I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 973: Devour Thunder Tribulation! 2 overlapping catastrophe forces?

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In the deep sea, the more Xu Xiaoshou flew upwards, the stronger the bad premonition in his heart.

He didn't know what was waiting for him in front of him, but Xu Xiaoshou would not ignore the powerful whim warning brought by "perception".

"Vigil, are you still alive..."

Finally, after hurrying on the road, Xu Xiaoshou saw the scene of the first Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation Transcending Tribulation.

The power of catastrophe overflowing in the sea water here is just blowing at the face, and the nine-colored electric snake visible to the naked eye is even more showing its teeth and claws, declaring the coercion of the home court.

Having had the experience of being affected by the aftermath of the thunder calamity, Xu Xiaoshou just glanced at it and felt that his scalp was numb, and his body began to be paralyzed.

However, if you want to find someone, you must pass this level!

With such a long distance, and the influence of the catastrophe of the catastrophe, it is impossible for him to find the transcendence without going deep into the center of the calamity.

"Try it!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Xu Xiao received an iron on his head, facing the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation, and rushed into the scene of the Tribulation Transcendence.


Nine days above, there is an orange thunder on the front.

Through the lightning strike, Xu Xiaoshou locked the position of the Tribulation Transcender for the first time. As soon as the direction turned, he was about to go to that place in an instant.

But when the thunder fell, it seemed to sense that there was an outsider at the scene, so it was divided into two.

Part of the thunder calamity that should have fallen to the robbers hit Xu Xiaoshou.

"Sure enough, indiscriminate attack..."

Xu Xiaoshouxin said that you are really not lying.

At this time, how much he hoped that Xiao Kongtong was actually advising himself that he would not go to the scene of the robbery, thus telling a white lie.

However, reality told him that there was no such possibility.

"Come on then!"

In the Grandmaster Celestial Elephant Realm, Xu Xiaoshou had never been underestimated in the face of the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation.

Seeing Luo Lei split up, he immediately took out the famous sword, Yan Python, and the Fierce Sword with Four Swords from the Yuan Palace.

"Rage giant, open!"

A golden light exploded.

A moment ago, he was still wearing a golden animal face and holding a false sea-god halberd. The next second, he transformed into a golden light giant holding two swords and standing upright.

"Give me...crack!"

The giant's swords crossed, facing Juxiao Shenlei, he swept up, and a cross cut volleyed out.


The divine thunder descended, and the harsh sound of soldiers exploded in the deep sea, and then the two swords turned into two streams of light, one black and one red, and flew to the side.

The rest of the divine thunder pierced straight through the scarlet eyes, the golden light giant exuding primitive wild beast desire.

"Uh uh uh…"

With his face facing the thunder, Xu Xiaoshou only felt the gold and scarlet fade away in an instant.

A lightning strike smashed him into his original form on the spot, and even the form of a violent giant could not be maintained.

His whole figure was like a penalty stand, his pestle was shaking in mid-air, his teeth were knocking, and he almost broke his straight tongue.

"This, this, this...

"Damn, what kind of dog, bullshit...

"I, I, I can't even catch a catastrophe?"

Xu Xiaoshou, whose whole body was scorched with a smell of burning, was dizzy on the spot by this thunder, and couldn't come to his senses for a long time.

Rao has a passive skill, this Juxiao Divine Thunder also caused his skin to tear open, his whole body paralyzed and unable to move.


There was a vision from the four swords in the distance, and a disgusting thought was handed over immediately, as if to blame the new master for being so embarrassed.

In a mere thunder calamity, he couldn't even hold the sword.

What kind of ancient sword cultivator is this?


Yan Mang's mentality was good. After being choked, he flew back with ease. Not only did he not mean to blame, but he also fought each other and had four swords against the fierce sword.

Xu Xiaoshou heard the conversation between the two swords:

"He's still young, give him some time to grow."


"Will you try again?"



Yan Python's sword trembled, and it flew towards You Sijian.

There are four swords not willing to be left behind, and they are also facing the attack, and then the two swords are staggered under the deep sea...


The terrifying sound exploded and shattered the deep-sea cold current, and the raging sword intent scraped through the flesh, causing Xu Xiaoshou to suddenly shudder and regain control of his body.

what happened?

How does it feel that you are out of my grasp and stronger?

Xu Xiaoshou blushed and shouted loudly.


Do you still think I'm not ashamed enough?

The fierce sword and the flaming sword can't even catch a thunder calamity, and then the two swords are in civil strife. What a mess!

Are you sick or what? Where did you learn your bad temper, and how did you learn it from Tibetans?

