I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 972: If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished!

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Under the deep sea, thunder and thunder rang out for a long time.

"Senior, this is the ninth-level nine-death thunder tribulation vision.

"It's hard to imagine that in my whole life I can still see the nine great slashing paths pass through the calamity at the same time, or I can pass the nine death thunder tribulations in one breath...

"Such wonders are rare in the world."

Xiaokongtong stopped in the deep sea, looked up at the top, and sighed softly.

At this moment, the water flow all over his body has been covered with thunder attributes, and countless colorful electric currents are like scale snakes, glittering and passing, beautiful.

Fortunately, there are senior water ghosts to help me block the water from invading my body, otherwise the power of the nine death thunder tribulations will be enough for me to eat a pot...

I don't know how the other people who are deep in the sea are doing at the moment, have they been electrocuted to death, and how many are still alive...

Xiaokongtong was full of thoughts, and looked sideways at Senior Water Ghost.

It's been a while...

Senior Water Ghost stopped silently, looking worried for too long!

From falling to the bottom of the deep sea, seeing the ancient gate Yin Shi behind him, the water ghost senior stopped moving forward.

It can be said that the two of them walked together, and the original intention was to hunt.

But apart from the initial wave of good luck, except for getting the Golden Swallowing Dragon and Dragon Corpse, it will not work later.

Going all the way down, the efficiency of finding someone while avoiding the aftermath of the thunderstorm is really too slow.

Not to mention Rao Yaoyao and Ye Xiao.

Xiaokongtong has never even seen another living person.

Either it is the throne that has died, and it exists in all realms; or it is the slashing path that cannot be approached because of transcending the calamity.

"Senior, are you worried?"

Looking at the water ghost senior who had been standing for a long time, Xiao Kongtong hesitated and chose to speak.

Under the deep sea, this ancient door was too mysterious, and he was almost unable to hold back his curiosity and pushed it open.

But Senior Water Ghost didn't move, so Xiao Kongtong didn't dare to rush in.

Because this is the opponent's home court, the ancient gate stands under the deep sea, it is evil, the water ghost does not move, how can Xiaokongtong dare to move?

"This seat does have something on my mind..."

Xu Xiaoshou whispered softly, withdrew his upward gaze, and his heart was entangled.

After losing the restraint of the water polo, he and Xiaokongtong traveled very fast. It can be said that they should be the first to arrive at this ancient gate.

As for why there is a door under the deep sea...

Xiaokongtong didn't know, neither did Xu Xiaoshou.

This ancient gate with a height of 30 feet is heavy and thick. As soon as it approaches, there is a desire in my heart and I want to push it open.

But it seems that because of the relationship between the dragon scales of the Holy Emperor, Xu Xiaoshou was not affected by this strange "guiding power" this time.

He saw the message "bewitched" on the information bar for the first time, and then stopped pushing the door.

There is no doubt that this is definitely another big hole buried by the real water ghost!

The reason for stopping him from pushing the door, apart from the shielding and guiding power of the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale and the reminder from the information bar, there is one more thing that Xu Xiaoshou never put down.

"Vigil, are you dead..."

Looking back at the deep sea, Xu Xiaoshou breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a stagnation in his chest.

Nine-death thunder tribulations rise and disappear. Along the way, he has seen too many nine-death thunder tribulations rising, and he has also seen many thunder tribulations that suddenly disappear.

There is no doubt that every time one loses the power of thunder tribulation, it means that there is a failure to cut the path and cross the calamity, and his body is destroyed.

Xu Xiaoshou originally thought to reveal the information of "Ghost Beast Luke" to Vigil, and then gave Vigil a large amount of medicinal pills. By relying on will and medicinal power, he might be able to save Vigil's life.

But along the way, even Xu Xiaoshou saw Tai Xu's body pumped to death by a water polo, and naturally he would not think so.

It is not enough to have a strong will without a realistic foundation.

Those medicine pills may be able to keep the night for a while, but the rank is too low, it is estimated... Well, there is no need to estimate, it is inevitable that the night will not last until the moment it arrives at the ancient gate!

Under the deep sea, apart from himself, it is too difficult for Vigil to wait for a turnaround!

Rao Yaoyao?

Well, Rao Yaoyao doesn't even know if he can get out of the water polo!

Maybe, she should find Ye Xiao, Teng Shanhai and others first, and rescue them!

"Xiao Kongtong, this seat asks you."

Xu Xiaoshou turned his eyes sternly, looked at the senior brother of Shenyue Xiancheng, and said: "If a sect... um, the throne, perhaps the realm of the Tao, or the beheading, he entered the scope of the heavenly punishment of the nine-death thunder tribulation, What will happen?"

After the words were spoken, for a while, Xu Xiaoshou was really uncertain about his combat power, or his endurance, which level of the throne he was in, and he could only make excuses.

Xiao Kongtong was slightly startled when he heard the words.

What kind of problem is this?

The deep sea is the home ground of the water ghost seniors. Hearing this, he wants to enter the scope of the Nine Deaths Thunder Smiting Heaven Punishment, but isn't he too vain?

