I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 975: The vigil is dead, starting today, call me night!

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Lightning strikes again.

There was also a thunderbolt in Xu Xiaoshou's brain.

Although Vigil never spoke much, how could he not hear the implication?

"So, the power of the emptiness you had at that time was just the power of ghosts and beasts... the power of ghosts and beasts?" Xu Xiaoshou felt that the secret he got from Vigil was even more exaggerated than the big mouth of Sanyue Xiancheng!

He thought of Lu Ke.

What is this little red shirt like?

A simple ghost and beast host, or something similar to a vigil?

"Maybe." Vigil smiled noncommittally, "As you said, there are some answers that you need to find by yourself, and these uncertain answers...

He suddenly raised his eyes to look at the thunder at the top of the deep sea, and his eyes were more determined.

"Old man, I will find it!"

The roar of thunder exploded again, and the different facial expressions of the two became clearer and clearer.

"It's so **** painful..."

Xu Xiaoshou held Flesh Mohu's head in his arms and couldn't let it go for a long time.

He only felt the pain caused by the thunder tribulation, and he didn't have the words in the vigil at this moment, which made people's mind explode even more.

This is so exaggerated!

The Holy Temple has established a red-clothed organization, and correspondingly, there is a white-clothed organization.

These two big organizations, one kills ghosts and beasts, and the other kills dark criminals.

As a result, the Holy Spirit Temple itself is still using ghosts and beasts to strip their abilities and "parasitic" them to the spiritual masters?

What is the difference between this method and the cruel ghosts and beasts they call?

"No wonder..."

Xu Xiaoshou thought a lot for a while.

He recalled what he said when Caramel Candy was handed over to his ghost and beast contract in the White Cave.

I also thought of why Ba Zunji, a person who looked very decent, became the head of the dark forces, and it was bound to subvert the rule of the Holy Temple.

In the same way, the "Prison Cage" of Lao Sang's "Prisoner's Cage" in Tiansang Linggong's apprenticeship has become more transparent and white when he wants to come here.

"When a stone is thrown into the lake, the ripples in the lake, are the ripples in the lake itself, or does it have to ripple as the sky is watching?"

Same goes for this…

"When this side of the sky that is trapping the world is also pierced, is it because people will conquer the sky, or is it that there is a sky outside the sky, and what you see after going against the sky is just what the sky outside the sky wants to show you?"

"The truth that I tried my best to break" and "The self-righteous truth that I tried my best to break is actually just another layer of lies given by the person behind the scenes", the two are completely different.

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't calm down from Vigil's words.

He thought about everything in the past of the Holy Spirit Temple again.

It is undeniable that the strongest force in such a continent, the protection it brings to all spiritual masters and all ordinary people in the five regions is extremely powerful.

Without them, I'm afraid the world would be a mess.

Dark forces from all sides are rampant, ghosts and beasts are rising together, fighting for power and profits, people are struggling to live... All these can be imagined.

Therefore, from the perspective of vigil, to apply Lao Sang's "cage theory", what he sees now, and what he is questioning, whether the Holy Spirit Temple itself has its own set of rhetoric.

Perhaps, this most righteous Holy Spirit Temple also has an unspeakable secret that belongs to them?

Xu Xiaoshou has been confused by the world pattern of nested and wrapped chess games, and he can't believe what anyone said.

Eight Zun knows his words.

In terms of the Holy Temple, they also have their own ideas.

Both sides insist on their own words, they are very "just" and "radical", but they are very "reasonable".

"Battle of the Great Road..."

Xu Xiaoshou thought of this long-lost word.

Perhaps what everyone is fighting for is the so-called right to write history?

Answer... Back to the words of the vigil, Xu Xiaoshou thought about it and felt that compared to the vigil that was completely just before, the speech has become calmer, but the vigil full of ill-will is more dangerous.

"How do you want to find the answer... Or, how do you do it?" Xu Xiaoshou thought about his words, and then added, "I mean, what are you going to do next?"

Watching the night silently raised his eyes and looked at the thunder calamity descending from the sky. After resisting for a while, there was only slight damage to his body. He smiled and said, "Overcome the thunder calamity."

Xu Xiaoshou was once again choked to the point that his skin was torn apart, and he grimaced in pain.

He thought that it might be Lei Jie's anger. It found that two people in the deep sea were ignoring it for a conversation, so the thunder that fell, one was stronger than the other.

"What about after the thunder calamity?" Xu Xiaoshou asked again.

He compared the vigil with his performance under the thunder calamity, and felt that the vigil in the current state may have a 70% probability of being able to survive the thunder calamity.

- As long as no other accident occurs.

"One step, one step." Watching the night watch Xu Xiaoshou's **** appearance, some did not understand why this guy insisted on talking to himself in the thunder tribulation.

Everything, let's talk about it after the thunder tribulation is over, can't we?

In the face of other people, the vigil in the current state may hide, fight back, and kill people.

But in the face of Xu Xiaoshou, he kept vigil, never!

"..." Xu Xiaoshou was silent.

He heard a strong determination in the vigil's words.