With a squeeze of both hands, the double swords flew back into the palms.

But the two swords were facing each other again, as if they had turned their heads and did not see each other.

If it wasn't for someone who knew swords, Xu Xiaoshou almost didn't think he was holding two machetes!

"Damn, it's kind of scary..."

Ignoring the anger between the two swords, until this point, Xu Xiaoshou recovered from the feeling of fear for the rest of his life.

Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation is too strong!

This passive skill of his own, along with the Fierce Sword and the Flame Sword as the first layer of barriers, blocked most of the damage, but when it fell on his body, it could still cause such terrifying damage.


Xu Xiaoshou looked down at the injury on his body and found that the wound had healed accidentally.


He paused.

How terrible!

It's all bleeding and scabbing!

This is a very serious injury since the passive skill reached the throne level, and he almost was blasted out of the flesh and blood!

A thunder robbery fell, and he was still in this state.

In the deep sea, there is a forbidden law enchantment, how can those who cut through the tribulations be able to withstand more than 900 thunder tribulations?

Xu Xiaoshou felt uneasy.

In the state of the night watch, let alone nine hundred thunder tribulations, nine thunder tribulations are connected, and it is estimated that he will be killed!

"What is he fighting for?

"Take the will, take it full of enthusiasm?

"If this thunder robbery goes on, the blood will be blown into cold on the spot!"

After regaining his mobility, Xu Xiaoshou did not delay, and took one step towards the real robbery.

The scope of the thunder robbery is very large, and the distance between the two sides is very far. Under the circumstance of shrinking the ground, Xu Xiaoshou took a few steps and went to the target position.

"Night watch?"

He stopped, taking advantage of Lei Jie's buffering efforts, Xu Xiaoshou, holding two swords, looked at the withered figure.

But with just one glance, his next words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get out again. In his eyes, there was only horror and a look of horror that was hard to hide.

Under the deep sea, time seemed to be slowing down, and the sound of zigzag electricity echoed around, highlighting a quieter silence.

The robbery man slowly turned his head...

This is a terrifying picture, because what turns around is really just a skull!

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't see the lower body of the robber, he could only see the back of most of the red and white skulls that looked like their backs were facing him, and turned his direction.

But with this movement, half of the neck connected by his skull, and half of his left arm, which was tattered with only white bones and scattered flesh, were broken on the spot!

After a bit of nourishment, Xu Xiaoshou felt that the power of thunder tribulation was wandering in the flesh and blood, and goosebumps stood up all over his body.

Where is this robbery scene!

Horror movies, too!


"Save, save...


The hoarse voice, through the way the Ling Yuan vibrated the sea water, embodied the content of the Mohu Lake and spread into Xu Xiaoshou's ears.

Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath.

Obviously, this person is not a vigil, and he is already helpless.


Another golden thunder robbery slammed, and it was divided into two.

Xu Xiaoshou closed his eyes heavily, golden light blooming all over his body, and once again transformed into a violent giant.

This time, he turned on all his firepower, and turned on the "Exploding Stance", "Lateral Force Field", and "Feasting" directly, and then put the two swords on his head, but he didn't dare to spit it out again.

"Peng" sounded.

When the thunder robbery fell, he was the first to be swallowed by the head of a gluttonous beast the size of a grinding plate, and the surging energy almost made Xu Xiaoshou explode to death.

Fortunately, the pain will come next...

The golden thunder robbery once again blew the tightly grasped double swords, which was weakened once again; and then passed through the "Lateral Force Field", which was weakened again; and finally penetrated the whole body at the same time, the gluttonous beast head swallowed again, Three nerfs...

After so many weakenings, the thunder tribulation still drowned the body of the golden light giant!

"Uh uh uh…"

Xu Xiaoshou was knocked against his teeth again, and his knees trembled.

But with the transforming energy of "feasting", he quickly recovered.


Everything returned to calm.

The power of catastrophe around him also began to disappear.

Because Xu Xiaoshou survived, the Dao Slayer who only had half an arm and half a skeleton skull was not able to survive.

Even if he closed his eyes, his "perception" was still approaching Chi Chi's death scene and passed on.

Under the golden thunder, the skull of the robber shattered and he died on the spot.

Losing the repulsive force of Ling Yuan, the pressure of the deep sea swept away, and even the bones that were blown away were crushed into powder.

"No bones left..."

Xu Xiaoshou has never understood such an idiom so deeply.

In stark contrast to his dazzling state of forcing a thunder tribulation, this truly tragic transcendence may be the true portrayal of all the slashes under the deep sea.