"The meaning of this seat is to throw a person like this into the scope of heavenly punishment." Xu Xiaoshou explained a little guilty, saying in his heart, don't think too much, if you think about it, you will be embarrassed yourself. of.

Xiaokongtong is still unclear, but it does not prevent him from answering questions normally:

"will die!

"Within the nine-death thunder tribulation range, there is no difference in attack, as long as outsiders enter, let alone Dao realm and Dao slashing, Tai Xu has to bear the power of divine punishment several times more than Du Jie himself.

"Senior survived the nine-death thunder calamity by himself, so he should know better than me."

This answer made Xu Xiaoshou's heart sink, but he responded indifferently:

"This seat is to pass the calamity, but when the calamity is crossed, no outsiders have approached.

"So many slashes at the same time can be said to be rare. If we can meet by fate, I would certainly like to play a fun one, such as throwing Ye Xiao into the scope of the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation Heaven Punishment."

Xiao Kongtong shivered, this is a devil!

"Under the deep sea forbidden law enchantment, if Ye Xiao is really thrown into the scope of heavenly punishment by you, I am afraid that he will die." He agreed.

Xu Xiaoshou laughed and said no more.

He doesn't have time to talk nonsense with this Senior Brother Shenyue Xiancheng.

Even if he got the answer that he would die within the scope of the punishment, Xu Xiaoshou wanted to give it a try.

In the white cave, the love of vigil for giving swords is still there.

When he encountered the ghosts and beasts, the vigil arrived in time, and the kindness of the rescue was still there.

As the saying goes...

"Human debts are the hardest to repay!"

What's more, Vigil is indeed a good man despite the different positions.

Caught such a good person and continued to deceive, from the City Lord's Mansion to the White Cave, and then from the White Cave to the East Heaven King City, even if there was a reason for the incident, Xu Xiaoshou inevitably felt a little guilty.

Besides, before coming to the ancient gate of the deep sea at this moment, he did not want to push it, nor did he want to enter the big pit left by the water ghost.

So instead of wasting time here, I might as well go back and have a look at the vigil.

In love and reason, in public and private...

Xu Xiaoshou felt that if he did not make such a choice at this time, he might regret it in the future.

Even if it was late, Vigil had already been killed in the catastrophe.

But if his body can be found...

"If there are still bones." Xu Xiaoshou sighed silently.

He knew for himself how strong the water pressure was under the deep sea.

It stands to reason that if Vigil is really dead, there must be no bones left!

"There is still one thing to do in this seat. I need to go back. You wait for me here, and I will come when I go." Looking at Xiaokongtong, Xu Xiaoshou pondered and said.

"Understood." Xiao Kongtong didn't ask any further questions. The moment Senior Water Ghost opened his mouth, he thought of this result.

"Remember, this door, don't open it anyway, it will be dangerous." Xu Xiaoshou thought about whether it would be unsafe to stay here alone, and finally reminded him.

As soon as the words came out, he was shocked to realize that he was dazed by the sound of "Senior" from Xiao Kongtong.

He is the senior brother of Shenyue Xiancheng, the registered disciple of the eight masters, and most of them are proficient in the nine major swordsmanships, even swordsmanship!

This kind of person has a lifetime of great achievements, even if Rao Yaoyao arrives with the Xuan Cang Divine Sword, the two meet on a narrow road...

Who will kill the deer is still unknown!

"Keep it in mind." Xiao Kongtong nodded slightly, obviously not concerned about his own safety, and clenched his fists at Senior Water Ghost, "Senior also take care."

I really should take care... Xu Xiaoshou let out a laugh, looked back at the sky, no longer hesitated in his heart, there was only one option left.

"Last look!

"This time I can help, but I can't, at least I tried it, and I have no regrets.

"If Vigil can still survive, but is not awake... This life-saving grace is enough to offset all the previous fetters.

"The fate is here, we will meet again in the future, don't leave it!"

Xu Xiaoshou paused for a moment, then took a break and shot out, straight up, no longer nostalgic.

At the end of the day, what he was thinking about was not at all about reason, public and private, interests, etc., only the last thought.

"For a respectable person like Vigil, his final destination should never be buried in the sea!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In the center of the punishment, the nine-colored divine thunder with the thickness of a bucket was carried down, and the figure in the center of the target was smashed into flesh and blood, and its limbs were cut off.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The shattering of the body is not enough to kill people's will, the figure under the protection of a focus of rotten wings flew into the sky in anger, and the roar of filial piety resounded in the deep sea.

"Dog thing, thirty-six thunder tribulations in a mere 36 times, can you still kill me at night?

"If you have the ability, the remaining nine hundred thunder tribulations, come together, see if you can kill me!

"If I don't die, on this day, the lunch box will be stabbed through a hole!"

"Hahaha...cough! Pfft!"

A large mouthful of blood with flesh and blood spurted out, and Vigil calmed down a little from the frenzied state, gasping for breath.

Behind him, the pair that should have been holy, but now only the scorched wings were slightly curled up, protecting him in the darkness, unable to see the shadowy face.

