I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 971: good to go

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"Crack, crack, crack!"

Not long after, there was applause in the distance.

The water ghost raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked in surprise, he had not been able to detect that someone was spying.


A white-haired old man walked in front of him, his body was surrounded by clouds and mist, his face was unclear, and he praised in a low voice:

"What a great handwriting!

"Using the Seagod Halberd as the rod and the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation and the power of Taixu as the bait, fishing at Guyin Cliff...

"It is rumored that the eight statues are good at fishing in Yunlun, and they lay down a huge net to hook people in the world, but whether the big fish is hooked, this saint has not yet seen.

"But you are fishing at Guyinya, and there are quite a few people who have taken the bait. I admire it!"

This sage... the water ghost sank his eyes, scared by the old man's claim.

But he thought about it, under the semi-holy, who can fall silently in the scope of his spiritual thoughts?

Come, it must be really holy!

"I don't know whether the fishing is successful or not, but this is the right and wrong place of Guyin Cliff. I really didn't expect a big fish like you to come." The water ghost stood up and looked directly at the opposite side. Not in the least.

However, the fact that he was able to face the semi-sage directly was due to the fact that the old man on the opposite side was covered with clouds and mist, and his true face was not revealed.

Otherwise, the confrontation here, the water ghosts who have not reached the holy level, will definitely not be able to be so calm.

"I haven't been born for so many years, I never thought that this sage has become a big fish in the eyes of the world..." The old man chuckled, completely ignoring the rudeness of the people in front of him, and expressed his identity, "Northern Region, Puxuan Jiang, Jiang commoner."

Half Saint Ginger Commoner!

The information about this person flashed in the water ghost's mind.

However, most of the information about the semi-sacred remains in the world, but only the word "semi-sacred" remains.

The water ghost's thoughts went crazy. He didn't start with Jiang Buyi himself, but from the Jiang Clan of Puxuan in the Northern Territory, thinking of Jiang Shao Jiang Xian, who had a dispute between Dongtianwangcheng and Xu Xiaoshou.

Jiang Xian had Sanyan Tongmu, but after the night battle in Wangcheng, Sanyan Tongmu disappeared mysteriously.

According to the night cat information, at the same time that the war broke out around the Lingque trade fair in the southern part of the city, the Yao family in the XC district lost the Daojian Taiyishui sword. Leaked, and finally there are traces of the appearance of the Holy Guard.

Among the semi-sage successors of the two major guilds in the Eastern Sky King City, except for Xu Shao Xu Dechong, they belonged to Jiang Xian.

Xu Shao's identity, the water ghost, knew that the last wave of holy energy could only come from Jiang Xian.

Therefore, Jiang Xian broke out a war there, and finally lost Sanyan Tongmu.

And the loss of Sanyan Tong's purpose, whether active or passive, gave Jiang Buyi, the semi-sage of the Puxuan Jiang clan in the Northern Territory, an excuse to enter the game.

So, he came here at this time...

"For the child of tears?" The water ghost's thoughts collided completely between the light and the flint, and then he became a bamboo in his chest, and the corner of his mouth returned to a smile that was held by Zhizhu, and he asked with a smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The half-sage Jiang Buyi shook his head and exclaimed: "Being your enemy will definitely give you a headache. It's only a few breaths away from the old man's identity, and you can be so sure... smart!"

The water ghost didn't want to deal with the half-sage, or it was not the time yet, he bluntly refused: "I don't have a child in tears, I'm afraid you are looking for the wrong person."

"No, this sage is sure again, there is absolutely no wrong person!" Jiang Buyi's voice was still indistinct, and the conversation changed, saying:

"But having said that, in front of the little friend, this sage revealed his identity in advance and restrained his strength, in order to show enough respect and sincerity.

"But this approach can't change a little friend's identity introduction...

"Think about it, little friend, is this a little rude?"

The water ghost silently looked at the old man in front of him.

In him, he really did not see any fluctuations in strength, as if the person in front of him was really an ordinary worldly old man.

But on the opposite side, they are calm and relaxed, and they all show strong confidence.

"I'm sorry." The water ghost's lips loosened, and he said apologetically, "Night cat, water ghost."

"Night cat?" Jiang Buyi chewed on the word lightly, unable to recall which large dark force it was. He shook his head and said, "Little friend is really dishonest, even hiding his identity?"

"Night Cat is just a small intelligence agency in the city of the King of Eastern Heaven. Naturally, you can't get into the senior's holy eye, and you may not even have heard of it." The water ghost explained indifferently, "But some people like to live on the sidelines. A corner, isn't it?"

"Small organization, you can't produce a big talent like you." Jiang Buyi smiled.

