through the spiritual will, was in pain, but more of a panic.

He turned around angrily and shouted abruptly, "Bai Ling, do you know what you are doing? If Rao Jianxian's battle plan is destroyed, you must take the primary responsibility!"

This furious scolding resounded in all directions in the realm "Dingzhong World", making Thirteen Taixu stunned with fright, realizing that Teng Shanhai wanted to forcibly take action, and he really had his own reason - to cooperate with Rao Jianxian's action?

But Bai Lu was never frightened. After all, he was frightened by his master Mu Lin since he was a child!

With a sneer, Bai Lu said calmly as usual, "Teng Shanhai, do you still know my name is Bai Lu?"

After a pause, his eyes narrowed, and the imposing manner of the high-ranking person burst out, flying up, condescending, and pronounced the verdict:

"Since you know my name Bai Lu, you should know that I am the director of the Sacred Palace Jhin Zhao's lineage, one of the five major authorities of the Sacred Palace, and I am on the same level as your Sacred Palace Headquarters.

"And your War Department, one of the six sub-divisions, is under the jurisdiction of Dao Qiong, and as the head of the War Department, you have violated one of the authority of the Holy Palace... Acting arrogantly, and committing the following, this is the first crime!

"Having the heavy responsibility of a law enforcement officer, ignoring the life and death of the testers, and using some **** excuse to act, to put the future seedlings of my Holy Palace in dire straits... Regardless of the importance and the seriousness, putting the cart before the horse, this is the second crime!

"Knowing that the trial of the Holy Palace is imminent, during the trial of the King City, all actions are based on the rules of the Holy Palace, and the rest of the rules are supplemented, but you ignore the rules and put your own interests at the forefront... Sin three!"

Bai Yan's emotions are not expressive, and his words are not turbulent.

After counting the three sins, he sneered and said, "Bai does not need to do anything. With these three sins, I will read a book, and you will fall into the dead sea. Do you know it or not?"

As soon as these words stopped, Thirteen Taixu was already in a cold sweat.

too terrifying…

Is this the coercion of the five powers of the Holy Palace...

Before the war started, Teng Shanhai, the head of the War Department, had already been charged with three crimes. This is also a serious dereliction of duty in the Holy Spirit Hall where rewards and punishments are clearly defined!

Teng Shanhai dazedly listened to these words, only to feel that he had lost his mouth. At this time, he was like a dumb person eating berberine, unable to express his suffering.

Damn, I haven't done anything yet, I'm going to die?

"I..." Teng Shanhai almost lost his ability to speak.

"Are you calm?" Bai Lu interrupted without giving the other a chance.

Teng Shanhai froze and wanted to refute, but was burned by the burning white flames all over his body, and immediately said, "I'm calm, you take Bai Yan away first."

Bai Lu snorted coldly, raised her hand, and took Jin Zhao Bai Yan back.

Teng Shanhai looked back: "Then this realm?"

Bai Lu sneered again, and accepted "Dingzhong World".

If the powerhouse above the throne makes a move, he will either go high in the sky or open a realm. This rule is jointly formulated by the authority of the first generation of the Holy Palace and the main hall master of the Holy Temple.

He was white, but he wouldn't make a willful shot, hurt innocent people, or even talk to others.

Teng Shanhai sighed slightly, as if he had completely calmed down.

Afterwards, he glanced at Bai Lu who was standing with his hands behind his back, and when he saw the condescending interrogation gaze of the other party, he lowered his head slightly.

well, unguarded...


Thinking like this, Teng Shanhai kicked the space with his feet, and with the help of the force of recoil, his figure rushed towards the golden sword sea.

In this Yunlun Mountains, who should he listen to, he has long been in his heart.

The battle here in Guyinya forced out even the inner world of Tianji World, so there must be some serious enemies.

In a short period of time, Teng Shanhai felt that he couldn't and didn't have the ability to explain everything to Bai Lu, not to mention whether Bai Lu listened or not, it was all a matter of talk.

