I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 941: 1 person carnival

Remember [New] for a second,! Bai Lu thought for a while and found that this was also one of the "opportunities" that Master said, so he didn't take action, but replied kindly:

"Hello, you... are also stowaways?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu was shocked to realize that he had never noticed the existence of the other party, but the other party had always existed after all.

In other words, they have already heard the conversation between themselves and their master before, and know that they are the messengers of the Holy Palace?

This discovery made Bai Lu feel ashamed and uneasy - he just wanted to pretend to be a stowaways and avoid fighting!

But an unexpected reply came, and the other party took a little lightness and obvious sheepish self-deception: "Ah, yes, you are also stowaways? This is really great, since everyone is hiding in heaven, then... well water How about not committing to the river, each for his own?"

Cover your ears and steal the bell, you? !

Bai Yan only had this idea at the moment.

But after thinking about it, it was the other party who was frightened, but it was himself who was the first to release the friendly signal.

How could the opposite party dare to forcibly take action when he knew that he was the envoy of the Holy Palace, and even the Master Mu Lin was there?

Bai Rui knows the truth...

But at the moment, his heart was extremely complicated.

"This world, is it crazy, I, the envoy of the Holy Palace, are in the company of stowaways?"

After pondering for a long time, seeing that Shizun still showed no sign of taking action, Bai Lu knew what to do.

He suppressed his madness, sorted out the language that was so complicated that he didn't know what to say, and finally turned it into a simple two-word response.


On Lonely Cliff.

The uncle, who was standing alone with a sack on his shoulders, suddenly felt a little lonely.

"Those two guys clearly saw me...

"Jinzhao Baiyan, they are people from the Sacred Palace Jinzhao line? That eyebrowless one should be Mu Lin...

"Why don't you see it?"

The sloppy uncle was puzzled.

He immediately thought that the other side was here to rescue Xu Xiaoshou, but this was too obvious?

Moreover, the Holy Palace and the Holy Slave were already on opposite sides. After seeing their image of the "Eight Zunji", they should not turn a blind eye, but should draw their swords to face each other.

The opposing position made the sloppy uncle have to be vigilant and try to figure out the other party's deep intentions.

He felt that those two chose to hide directly, perhaps there was a bigger conspiracy!

And in the case that the two holy palace messengers are all unknown, but they may not have left the scene, if he still stays on this empty Guyin cliff, it will be very abrupt.

On the cusp of the storm, all lost.

After thinking about it, the sloppy uncle did not move forward.

He knew that the two of them in the Holy Palace might have chosen to hide in the way of heaven and wait for the time to change. If they were still integrated into the way of swordsmanship, the next situation would be very embarrassing.


With a swipe of his finger, the uncle cut a hole in the void.

Compared with hiding in Heaven, he felt that hiding in the fragmented stream of space at this time was a better choice.

Without further delay, he stepped into the cracks of space. Over the years, he had shown a little bit of his escape, which made the uncle have a home-like intimacy with the space fragmentation, the right and wrong place.

When the space crack was closed and repaired as before, the uncle carried the sack and breathed a sigh of relief.

"They were hiding, and so was I.

"The enemy doesn't move, I don't move.

"It's time to change..."

Not even breathing.

In the violent space fragmentation stream, there is a huge darkness not far away, and in this closed space fragmentation stream, it seems so out of place.

"Who!" The uncle was horrified.

Are there people hidden in this fragmented stream of space?

The uncle tightened his sack and waited seriously.

He didn't wait for the opposite side to make a move, but after watching this calmly, he was able to see a little bit of the image of the hiding person.

A black feathered coat blends with the darkness in the space fragmentation stream, and there is a three-legged black owl on its shoulders, with eyes like ink, like death staring.

"Night Owl?"

The uncle immediately recognized the identity of the other side.

He remembered that he had just been running all the way, and the staring feeling that was always accompanied behind him, he immediately raised his voice: "Is it that you have been following me?"

Unfortunately, sound cannot be propagated in the spatial fragmentation stream.

After the uncle reacted to this, he stopped talking and just stared at the opposite side.

The other side was equally astonished.

After such a long time, there is still no response.

Ye Xiao actually completely did not expect that the eight gods who were invincible on weekdays would be scared to stop by the mere two messengers of the Holy Palace, and then hid in the space debris.

She is very self-aware and knows that fighting alone, who in the world can win the Eighth Sword Immortal?

But the opposite side is closely guarding, so you can be prepared for your next move.

Ye Xiao didn't want to make a move, and didn't dare to act rashly. She was afraid that her random actions would be interpreted as provocation by the other party, and then she would start an unnecessary fight in the broken stream of space.


There is no going back.

The two of them looked at each other like this, recognized each other, but they were silent, and neither dared to move.

In the condensed atmosphere, only the three-legged black owl on her shoulders was left, pacing back and forth in tension, spreading sound in silence.

"Awkward, awkward, awkward—"

"Hush! Hurry!"

It is very miraculous, but it is also caught in a very special kind of restricted and balanced Guyin Cliff, and after a while, two silhouettes fly over.