"Feel sorry…"

Xu Xiaoshou grieved in his heart, and had the grief of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, because he always felt that in the end, it might be even more desperate to let this robbery transcendence see his ability to resist the calamity many times.

But after pondering for a long time, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't say a word of explanation after all.

Because people are already dead.

"Feel sorry."

He bowed his head in silence again sincerely, and clenched his swords tightly, "If I have the ability, I may really be able to save you..."

But no matter how you say it, how can the other party save the only skeleton left in the calamity?


After a long sigh of relief, Xu Xiaoshou chose to forget, and did not lose his emotions in the tragic death of the stranger.

Because at this moment, there are more important people waiting for you.

"Vigil, you must hold on!"

Having witnessed how Zhan Dao would die under the Nine Death Thunder Tribulation, Xu Xiaoshou was even more impatient.

The forbidden law enchantment did too much damage to the spiritual master. In this deep sea, let alone the nine death thunder tribulations, one calamity and one hundred and eight lightning strikes could make people die on the spot.

Looking back and looking up, Xu Xiaoshou made up his mind and continued on his way.

With the experience of breaking into the center of the calamity, he knows how much help the body of the throne, or his passive skills, can bring in the nine-death thunder calamity.

As long as it is not connected to the choking, he should not be killed by the thunder robbery.

Of course, the intensity and frequency of thunder tribulation are closely related to the background of each slash.

The stronger the foundation, the more ruthless the thunder tribulation.

Xu Xiaoshou knew that what he was experiencing now was only the early stage of the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation.

In the middle and late stages of the Thunder Tribulation, let alone the buffering of the thunder, there is not even a half-minute pause.

Hundreds of thunderbolts continued to bombard one after another, and Tai Xu had to kneel, not to mention the slashing under the forbidden magic barrier.


Just as he was about to move up, the tide of Qi Hai Ling Yuan rose, and a comfortable feeling came out of his body.

Xu Xiaoshou's face froze, and he went to the sea of ​​​​qi in disbelief, and found that he...


Celestial realm, later stage!

The thunder struck just now, and he swallowed two mouthfuls with a "flavoured meal". The pure and overflowing energy was transformed in the repair of the injury, and finally merged into the sea of ​​​​qi perfectly.

In addition, these days, the throne-level "breathing method" has been continuously practiced.

And when encountering golden feet before, one out, one in, one in and one out, often repeatedly breathing out the power of spiritual essence.

All kinds of things made him break through the early stage and middle stage of the celestial phenomenon in a short period of time, and he naturally broke the bottleneck in the later stage of the celestial phenomenon.

"too fast."

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but smile.

After joining the Grand Master, he never deliberately went to sleep, and rarely had time to sleep and practice.

As for the treasures of heaven and earth, it is not as often swallowed as in the innate days, such as the original seed, the three-day frozen robbery, etc.

But the throne-level "Breathing Method" is still powerful, and in such a short period of time, his cultivation realm has been pushed up several times.

"My sea of ​​qi is extremely huge, and it stands to reason that I couldn't break through to the late stage of the celestial phenomenon so quickly.

"Well, it should be the two nine-death thunder tribulations just now...

"The power of thunder tribulation is too strong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com this is used as a baptism for slashing the Dao, I am a master realm, and I even stole two mouthfuls of pure power of thunder tribulation.

"And 'Feasting' can indeed transform any violent power into my spiritual essence...

"This is the last straw that broke the camel's back, right?"

Shaking his head, no longer feeling emotional, Xu Xiaoshou stepped up.

Realm breakthrough is just a trivial matter.

Right now, there are bigger things waiting for you.


The master realm is indeed too weak for the various powerful enemies in the deep sea.

I didn't know before that "feasting on a big meal" could help one's own realm by swallowing the thunder tribulation. Now that I know it, the slashers need someone to help them share the power of the thunder tribulation.

"Then do something good!

"Not for me, just for these poor fellows."


keep going up...

With experience, Xu Xiaoshou is no longer afraid of these early nine-death thunder tribulations.

When he encountered Lei Jie, he rushed in and swallowed a few mouthfuls to stabilize his realm. After confirming that it was not Vigil himself, he took a breath of life energy to the other party, and then said "Treasure" and turned to leave.

once or twice...

Four times five times...

Finally, after going through seven or eight slashes, Xu Xiaoshou, according to his memory, came to the tribulation range that should be the first slash.

In my impression, this position seems to be under the location of the vigil, and the possibility of the target being correct is very high.

"One step to the sky!"

In addition to the thunder calamity, Xu Xiaoshou carried his double swords and rushed into the disaster area again, but he felt a little abnormal in his heart.

In this place, how come there are two overlapping forces of catastrophe?

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