I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 942: Gu Jianxiu who can break through by screaming

Which young hero is this?

The few people who were hiding in the Heavenly Dao and the Space Fragment Stream saw the little swordsman's hysterical appearance. It was hard to believe that this was the "talent" cultivated by the Sword Burial Mound.

If you really want to show his master to see this scene, you must not clear the door on the spot?

How long has he been suppressed!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

In the heartbroken laughter, Gu Qing Er felt that he was now more contemptuous of the world, because "this world", he "has no rivals".

Riding the wind and slowly taking off into the air, Gu Qinger enjoyed the carnival alone.

He only felt that this moment was like the possession of a sword god, and the current mood was very much in line with the long-awaited "one sword from the east, one sword fairy".

Suddenly, a golden sword intent burst out from Gu Qing'er's body.

The surrounding avenues of heaven and earth, with the leakage of this golden sword intent, gradually revealed its substantial form.


When the few people who were hiding their bodies saw this scene, Qi Qi was shocked.

This is clearly a precursor to a breakthrough!

Among them, the sloppy uncle was the most shocking.

He has a lot of knowledge, and has experienced too many ancient swordsmen's hard and difficult journeys along the way of kendo, but he has never seen such an outrageous way of breaking through.

But that unique golden sword intent all declares that the little swordsman who broke out after being suppressed on Guyin Cliff really touched the power behind the threshold that restricts all swordsmanship - the power of the realm!

"Are you kidding?

"This is how the Sword Burial Tomb cultivates talents?"

The old man couldn't believe his eyes.

The golden sword intent, separated by the space barrier, has pierced into the space fragmentation stream, as dazzling as the blazing sun.

He couldn't help but cut a small hole in the void, trying to see more clearly whether this outrageous "breakthrough" was really possible.

Gu Qing'er was immersed in his own imaginary world, ignoring the heavenly way, seven unbelievable spiritual thoughts appeared, and there were two pairs of unsure eyes in the space fragmentation stream.

The golden sword intent spreads everywhere.

Gu Qinger, who was at the center of Yaoyang, only felt that at this moment, he was about to integrate into Kendo.

There are countless questions about Kendo in his mind, and he has been answered by the Avenue of Heaven and Earth; there are still unknown directions about the future road, and he has been given instructions.

Unable to help, Gu Qing raised his second hand slightly.

The "Evil Sword Array" that was originally used to protect him, rotated suddenly and quickly, merged into the stunning enchantress in his hand, and turned into nine golden swords.

Then, the Nine Swords variables began to split.

From nine, to eighteen, to thirty-six, to seventy-two...

The speed of split and illusion is extremely fast.

In the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, even the elements of various elements, the major rules, every grass, every tree, every flower and one stone... have all been drawn by the golden sword intent and turned into a sword.

Just a moment!

Those nine physical swords turned into a number of 129,600, densely packed, completely filling the entire Guyin Cliff!

"This goddamn..."

The five gold medal hunters who hid in the way of heaven only felt a tingling in their souls.

They knew that this was because even the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth to which they belonged had obtained a sign of the young swordsman's will at this moment, and temporarily became the sword in his hand.

But now, can we go out?

This Guyin Cliff, which is completely filled with gold, carries 129,600 golden swords that are full of chills and repression. They are their five gold medal hunters. They all feel headaches, troubles, and rashness. Life is in danger!


"Wait for this kid to break through... After all, he is not an enemy, he is still the heir of the Sword Burial Tomb, and he must not be offended."

"Yes, this guy is still a serious tester. We shoot him, and the envoy of the Holy Palace is about to shoot us."

"I understand the truth, but damn... what kind of monster is this? You can break through with a few squeaks? Is this how Gu Jianxiu cultivates? Now I'm opening my eyes!"

"Stay back!"

With Shuangdao's order, the five gold medal hunters quickly retreated, leaving the situation in Gu Qing'er's hands.

They are like this, Mu Lin and Bai Lu are even more like this.

Gu Qing'er was able to break through, although it was beyond everyone's expectations, but he was a tester and had a serious identity, which was a good thing for the Holy Palace.

The only thing to think about is...

"Master, do you think his breakthrough will affect the inner world of Tianji World?" Bai Lu asked dignifiedly as he retreated.

Mu Rin was silent for a while.

Theoretically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for a small breakthrough to the kendo throne to affect the world of heavenly secrets as strong as the Taoist Ministry.


Theoretically speaking, no one can just say a few words casually and break through on the spot, right?

"Hopefully..." Mu Lin only spit out two words, and stopped talking.

Bai Lu was lost in thought.