This self-confidence, as well as the degree of certainty, is different from when he is in red.

At that time, the vigil was just following orders; now, he seems to have a very precise goal, and for this, he may go to the other extreme.

How about a red-clothed man who firmly believed in justice and light, in a thunder calamity, he was inexplicably smashed into a ghost and beast host that he hated the most in his life.

Even now, the vigil was peaceful.

But whether Xu Xiaoshou is completely "perverted" in his heart, he can get a positive conclusion when he thinks about it with his toes.

The calmer the vigil, the more uneasy he felt in his heart!

"How can it be called 'one step, one step'?"

Even knowing that he "breaks the casserole and asks to the end" will make people feel very unhappy, because the vigil is already talking about it, and he doesn't plan to respond directly to himself.

However, Xu Xiaoshou still asked firmly.

The vigil was still calm, and there was no trace of impatience in the eyes hidden under the ghost.

On the contrary, he said slightly jokingly: "In the words of the Holy Spirit Temple, it is 'Forge ahead, forge ahead'."

Xu Xiaoshou: "…"

Good hand kicking the ball.

But the more Vigil can endure, the more he can make progress.

"How should I understand this sentence full of justice and passion?" Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were burning, Lei Jie's skin was tearing open, and his blood was burning.

Vigil smiled: "In order to answer, I will do anything."


Another thunder calamity struck, causing Xu Xiaoshou's head to bleed, and his heart skipping a beat.

play hard…

How can someone say that word so calmly?

If it was elsewhere, when, or someone else, Xu Xiaoshou really thought that the other party was joking.

But in the vigil at this moment, there is not even the slightest hint of a joke in the words, and it is full of seriousness.

"Should I say it or not, you look like an evil big boss who is about to blacken..."

After all, Xu Xiaoshou still couldn't say the spit words in his heart, but at this time, he felt that Vigil was very much like some of the protagonists of Heavenly Dao in this novel that he had read in his previous life.

Endured hardships, deceived, tortured...

Under the catastrophe, his identity changed completely, he turned into the ruler of the dark world, and began to call for wind and rain.

But the most suitable thing is that the vigil itself is still dark...

"Perhaps the best way now is to bring him to an end, to stifle the danger that may endanger the mainland in the future?" Xu Xiaoshou shook his head with all his thoughts.

Think far!

What is this all about!

With the mentality before the vigil, even if it has become like this now, it will not become the extremist in his imagination, right?

But just in case, Xu Xiaoshou still asked, "What's your position now?"

The words of the vigil just now were all "their holy temple", "in their words"...

Obviously, after becoming like this, Vigil doesn't seem to plan to stay in red.

"Neutral." Vigil replied calmly.

After a pause, he smiled again: "Don't worry, no matter what happens in the end, this old man will never be your enemy."

"Why?" Xu Xiaoshou didn't believe it. He felt that he would go on according to Vigil's thinking. Maybe in the end, he and himself could stand in a state of hostility.

"Why did you come?" Vigil asked.

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned for a while, speechless.

Vigil said with a smile: "This old man has met Rao Yaoyao under the deep sea, but even she has never given me even the lowest-level ninth-grade or eighth-grade medicinal herbs."

Xu Xiaoshou was embarrassed for a while: "I only have these left, I don't have any high-level medicinal pills..."

"The old man doesn't mean to blame." Vigil laughed. "On the contrary, I am very grateful to you. I am even more grateful that you can come back to see me for the second time. The difference is..."

The roar of thunder and calamity descended again, and the words of the vigil were stopped for a while.

After a pause, he changed into a sarcastic tone and said:

"The old man begged her out of his mouth, begging shamelessly, and asked her to save me.

"Even in the words, it was pointed out that I already knew the secrets of the Holy Spirit Temple, with the intention of either not saving me or killing me...

"However, she hesitated again.

"Either she chose to save me at that time, or she directly killed me at that time.

"But in the end, she just remained indifferent, turned around and left, handing over my life to this deep sea..."

Vigil sighed and laughed: "I think she made a wrong decision again, and she was not decisive in killing. She can't even match the fur of Moonless Sword Immortal."

Xu Xiaoshou responded silently again.

In the calm words of the vigil, he could hear great resentment.

This should not only be a resentment against Rao Yaoyao, but also mixed with all the bad emotions about the nature of the incident after the vigil has become like this at this moment.


Lei Jie froze again.

Xu Xiaoshou felt a little unable to resist.

The power of Vigil's innate attributes, as well as his own slashing background, are inherently powerful.

This time, it has transformed into a ghost and beast host, causing the Nine Dead Thunder Tribulation to be basically unable to cause substantial damage after being weakened by the deep sea.

But this is because the vigil has become stronger, which does not mean that Lei Jie is weakening.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't know how many thunder tribulations this was, but he felt that if he did it a few more times, he might be choked to death on the spot.

"You should go."

Vigil saw the dilemma of the young man on the opposite side and smiled: "I don't know why you insist on talking to me in this thunder disaster, but there is a promise to give you."

"What promise?"