At this moment, Vigil's legs were all broken, and there was only a little repairing power left behind after the catastrophe. Two sarcomas were barely born at the base of his legs, but even the bones had no spiritual energy to regenerate.

His left arm is gone.

After the right arm was broken, it was regenerated and solidified by the power brought by the wings.

"I'm alive…"

Vigil stretched out the only left tattered right arm, and gently stroked the scorched wing that was curled up to him, with a complicated expression.

Between his nose and mouth, what he smelled at this moment was not only the scorched flesh and blood after the lightning strike, but also the stench that he hated the most in his life.


This is the smell of ghosts!

Relying on will, when the eighteenth thunder tribulation was over, Vigil was already dead.

But what Xingye never mentioned, the power of the last ghost and beast left behind made him wake up from death and reborn from ruin.

Wings on the back...

Representing the vigil at this moment, it is no longer a vigil, but a ghost and beast host!

"How, ironic..."

There were blood and tears in the eyes of the vigil, and he whispered to himself like a madman:

"I didn't expect that Rao Yaoyao abandoned me, and the Holy Spirit Temple did not hear about the death, and it was you who guarded me at night...

"I've hunted and killed countless ghosts and beasts in my life, and killed too many unnecessary people, and in the end, it's still you who came to protect me...

Vigil rubbed his scorched wings, and the corners of his lips, eyes, and arms were shaking.

"They told me that you were born guilty, and I was convinced.

"Every time I make a shot, I use twelve points of strength, along with the precise layout of the red clothes, to lock all your back paths.

"I haven't died yet, which means that every fight you fought ended in failure.

"And now, I, the damned person, is under your protection, lingering on, and living for such a long time...

"How can my sins be expressed, and how serious are they?"

"I, I should have died!"

Vigil shook his right arm, tried his best to lift it, and gently wiped the blood and tears from his face, but accidentally knocked down a piece of rotten meat.

The pain didn't make him have any reaction, but at this point, his heart was twisted like a knife.


The first scene in the deep sleep that Xingye showed him, Vigil did not believe it.

In the dialogue Xingye Shi Xingye mentioned everything, Vigil still didn't believe it in his heart.

Strictly speaking, at that time, the belief in the vigil had not completely collapsed, and he still had doubts about everything.

But after waking up, Rao Yaoyao's choice really made him see that the world is cold and the way of heaven is unfair.

"Xu Xiaoshou never deceived me, the Holy Spirit Temple, but deceived all the red clothes... for a lifetime!"

After giving birth to wings and becoming the host of ghosts and beasts, Vigil could no longer strengthen his beliefs.

No matter how much he wanted to make up for the Holy Spirit Temple, there was no reason.

The stench of ghosts and beasts, he has...

He also knows the truth of the ghost hunter...

How can there be such a good-sounding "ghost feeder", this is just an experiment, and if you succeed in the throne room, you will be able to master the power of Taixu.

If it fails, the "ghost feeder" becomes a "ghost host".

In the end, only to kill the ears!

"After I died, the experiment ended in failure, but the power of the ghost and beast never disappeared. After all, it still remained in me, so after the parasitic assimilation, you came back to life..." Vigil seemed to be talking to his second personality. , the eyes are sometimes calm, sometimes crazy.


It was another thunderstorm that interrupted all his thoughts.

This time, along the way, half of its wings were scorched and completely destroyed.

"damn thing!"

Vigil was furious, and black mist instantly rose from his body, and he ran up again facing Lei Jie.

"You can hurt me, but not him!"


Another thunderstorm struck, cracking his right arm, causing his fingers to collapse.

"Hahaha, thief God, come! If you have the ability, continue to come to me... You go away, you don't need to protect me!" The first half of the vigil was still tearing at Tian Jie, and the second half said , but gently removed the only half of the wings left behind.


The thunder robbery went down and broke his right arm.

"Hahahaha..." Vigil laughed wildly.

"The way of heaven is unfair, go against the sky!"

This was something he would never say when he was in red.


Lei Jie went down again, smashing the only half of his wings to pieces.

Vigil glared up.

"Life or death, success or failure is up to me!"

- Absolute egoism.

With every bombardment, Vigil spit out a word.

Every mantra is a blasphemy to his previous beliefs!

But at the same time, it is also the new world that is broken and rebuilt under the shattering thunder tribulation!


After three or five thunder tribulations, the last piece of wing finally couldn't withstand the bombardment, broke completely, and fell off.

Vigil raised his head and laughed loudly, but his mouth was silent and his eyes hidden tears.

He was covered in black mist, sinking between the power of the devil and the power of ghosts and beasts, like a devil awakening in the dark.

However, the little bit of human nature that should have existed, like these holy wings, was scorched by the thunder of reality, and then fell off.

The rest is all darkness!

Finally, when another wave of thunder calamities came...

With no hands to cover, no wings to protect, the person who should have been watching the night, facing the endless despair, played the dark hymn of distorted luminism, and became a devout believer in the night, facing difficulties.

"If you don't do it for yourself, you will be destroyed!"

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