The "I hope" that the master said, is it that I hope it can affect the inner world of the heavenly world, or...I hope it will not affect it?

the other side.

Unlike the few people who were hiding in the Heavenly Dao who knew very little about Gu Jianxiu all the way, the sloppy uncle was petrified in the space fragmentation stream at this moment.

The 129,600 golden swords shocked him beyond measure.

"Nine swordsmanship, infinite number?

"This idiot whose brain is full of water actually realized the first realm of Nine Swordsmanship? He broke through here?

"How old is he?!"

The uncle looked shocked, even the space on Guyin Cliff was assimilated by the golden sword, and the golden light completely penetrated into the space fragmentation, and even began to try to assimilate the space fragmentation for its use, without knowing it.

Anbu's chief Ye Xiao could no longer bear the force of absolute oppression coming towards him.

She can't make a move, because she knows that if she makes a move, it will inevitably lead to the blocking of the envoy of the Holy Palace.

He could neither take action nor affect the young swordsman's breakthrough, Ye Xiao's current feeling was like a courtier meeting the emperor, and he was completely overwhelmed by the power and couldn't lift his head.

"Such a terrifying sword intent, Gu Jianxiu, really deserves to ignore the existence of the same order..."

Ye Xiao did not resist and quickly retreated.

In the audience, the only one who was still feeling the surging to the essence and forming the golden sword intent was only the sloppy uncle.

Looking at the familiar swordsmanship splitting, feeling the repressive power that does not belong to the first realm of Nine Swordsmanship, the uncle suddenly had a bit of confusion on his face.

"No! No!

"This kid has mastered the power of the Nine Swordsmanship, and he is already very familiar with the infinite number of the first realm of the Nine Swordsmanship. He definitely didn't realize it now, he...

"Is he breaking through the first realm of ten thousand swordsmanship?"

As expected, the uncle's turbid eyes, which were originally yellow, could not help but lose their cover, and burst into a dazzling brilliance.

On Guyin Cliff, Gu Qinger felt that at this moment, he was an invincible god!

He enjoys the feeling that there is no senior brother, no master suppression, and no younger junior brother chasing after him!

And his current epiphany is tantamount to letting him see the hope of surpassing the three major rivals in his life!

"Come on, come on some more!

"Right here, let me, while you're all wasting your time, surpass you in one fell swoop!"

A sigh of anger was poured out from his chest, and at the moment when the golden light exploded to the extreme, Gu Qinger's body was so sharp that it was like a completely unsheathed sword, and it went straight to the sky.


The golden sword intent swayed for hundreds of miles in an instant, and the sound of the sword sounded even more distant.

Even the testers of the major dragon veins in the distance did not raise their eyes consciously, and then were suppressed by the force of absolute suppression, and they fell to the ground, unable to move.

"What's the situation?" Countless people were shocked.

It's like walking on the road and suddenly being stepped on by an invisible giant. While people feel hopeless, they can't help but feel a little aggrieved - I didn't do anything, why are you targeting me?

Above the sky, next to the crack of the Void Island.

The Thirteen Taixu led by Teng Shanhai was still suppressing the risks that might be lurking in the cracks of this Void Island.

The order of Rao Yaoyao that he had received before was that there was no need to rush to Guyinya without special circumstances, because there were all preparations there.

Available now…

This situation is so special!

If you don't pay attention, you will be blind!

"Situ Yongren should have just opened the inner world of Tianji World, and now such shocking sword intent has erupted on Guyin Cliff...

"The Eighth Sword Immortal, have you made a move?"

Teng Shanhai was stunned, he didn't dare to delay at all, and led his subordinates, Thirteen Taixu, and rushed to the scene.


The violent sound of the sword can almost pierce a person's soul.

When they were next to each other, all ten people were blinded by the golden swords that were completely filled with Guyinya.

"What is this?" Real Huang Yang looked dull, looking at the huge golden Guyin Cliff... No, this is simply a golden sea, he didn't understand at all what happened.

"Sword Intent, this kind of Sword Intent..." The old lady in linen, Grandma Tianling, had a cautious face. She believed that even if she wanted to forcibly break into this golden sea of ​​swords, she would have to retreat injured.

"It's too strong, is it the Eighth Sword Immortal?" Hong Dang, the dragon subduing hand, had no idea about ancient swordsmanship, but his intuitive feeling about such terrifying kendo power was that it was best not to shake its edge. .

Teng Shanhai's heart sank.

Reason told him to forcibly break into this golden sword sea and find out the shadowy figure in it that he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, and he should be able to break the other party's plan of trying to smash the inner world of Tianji World.

The sensibility also told him that this move would cause serious injuries!