"I will leave the red shirt, and from now on, I will no longer be obsessed with taking you, no matter what the next path is, as long as you need me, I will be there for you."

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

Vigil suddenly dispelled the ghost energy around him, revealing his body covered with black feathers and the broken dark night wings behind him. He bowed slightly and said sincerely:


"Thank you..." Xu Xiaoshou was overwhelmed by such solemn thanks, and said in a hurry, "I'm just..."

"It's just for you, but for me, it's very helpful." Vigil straightened up and said with a smile, "Even if it's just a jar of honey, or just a word from you."

Boom and thunder again.

Xu Xiaoshou was bombarded with festering limbs, and his body flew out.

"It's time for you to go." Watching Ye waved his hand, "It's already the 107th Thunder Tribulation, and after another one, the Thunder Tribulation will undergo a qualitative change. At that time, no matter how strong your means are, the mere grandmaster realm may really be destroyed by one. Thunder struck."

Are you kicking people off?

Xu Xiaoshou felt that there were still too many questions to ask.

But with the promise of the vigil, he felt that there might be a chance for the two sides to meet in the future.

"I understand."

He turned around and was about to leave, but at this time, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly thought of something.

In his impression, when he first stepped into this thunder tribulation, he sensed the power of two calamities, one strong and one weak, which meant that there should be two robbers here.

The vigil is in excellent condition.

Thinking of it this way, he should have the ability to help another robbery transcendence.

Because this may be his former companion, if it has nothing to do with the upper levels of the Holy Temple, the friendship of his comrades in arms should allow Vigil to help, right?

But after so long, Xu Xiaoshou did not see any outsider in his "perception", not even a corpse.


After hesitating for a while, Xu Xiaoshou thought of the back of the other party who was drinking drugs when he first saw Vigil.

Can those low-grade red gold liquid and spirit refining liquid last until this time?

Shouldn't it be used up sooner?

And there are…

The last and most important question, Xu Xiaoshou hadn't asked yet.

It stands to reason that under the nine-death thunder calamity, Vigil should be like everyone else, with all limbs cut off and a state of malaise.

Just becoming a ghost and beast host, can it bring such a strong effect? To make a vigil in the midst of the Nine Deaths and Thunder Tribulation, like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard?

If the power of ghosts and beasts can be homogenized into the power of Taixu, it should also be suppressed by the forbidden enchantment, so it cannot be used under the deep sea, right?

Watching the night, how can you suddenly get out of the sluggish state of other robbers, and exaggerate to have such delicate skin?

Before you came, what else happened here?

Staring at Vigil's incomparably smooth face, Xu Xiaoshou's voice suddenly trembled: "There are still hundreds of thunder tribulations, are you sure you can survive it?"

"Yes." Vigil nodded.

"Where's the medicine pill, do you have any left?"

"No, but it's no longer needed."

"Is there no medicine pill? When did it disappear?" Xu Xiaoshou's voice suddenly increased.

Vigil's words were stagnant, and he raised his eyes to look straight. After pondering for a while, he didn't hide it, and replied, "It was exhausted a long time ago."

Xu Xiaoshou's heart beat suddenly, and the hand holding the double sword trembled even more.

"What about the talent?

"what are you eating?"

Silence spreads in the deep sea.

The answer this time, the vigil dragged on for too long.

In the face of Xu Xiaoshou's previous questions, he answered truthfully in the end even though he was in the lake, but this question asked his pain point.

"Sorry, I have to live..."

With a bang, UU read www.uukanshu. The 108th thunder of com illuminated the darkness under the deep sea and cut off the subsequent words.

While Xu Xiaoshou was battered and bruised all over, Lei Jie even more vividly contrasted the ghostly dark aura of Vigil.


After another thunderstorm, the vigil quickly recovered, almost unscathed!

This state is too strong!

Xu Xiaoshou was shocked and angry, holding his sword, he shouted in disbelief, "Watch the night, are you..."

The voice is not finished.


A splendid and holy force of Taixu burst out from Vigil, and was "polluted" into black in an instant.

The black aura of righteousness wrapped the sluggish Xu Xiaoshou in an instant and threw it out of the bombardment range of the thunder tribulation.

"You really have to go...

"The next thunder tribulation, you can't bear it together..."

Vigil murmured in a low voice, raising his eyes to look at the top of the deep sea, as if he had sensed the 109th lightning calamity that had undergone an instant qualitative change.

But he didn't care, his eyes narrowed, looking at the direction where Xu Xiaoshou was thrown flying, his voice sank, and it was as deep and deep as if it came from Jiuyou hell.

"Also, I forgot to mention...

"The vigil is dead, starting today, call me Night!"

PS: The detailed process of the blackening of the vigil will not appear in the text. After all, the blackening is exciting, but it is still a bit more **** and violent in nature, and I am afraid of being blocked. But it's not that I don't write it, just add it and write it as an extra. I want to read the official account, search my name, and stay up late to eat apples.

Hey, this last sentence should say so...

My name, stay up all night and eat apples!

Puchi, what a second year...

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