"That can't be helped. I'm very good personally, but there are no other talents in the organization, so the night cat is temporarily not famous, who is to blame?" The water ghost shrugged.

"My Jiang family..."

"Sorry, I don't have any plans to relocate for the time being. The Half-Saint Family, I think there is no shortage of people like me."

As soon as I answered and asked, I couldn't even come up with a complete sentence.

But the two of them understood each other's intentions, and straight to the point, the scene fell silent for a while.

"You really are smart." Jiang Buyi sighed, "To be honest, my Jiang family really lacks people like you."

"Senior, let's change the subject, you didn't come here to recruit me." The water ghost spread his hands, facing Ban-Saint, he still never had the aura of inferiority, as if he was used to seeing strong winds and waves in the first half of his life, even Ban-Saint him All can sit on an equal footing.

"Okay, this sage likes your lightness and toughness." Jiang Buyi changed his words and said, "This time, this sage doesn't ask what's behind your night cat, just likes you, and wants to share the same You cooperate."

"Senior, I'm afraid I'm crazy." The water ghost said unceremoniously, "No matter what the night cat is, it's just an underground organization, making waves in Guyin Cliff is purely my personal act. Yu Bansheng Family, condescend to cooperate with me as the first little night cat?"

"Not bad." Jiang Buyi nodded affirmatively.

"Haha." The water ghost sneered a few times, "What's the picture?"

"You said it, Leijiatong."

"But I also said, I have no tears, you kill me, and you won't be able to get even one!"

"You can do it, this holy letter believes in you."

I believe you a ghost!

If it weren't for the wrong feng shui here, and the time has not come, I will throw you into the deep sea world, and then throw it into the Void Gate, and finally kill you first!

The water ghost's heart flashed fiercely.

In the whole world, there is no one who can make him a water ghost with only one mouth.

Even Ba Zunyi paid a huge price for his help. This little Jiang's half-sage has talked for a long time, and the price of the shot is not a penny, and he just wants to talk with face?

who do you think You Are?

Do I really think I have never slaughtered a saint?

"Why did the senior look for me?" After all, the water ghost didn't show any murderous intentions, because in the eyes of the other party, it was probably just ridiculous.

After he finished speaking, he persuaded again: "The semi-holy world of the Northern Territory should cooperate with the Holy Spirit Temple. Why do you want to find a small dark force to help you?"

Jiang Buyi was like a stroll in the Guyinya ruins, and said with his hands behind his back: "If Rao Yaoyao is half as smart as you, this sage won't be looking for you."

Ha ha!

The water ghost sneered in his heart, I am afraid that the forces on the surface cannot be found, and the organizations in the dark can be discarded when they are used up!

"Senior praised me wrongly, how can I be as talented as Rao Jianxian 11/2?" The water ghost bowed his head slightly to show his fear, and then spoke in shock, "I don't know what the senior can pay for asking me for help? "

This voice directly asked Jiang Buyi to be silent.

After a long pause, he burst out laughing: "Has anyone ever said that your 'cheerful' temper sometimes makes people uncomfortable?"

"Yes." The water ghost smiled and added another sentence in his heart, but those who dared to say it were already dead.

"But this sage likes it!" Jiang Buyi is very measured, and he doesn't care that a junior or a Taixu is too obsessed with his senior and this half-sage.

He also opened up and said: "If you want to talk about payment, this sage can understand it, because you are afraid that this sage will cross the river and tear down the bridge. But since this sage even explained his identity to you, he came with sincerity. You, want to what?"

It's the price, not the reward!

And what I want, I'm afraid you can't afford it!

The water ghost corrected his mistakes in his heart, but his expression was just a smile, without making a sound, waiting quietly.

After Jiang Buyi finished speaking, she still did not have any conditions to exit when she met her predecessors, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "This saint, I can help you become a saint."

Do you think you are a god, or do you think I am a three-year-old child? Open your mouth!

When will a half-sage be able to help Taixu become a saint? Are you planning to instill in me your whole life inheritance?

Sorry, I really despise your Jiang family inheritance!

The water ghost shook his head and said, "Taixu is already the pinnacle of the world. I don't think about the semi-sage at all, so I don't bother seniors to take action."

Jiang Buyi's face hidden under the mist frowned for the first time.

After pondering for a while, he said again: "That saint can help your night cat grow, not to mention the rivalry with the saint slaves and the king of hell, at least in the dark world, there is a place for your night cat."


The water ghost accidentally laughed out loud.

This is to directly pull people into the gang!

If you can't recruit me, you will recruit the entire night cat and recruit me from the side?

Tsk tsk, really worthy of being a semi-holy...