This time, it was the two who walked by Mitsubishi.

"Senior brother, why do I feel deceitful, this way, we have harvested a full six sacred treasures, and finally there is a 'Holy Origin Crystal'...

"In my opinion, this is a trap set by an enemy, step by step to lure our brothers and sisters into the deep...

"Ahead, there is absolutely danger!"

Carrying a sword wheel with nine swords inserted on the sword wheel, Gu Qinger, who is the most beautiful demon girl with the second title of Blood Sword on the Famous Sword List, fell on Guyin Cliff with extreme vigilance.

After confirming that there is no danger in the mountains beside the cliff and the special formation and ambush, he nodded to the rear, indicating that the senior brother can drop his sword and go to the ground.

Gu Qing tipped his toes a little, and the evil sword Yuelian fell into his arms, and he fell on Guyin Cliff half in surprise and half vigilantly.

"There's no one here..." Gu Qinger walked all over the edge of the cliff, but he didn't see a half-person figure, and said in a slightly relieved mood, "We are indeed the children of destiny. Only we can have this kind of special guidance."

Gu Qing was silent for a moment, then doubtfully said: "Some, it's too quiet..."

"Isn't it normal to be quiet if there is no one there? If there is a sound, it would be hell." Gu Qing Er complained as he took out the "Holy Origin Crystal" he had just obtained.

"Senior Brother, this is what the Eighth Sword Immortal claimed...the origin of the sainthood? How to seal it, if I eat it now, will I be able to become a Sword Saint?" he asked.

Gu Qing glanced at him: "Little Junior Brother is not here, you will take over his head full of water, right?"

Gu Qing Er: "..."

He shook his head, put away the "Holy Origin Crystal", and pouted, "It turns out that there are times when Senior Brother doesn't understand..."

Gu Qingyi was too lazy to argue with his junior brother.

The unusual silence around him made him very vigilant.

Because on this Guyin Cliff, there are obvious traces of someone fighting.

And now, people, all disappeared...

Gu Qing took 12 points of precaution, and while verifying his own thoughts, he walked to the edge of Guyin Cliff.


The strange demon wind whimpered all the year round.

Gu Qing squatted down, rubbed the gravel on the edge of the cliff, with light in his eyes, beckoned: "Come here."

Gu Qinger immediately ran over and squatted down: "Eldest brother, what's the matter?"

"Touch it."

"Touched, and then what?"

"What did you touch?"

"...Sword Intent?"

"Whose sword intent?"


Gu Qinger was stunned for a moment, realizing that the sword intent was strange, he carefully analyzed it, and said in horror, "The sword intent of the Eighth Sword Immortal, is this... the remnant of the power of the 'Big Buddha Slash'?"

Gu Qing nodded slightly: "Yes, it's still a bit of progress, at least I haven't been dull in kendo."

Gu Qing'er was still surprised. He thought of what the elder brother had just said, and asked tentatively, "The Eighth Sword Immortal, right here?"

Gu Qingyi was silent for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice: "In terms of brain, it's still not easy to use, right? This is obviously the origin of the Eighth Sword Immortal's summoning to the Sky City!"

"Oh." Gu Qinger didn't know what to study for this discovery, but he didn't realize it, "Eldest brother, so what?"

"Go down." Gu Qing pointed to the bottom of the cliff.

go down?

Gu Qing Er was startled.

The bottom of this cliff looks very dangerous, how can you go down?

He picked up a stone and threw it at random, but after a long time there was no echo... He didn't know how to summarize this discovery.

"Unfathomable." Gu Qing'er said after holding back for a long time.

What do you say?

Gu Qing glanced at him angrily, returned to the topic, and said, "That special guide coincides with Master's new instructions. Since there is no answer on this cliff, I plan to go down and have a look."

Gu Qing'er's face immediately became bitter: "Senior brother, there is no need to take such a risk, in case you fall off the cliff and shatter your body..."

"You go back to the younger brother and protect the younger sister with him. I always feel uneasy about him alone." Gu Qing said calmly.

"No, I'm not shrinking, I just think that going down the cliff is too dangerous, but it's not impossible to try." Gu Qinger heard the elder brother's intention to expel people, and immediately changed his words.

"I'm not driving you away, I'm telling the truth." Gu Qing smiled, "We are dignified testers, we can go anywhere... If it wasn't for the little junior brother who made that kind of thing, the magistrate would have sent out a timely one. The regulations are aimed at Gu Jianxiu, this place is not dangerous at all for us."

"But below, it's different!" Gu Qing pointed to the bottom of the cliff, his voice sank, "In the dangerous and unknown situation, I will go down and find out first, and if I have the chance, I will call you all right away."

"I'm not going back." Gu Qing'er still shook his head into a rattle, "Junior brother's strength is not weak now, he is enough to protect his little sister by himself, I'm too boring to go back."

"Didn't you shout before that you were going to protect the little sister?" Gu Qing's face was full of funny.

"Isn't he robbed..." Gu Qinger silently complained.

Gu Qingyi immediately laughed and shook his head, and said no more.