"There is no time to delay..."

Teng Shanhai had to keep his fighting power, but he also knew that Rao Yaoyao was fighting in the invisible second world, and he could not let outside forces affect their internal fighting.

So the best way to do it right now...

Teng Shanhai turned to look at Shisan Taixu behind him.

"What do you mean?" Thirteen Taixu took a step back.

"You two go together, you don't need to take any serious shots, just find the person inside." Teng Shanhai said calmly.

Seeing the refusal written on the faces of the thirteen people in front of him, he added: "Don't worry, you haven't seen Gu Jianxiu, I have seen... the guy inside is strong from outside, and he is not the eighth sword immortal. ."

But he may be other ancient sword cultivators who may reach the realm of Sword Immortals... Thirteen Taixu all wailed in their hearts.

"If anyone succeeds, he will be credited with a great deed." Teng Shanhai made a heavy bet.

As soon as these words came out, Thirteen Taixu changed his face.

They came for the sake of opportunity, and the great merit promised by the head of the war, even if it is not as good as the Holy Daoji, but after accumulating it a few times, it is impossible to say that it can really be exchanged.

"Everyone!" Huang Yangzhen looked at his comrades in the rear, tilted his head, "Let's go up together!"

"The old body will accompany you." Grandma Tianling grinned. People are fortune and birds are food for death. Spirit refiners should be unwilling to stop for the chance of being consecrated.

"Ready!" Dragon Subduing Hand Hongdang entered the wartime state, very solemn.



A group of Taixu also promised that they would forcibly shoot and smash this golden sword sea.

Suddenly, in front of the crowd, there was an unremarkable figure, but with a high-ranking imposing figure.

"Wait a minute."

This figure just cut the Dao cultivation base, and waved his hand to stop a lot of Taixu movements.

Teng Shanhai frowned.


Now the stowaways are so aboveboard?

But take a closer look, this figure seems to be a little familiar?

"Bai, Bai Lu?" Teng Shanhai exclaimed in shock.

Thirteen Taixu was about to make a move, and when he heard the words of the head of the war department, they all stopped.

They didn't know Bai Yan, but it didn't prevent them from hearing the nobility of the identity of the person who came from just one sentence.

"The messenger of the Holy Palace, Bai Lu."

Bai Lu found out the emissary's order from the Holy Palace, and without giving Teng Shanhai a chance to question, he asked in a loud voice, "Is this how you law enforcement officers treat the testers?"

"Trial?" A group of Taixu were stunned, not knowing where there were testers at the scene.

Teng Shanhai seemed to realize something, and looked at the shadowy figure in the middle of the golden sword sea: "He?"

"His name is Gu Qinger, a serious tester, you can find out, because he has a jade pendant for testing." Bai Lui said calmly.

What a **** joke!

Teng Shanhai's first reaction was that it was impossible. How could a mere tester manifest this sea of ​​golden swords?

But as the messenger of the Holy Palace, it is impossible for Bai Ling to lie...

Teng Shanhai immediately used the communicator to ask Yu Zhiwen who was in front of the spirit mirror, and got a reply from Yu Zhiwen who was re-tuned to watch the Guyinya spirit mirror but was frightened:

"Yes, he is the tester Gu Qinger, and the envoy of the Holy Palace has met with me, and there is no problem with his identity."

Teng Shanhai stayed where he was.


He suddenly found a reason and said fiercely: "The tester must not show the cultivation level above the throne, otherwise it will violate the prohibition of Yunlun Mountains and should be won."

This is a new regulation that includes ancient swordsmen. Teng Shanhai felt that he had found an opportunity and wanted to take another shot.

Bai Lu stopped him and said calmly: "He is just breaking through. After the breakthrough is completed, these momentum will disappear."



Thirteen Taixu was stunned.

Little tester, is this breakthrough momentum too outrageous?

The corner of Teng Shanhai's lips twitched under the mask.

He felt the more and more majestic power of the golden sword sea, and he saw that not only the rules of the Heavenly Dao were assimilated into the opponent's power under the influence of the sword intent.

Even the secret principles of the secret world inside the secret world began to manifest, assimilate, and then disappear...

This will definitely affect Rao Yaoyao's battle!

Teng Shanhai's eyes turned fierce, his knees bent, he slammed across the white scorpion, and slammed in the direction of the golden sword sea, and casually threw an explanation:

"Sorry, recently there is a saint slave Xu Xiaoshou who can imitate the Yunlun Mountains. I am not sure whether you, the messenger of the Holy Palace, are real people, and that kid's 'breakthrough' has obviously affected our Battle plan...

"This seat, we must stop it!"


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