Soon, the water ghost restrained his smile, shook his head again and refused: "It's just a pile of mud that can't support the wall. If you can't do anything, you will kill and replace people. Why let the seniors take action? I'm a night cat, I don't have the qualifications! "

Jiang Buyi sighed: "The killing is decisive, but it expresses what this sage thinks. Fengqi Wutong, don't be vulgar. Sometimes, this sage really wants to have your mentality..."

"Half-Saint Jiang, you can't kill half a person." The water ghost said indifferently, not wanting to waste time, "Senior, tell me what you want me to do, and then talk about the price after that."

Jiang Buyi pondered for a moment, and said solemnly: "Ye Wang!"

Sure enough, people will become weak when they get old, and even the words have to be squeezed out into several paragraphs... The water ghost has a considerable degree of impatience in his heart, and he said:

"The King of Hell, Huangquan, has the attributes of time and space, and the cultivation base of Taixu. Although he has not reached the semi-sage level, even I can't deal with it. At most, it will be a tie.

"Under the whole world, I am afraid that it is only possible to kill or catch him only if the half-sage takes action himself.

"As for the other members of the Hades organization, most of them are children of tears, their abilities are strange, and their whereabouts are uncertain. When dealing with these people, they are not mentally prepared to fall and capsize, so don't take action easily.

"Senior, let me tell you what you mean, if you want to deal with Huang Quan, you should just take the Leijiatong from the other members of the King of Hell, please ask for instructions."

After a burst of free information, it was like fried beans, and the water ghost obviously didn't want to receive this old man.

Jiang Buyi felt full of sincerity: "I didn't expect you to know a lot about the King of Hell, the organization of Night Cat..."

"The night cat is only a small force, there is no need for seniors to understand it. Even if you waste time to understand the night cat, you can only come to the conclusion that time was wasted."

Jiang Buyi was once again choked by this junior.

An old face hidden under the mist finally appeared unhappy.

"What a rude boy..."

But the half-holy measure is enough to carry everything.

A person who is extraordinary must have something extraordinary, and his temperament is different from ordinary people, and it is also excusable.

Jiang Buyi stopped talking nonsense: "I want Huang Quan, the tears of the other members of the King of Hell, and the saint also! As for what you have to do, you are only responsible for providing the whereabouts of the members of the King of Hell, and you don't need to take action for the rest, you will not have any danger."

What a big appetite!

The water ghost was once again startled by the old man.

A pair of Tears can endure a half-sacred family.

A Taixu Lei Clan can even attract the Holy Emperor family to take action.

How dare you swallow everything, you little Jiang family?

It's no wonder that Rao Yaoyao didn't ask for help, this matter really needs to be known to Bai Dao Shang, I am afraid that the Jiang Clan in the Northern Territory will be subverted in an instant, and there will be no more.

As for me... the water ghost sneered in his heart, helping you so much, I'm afraid it's a dead end in the end, because only dead people can keep all secrets.

"What can I get?" the water ghost asked knowingly.

"What do you want?" Jiang Buyi asked back.

You want me to help you, and you want to kill me...

"Haha." The water ghost smiled, his eyes swept back and forth on the old man in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised even higher, "You."

"Me?" Jiang Buyi was stunned for a moment, but he soon realized that he came over and laughed as well:


"Although you are only responsible for providing information~www.readwn.com~, as long as the matter is completed, this saint still owes you a favor!

"As long as you don't take action against the Holy Temple, this saint can help you with anything in the world."

The water ghost didn't listen to these nonsense, kept smiling, nodded and stretched out his hand: "Deal."

Jiang Buyi glanced at the hand that was reaching out to him, his eyes didn't stop for too long, he passed it directly, and then turned and walked into the distance.

"Give you three days first, this saint wants the information of the first person."

The water ghost watched the other party go away, but never put his hand down.

He glanced down at the whereabouts, then looked at the person who was far away, and raised his voice: "The transaction is successful, you don't plan to shake hands with you?"

Isn't this the obvious thing?

Jiang Buyi paused slightly, and for the first time had doubts about his own cognition.

At a certain moment, he even suspected that he had mistaken his eyes, this water ghost couldn't even read this body language? How to be human?

Stopping to look back, Jiang Buyi's eyes returned to that hand - until now, the water ghost's hand has not been retracted.

How big of a face?

Shaking hands with a half saint? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!

Jiang Buyi's voice cooled down, he took over what he had just said, and continued: "As for Huang Quan's information, the sooner the better, I don't want this matter to drag on for three years or five years... Within a month, this sage will get the details. information."

"Clap" sound.

Under Jiang Buyi's gaze, the water ghost stretched out his left hand and patted his outstretched right hand, and the corner of his mouth smiled even more.

"It doesn't take a month. After one day, the junior will give you all the specific information of all the members of the Hell King."

"Oh? So best!"

"Senior, don't give it away."

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