He thought about it again and again, looked at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and felt the unknown risks in it, and his eyes became more determined.

"If you don't go back, just stay here and wait for me, so I can take care of you.

"Remember, don't come down and don't leave without my citation.

"If I haven't come back within an hour, you... will send a message to Master, saying that I will die, and force him to save me."

As soon as Gu Qing said this, he paused and looked at the bottom of the cliff: "I will go back when I go."


Before Gu Qing'er said, "Isn't it very good?" Before he blurted out, he watched the big brother jump out of thin air, and jumped directly to the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, involuntarily started free fall.


He stretched out his hand, but he could no longer stop the senior brother's movements.

Is it like this?

Hidden in the way of heaven, hidden in the fragmented stream of space, the people everywhere, watching the reckless actions of this young swordsman, all fell into a state of sluggishness.

On Guyin Cliff, Gu Qinger, who was also petrified on the edge of the cliff, took more than ten breaths before his soul returned to his body.

"Here, let's go?"

Suddenly becoming alone, which makes people feel lonely, Gu Qinger shrank his shoulders, wandered back to the edge of the cliff, and waited anxiously.

Not long after, he pulled out the stunning enchantress again, and his expression became vigilant.

After losing the protection of his senior brother, his spiritual senses and intuitions exploded, and he only felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of faint eyes staring at him, which made one's heart tremble.

"Hehe, everyone, do you really think that Gu Qinger didn't find you? Come out!"

Gu Qinger suddenly mocked in a low voice, holding the famous sword tightly in his hand, looking back and forth at the void.

Did he find it?

This sentence directly shocked nine people.

The nine people who were hiding in the Heavenly Dao and the spatial fragmentary stream, before they could react, looked at the vigilant little swordsman, and seeing no one responded, they let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, fortunately no one is there. …”

"This idiot!" At the moment, the nine people were all speechless.

After Gu Qinger on the edge of the cliff was relieved, he came to the edge again, and glanced at the direction of the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Think for a long time.

"Big Brother!!"

He put his hand to his mouth and called out loudly.

But waited for a long time, no response.

"It really disappeared..." Gu Qing'er frowned.

At this time, he felt the hair that was being stared at again, and this time there seemed to be hostility...

Gu Qing'er was slightly nervous.


He held the sword and danced around for a while, and felt that something was wrong. With a raised hand, he called out the remaining eight swords of the sword wheel, forming a "Evil Sword Array" to protect himself.

The sword was inserted into the ground, and there was a clanging sound.

Gu Qing'er felt a lot safer, so he looked around at the air with a sneer, and said loudly:

"I am Gu Qing'er, a genius of kendo, I am twenty-one years old, and I will become the throne of kendo!

"I am the second disciple of Wen Ting, the Seven Sword Immortals, and the direct heir to the Sword Burial Mound. No one dares to provoke me!"

He double-slashed with his sword fingers, and the "Evil Sword Formation" rose into the air, emitting a cyan sword energy.

"Gods and demons do not invade, all evils retreat, decree!"


The sword formation vibrated violently.

But the air... still didn't respond.

Gu Qing'er blushed, but fortunately, this test still didn't provoke anyone, which meant that there was no one around, and everything was his own imagination.

"It's best if no one sees it...

Gu Qing'er waited for a while, but the senior brother still did not return.

He sinks his heart and thinks that since the younger brother is wasting time protecting the younger sister, and the elder brother is wasting time exploring the unknown, then this waiting time is a good time for him to surpass the two!

"Ha ha."

Gu Qing Er sneered and began to practice swordsmanship, and even practiced the "Peerless Sword Dance" that both the senior and junior brothers had never experienced.

After practicing for a while, Guyinya still has no one coming, and the senior brother has not come back.

Gu Qinger stopped the sword dance.

He suddenly had a strange expression on his face, thinking that this was a carnival belonging to one person, he ran to the edge of the cliff in time, and laughed wildly at Yunhai:

"Hahaha, little junior brother, do you really think that you can surpass your second senior brother and me just by relying on a 'Supreme Kendo Body'? Dreaming!

"You would never have imagined that UU reading www.uukanshu.com Nine Swordsmanship is just a cover up for me. I also secretly asked Master for advice and secretly practiced Ten Thousand Swordsmanship. This is my major swordsmanship!"

After saying that, he pulled out the stunning enchantress again, pointing at the sea of ​​clouds, with an arrogant and wanton attitude:

"Eldest brother... ah no, Gu Qingyi!

"One day, I will let you Gu Qingyi know that in this world, Nine Swordsmanship and Ten Thousand Swordsmanship are the best!

"One day, you will be defeated by my sword!"

"One day, I will supervise your dictation of the Sword Classic..."

Gu Qing'er said this, his tone was a little weaker, and all his emotions were suddenly restrained.

Just under the gaze of the nine people who were hiding in the Heavenly Dao and the gaping stream of space, he paused for three seconds, and then burst out.

"Three hundred times!"

"I want you to memorize the "Sword Sutra" three hundred times!"

"Hahaha, hahaha...cough! Hahahaha..."

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