So, do you want to ignore the military orders that Rao Yaoyao gave you to guard the rear, or do you want to listen to the maddening words of one of the holy palace authorities that belong to the other side?

The answer is self-evident.

The sudden change and the roaring sound shocked the Thirteen Taixu, and also exceeded Bai Lu's expectations.

Dare to come?

"You, are, look for, die!"

Bai Lei gritted his teeth, completely unexpected that Teng Shanhai would dare to act again.

And with the speed of the opponent's Taixu, rushing to take action before his own reaction, the realm is regeneration, and it must not be able to trap the opponent.

Bai Lu didn't stop there.

For him, protecting the tester who is still breaking through is also a crucial thing.

"Jinzhao has nowhere to go!"

With a pinch of both hands, Bai Lu abruptly sucked out the energy from the Fire Element Dao that had been assimilated to the point where it was almost impossible to find his whereabouts, and turned into a burning white flame.

In just a moment, he waved his hand to the side, and the spirit energy swayed out of the sea of ​​qi, and he responded to the road of fire.

With a loud bang, in a radius of 100 feet, a 10,000-foot-high sea of ​​fire wall was lifted out of thin air. The wall was seamless, trapping Teng Shanhai within it, making it insurmountable.

"White scorpion!"

Teng Shanhai clenched his fists, suppressed his desire to fight, and held back his head.

He can ignore the order of the other superior, after all, he is not under the control of the other party, but if he really wants to take action on the other party, it is really overstepping - this is a serious crime!


Against the wall of embers, Tengshan's head was iron, and he was not afraid of death and rushed over.

He's going to stand out!

As long as it interferes with the ancient sword cultivator a little, he will fail to break through.

There is no need to do the rest. At most, Teng Shanhai will turn his head and apologize, and the matter will be settled. After all, the head of the war department is also very powerful.

But Bai Lu would not let him wish.

Seeing that Teng Shanhai was against the wall of fire and still had to dash into the sea of ​​golden swords, he sneered and slammed his palm into a fist.

"Ningzhao Ningdan·Blasting!"

The sea of ​​fire that was born suddenly became a medicinal liquid, and the space of heaven and earth was a pill cauldron.

The sea of ​​​​fire condensed and turned into a final flame flow pill, which converged on the road ahead of Teng Shanhai.

Under the blessing of Jhin Zhao's pill condensing technique, this flame flow pill... suddenly failed to condense pill!


A thunderous roar resounded.

Teng Shanhai rushed in and couldn't take care of it, and was directly blasted into the sky by the blast.

On the other hand, Bai Ling was extremely skilled in controlling the power of Jhin Zhao's lineage. The impact of the blast hit Teng Shanhai who was wearing the Cang Shen armor, but he never left any residual prestige to affect Gu Qing'er's breakthrough.

Teng Shanhai, who had barely stabilized his figure from the sky above, could no longer suppress the anger in his heart at this time.

He is the head of the war department!

Not the head of Shinobi!

"Bai Lu, do you really think this seat dare not shoot at you? Do you really think that you can beat me?" Teng Shanhai rushed down from the sky, glaring furiously.

This time, Bai Lu didn't speak.

Behind him, Dao Ze suddenly swayed, revealing another figure.

"He can't beat you... how about you?

"I gave you Teng Shanhai a hand, can you beat me?"

A black-clothed man without eyebrows landed on Bai Lu's side, his left hand was hanging behind his waist, his right hand was empty, and a black flame was burning in the palm of his hand.

As the figure gradually solidified, everyone's pupils trembled.

Because this new uninvited guest did not come alone. Behind him, there was the shadow of the illusory Nine Dragons, which was as huge as a city, moving its claws.


Just raising his eyes to see the shadow of the Nine Dragons, Shisan Taixu's mind exploded with thunder, leaving nothing but blood and tears in his eyes.


Teng Shanhai also saw the icon.

Compared to Thirteen Taixu, he had too much experience facing this icon.

The last time he saw this nine-dragon phantom like this, he was even stabbed by Xiao Shenjian, and that time, his opponent was only Xu Xiaoshou in the master realm.

"Kowloon Burning Ancestor..."

Teng Shanhai struggled to pronounce words, his knees trembled, and he almost didn't kneel on the spot.

The icon that Taixu is carrying is far more powerful than that of the grandmaster. This is simply the comparison between the body of the five major chaotic artifacts and its wooden toys.

What's more, apart from the icon "Kowloon Burning Ancestor", this guy who appeared suddenly has a power that is enough to threaten him...

Teng Shanhai's eyes fell on the black flame in the man's hand, and he recognized the origin of the flame.

Annihilation God Fire!

One of the nine great ancestral trees, the sky fire that can only be born on the sky **** tree, and what this person controls is the fire itself, without any weakened power!

"Wu Mei, Yan Shenhuo, Jiulong Burning Ancestor... Are you Mu Lin?!"

Teng Shanhai finally moved his gaze to the slender face, endured the discomfort caused by the power of the icon, and said with difficulty, "Why are you here?"

In theory, Mu Lin is actually the same generation as Teng Shanhai, and Bai Lin is the younger generation of the two.

But the seniority is only suitable for a little calculation in Jhin Zhao's lineage. In the Holy Spirit Continent, who doesn't know that Mu Lin can be regarded as the supreme powerhouse of the older generation?

"The Holy Palace has no eyebrows", it is no better than "The Holy Slaves have no sleeves"!

Mu Lin is not a rebellious youth, an ignorant idiot who will betray the Holy Palace whenever he has an idea.

He has followed Jhinzhao Bansheng Longrongzhi for decades, and has completed all the cultivation practices that geniuses should complete in the Holy Palace, making perfect preparations for breaking through the Half-Saint.

How could such a person who listens to the teachings of the Half-Saint all the time, lose to any Taixu in the world in terms of combat power?

What's more, he, Teng Shanhai, didn't even dare to think that he was the strongest in the world!

Mu Lin carried the icon for more than ten breaths, and after suppressing everyone present to the point of complete submission, he calmly turned off the icon.

"If I don't come out again, are you Teng Shanhai going to behead my disciple here?" Mu Lin said without any emotional fluctuations.

Teng Shanhai now knew that the situation was over and was powerless to return to the sky.

"Don't dare." He sighed.

Bai Lu rolled his eyes from the back and whispered, "Master, he can't kill me."

Mu Rin snorted coldly and turned around: "They all belong to the throne. If you are too careless, you may be killed by the Taoist realm, not to mention your mere beheading?"

Bai Lei's face turned red, and he didn't dare to say any more.

Teng Shanhai didn't have time to listen to the nonsense of the master and the apprentice.

Now that Mu Lin has appeared, although he doesn't know the situation, he also knows that only by revealing everything can the ancient sword cultivator not affect the battle situation.

But Fang wanted to say something, Mu Lin waved his hand slightly: "No need to say more, the power of the inner world of Tianji World will not be affected by that kid's breakthrough. Once the situation changes, I can take action to isolate the two forces."

An imperceptible look of surprise flashed across Bai Lei's eyes, not knowing why.

Master, what's the matter, he wants to help the Holy Spirit Temple?

Teng Shanhai was both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, as a combat-type fire mage Mu Lin, who knows nothing about the secret art, he actually has a special method that can affect the secret way?

The happy thing is that since Mu Lin dared to assert, everything is guaranteed, and he no longer needs to be afraid of the swordsman's breakthrough, which will affect Rao Yaoyao's layout.

The two sides suddenly quieted down.

In the air, only the sound of sword humming was restored.

After such a small episode, Gu Qing'er's breakthrough had clearly come to an end.

Mu Lin's control over the icon is very strong, and it did not affect the breakthrough process of this tester at all.

It didn't take long for the power of the golden sword sea on Guyin Cliff to stabilize. Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, the floating figure in the center flickered slightly, as if it had recovered from the epiphany state.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The first sound was still arrogant laughter, followed by a few happy vents:

"Gu Qingsan, you're done, now I won't beat you to your knees and beg for mercy!

"Gu Qingyi, wait, as long as you dare to come back, I will definitely let you taste the taste of ten thousand swordsmanship!"

"And you, Wen...cough!"

Gu Qing'er was bathed in gold, and before he could open his eyes, he was already speaking wildly.

At the end of his words, he suddenly coughed twice and stopped being arrogant.

Feeling the vast amount of knowledge in his mind drawn from the Great Way of the Sword, Gu Qinger has already realized that he can break through that bottleneck.

Extend your hand.


Among the 129,600 golden swords, only the nine-handled spirit swords that remained in reality flew back to the sword wheel on his back.

After doing all this, Gu Qing'er opened his eyes, sword intent radiated in all directions, looking in all directions, tearing apart the ground and space on Guyin Cliff with awe-inspiring sword marks.

Then, when the line of sight returned to focus...


Gu Qing Er, froze in place!

In my impression, before the short breakthrough time, there was no one on Guyin Cliff.

But after opening his eyes, there were more than a dozen figures not far away... Those guys with good momentum were looking at themselves with a playful gaze that looked at a clown.


The question mark on this face is not only owned by more than a dozen people on the opposite side, but also Gu Qing'er.

He stared at the opposite side in confusion for a long time, and finally, his face turned from red with ecstasy to blood with embarrassment.

somebody is coming?

Why am I not feeling it at all?

When did these guys arrive? They should have appeared after my last sentence, right? It is absolutely impossible to be here from beginning to end, right?


Before Teng Shanhai spoke, Mu Lin had already taken a step forward, trying to squeeze out a gentle face, and asked kindly, "Breakthrough, has there been an accident?"

His high cheekbones, deep eye sockets, and shadowless face with no eyebrows, no matter how much he tried to squeeze out the expression, it would only be like a corpse suddenly come alive, extremely scary.

On the side, Bai Lin shivered suddenly, and was startled by Master's face.

He reacted immediately, what trick is Master going to use...

Not only Bai Lu, but everyone at the scene was shocked by Mu Rin's appearance after "working hard", but from their point of view, it was no problem for Mu Rin to care about the younger generation.

But the expressions and reactions of these people fell into Gu Qing'er's eyes, and they looked very terrifying.

The guy in black with no eyebrows asked his own breakthrough process with a malicious look on his face... What do you mean?

What does my breakthrough have to do with you?

Gu Qing'er looked at the gloomy face on the opposite side again, and was so frightened that he almost fled here.

But he thought that he had already made a breakthrough in kendo. The group of people in front of him looked like they had good cultivation, and they all dressed in strange clothes. They didn't look like good people.

Gu Qinger met the law enforcement officer.

The law enforcement officers are all dressed in black robes and have big hoods, each with a very clear and righteous image.

And standing in front of him at the moment, a sane old man with a Taoist robe, a grotesque old lady in sackcloth, a big muscled tyrant with a face full of flesh, a one-eyed man in armor, and a browless monster like a corpse...

Can this image be a good person?

Gu Qinger was ashamed and angry when he thought that this was a group of stowaways, and that he might have witnessed his invisible "vent".

He raised his hands, and nine swords flew out from the sword wheel.

Teng Shanhai's heart trembled, realizing that it was Mu Lin's respectful appearance that scared the young man opposite, and hurriedly said, "Hold on..."

But at this time, Mu Rin stuck in front of him, also stretched out his hand and grabbed the voice: "Wait, little brother, we are not bad people, you must not shoot us!"

ps: This chapter is 5,000 words, so that everyone can draw a prize at the starting point, um, Apple tried its best...


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